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Everything posted by valk1j

  1. Mr March, I was wondering if you might think of adding this pic to M3. It is very hard to find and would be nice to see it archived somewhere.
  2. Here is your answer. http://macross.anime.net//mecha/non_studio...wxa1/index.html
  3. Best Hi-res I have of the SW-XA1 battroid and a colored pic.
  4. More news. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2007-...for-new-macross
  5. There is no dub of Macross 7. The best set for Macross 7 are these by FX: http://www.discountanimedvd.com/detail.asp...ateName=Macross http://www.discountanimedvd.com/detail.asp...ateName=Macross Macross II the Movie is the same as Macross II Lovers Again, there is no difference the Movie just puts each episode together. Macross II is not part of the Macross continuity it is an alternate universe of Macross. Macross continuity: Macross Zero : 5 episode OVA SDF Macross : 36 episode TV series Macross Flashback 2012 : 30 minute OVA music compilation with about 5 minutes of new footage Macross Do You Remember Love? : 2 hour movie that takes place in the Macross universe c.2031 Macross Plus: 4 episode OVA and 2 hour movie with added footage and re-arranged scenes for better flow in movie format, some scenes from OVA are removed. Macross 7 : 49 episode TV series Macross 7 Encore : 3 sort of missing episodes from series - they take place during the series Macross 7 Movie : 1/2 hour movie - OVA type animation but takes place during the series as well Macross 7 Dynamite : 4 episode OVA that takes place a year after the events in the above series All the Macross 7 stuff above is included in the 2 sets that i linked.
  6. My favorite pose from the same episode. I hope Yamato finally makes the TV Max VF-1A.
  7. Here you go, I hate the design though. Link
  8. Those who saw the Transformers movie, what did you think of the trailer for the untitled movie due out next year? This thing is about as secret as they come at this point. It looks interesting thats for sure. Cloverfield
  9. Very interesting stuff. The information about the trinities, is new to me. I did not like the RT version at all, hated it when I was a kid and tried to watch it as an adult and still hated it. I've never seen SDC Southern Cross but if I find it cheap I'll pick it up. Too bad about the subtitle problem and video issue.
  10. Interesting list, should we add Tommy Yune to it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_peopl..._have_been_pied
  11. Khyron_Prime? http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showuser=2180
  12. You can watch Macross Zero here. Anime Episodes The subtitles are much better than the bootlegs.
  13. Thanks for the scans Graham. I'm liking the fighter design, the battroid could be good, but it is tough to judge on theses pics. I'm seeing a little of the YF-23 Black Widow II in the the rear of this fighter.
  14. Here you go, even a trailer to go with it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIKFle5sXDM...ted&search= J/K, trying to relieve a little bit of anger at the possibility of school kids in valks.
  15. I've got a bad feeling about this. I really hope this isn't some 14 year old twerp piloting a garishly painted valk with a sword.
  16. That is one sweet job and I would love to see more.
  17. The new Macross better not have fairies or monsters in it. If it does then I'm done with Macross, because IMO Macross will be nothing but anime for 8 year olds if that is the trend. Macross 7 had enough of that stuff. Cute fairy, CUTE Fairy, CUTE FAIRY, no no no no. If I want to see a cute fairy I'll watch hentai.
  18. I thought Kawamori was only doing mechanical designs, not directing or writing for Kissdum.
  19. New tidbit of information. 4-19-07 (8:17PM EDT)---- New Macross To Be Announced This Summer At this year's Tokyo International Anime Fair 2007 a Satelight representative told ANS the latest Macross anime will be announced this summer. The next Macross idol heroine has been selected through the Victor Vocal And Voice Audition and will be announced at the same time. http://www.animenewsservice.com/
  20. Any Robotech questions should be asked in the Anime or Sci-fi forum. As for Macross, the Duke gave a good place to start for all your Macross needs.
  21. I love the work you are doing this is a great resource for Macross fans. The colored lineart really brings out the details of these variables. I was so happy to see the VF-11, it is starting to be my favored VF. I do have a small nitpick with the Mac 7 VF-11, the lineart you used is of the VF-11B. The VF-11C has a different looking heatshield, and markings on the legs. Also the VF-11C gunpod is much different then the VF-11B's gunpod. Not just the bayonet removed. Still though the work and effort that this must take shows, and I can't wait to see more. I may know to much about macross lineart, valk1j needs to get out of the house http://un-spacy-qmtdb.com/uns/variable_mecha/gu_13.gif http://un-spacy-qmtdb.com/uns/variable_mec...lt_vf_11c_1.gif
  22. I've always felt that a live action Macross Plus could be done. There is not a lot of characters to develop, not many CGI models to make, and no large scale combat to show. Macross Plus would cost less to make then the new Transformers film. A 2 1/2 hour film could easily tell the story and leave in all the elements from the OVA and movie. If it was successful then make SDF Macross, as a trilogy ala LOTR. The producers could bridge off the armistice ceremony from Macross Plus, and say here is the story of what that was about, and how we got to this point.
  23. I can't wait.... Bomba!!!!!
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