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Everything posted by valk1j

  1. That would be a dream come true.
  2. The only VF-1 Jetfire in animation that I know of: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHJtwmt9JAU
  3. Fixed image
  4. Some that I got
  5. I guess the lobotomy was not a success for Roy Focker I think we may have to keep him away from RT: Sentinels, or he may not be able to contain himself.
  6. This should answer your question right here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=27656 I believe it shows that most people here believe it is above average. Macross 7 is fine, not my favorite but it does not suck.
  7. The quality was exactly what I expected. I just wanted something I could watch on my TV. The subbed episodes I downloaded, I have no way of putting them to DVD (computer is old POS). So yeah griping about picture quality on a boot is a little much. As I said episode 7 is the worst, the other episodes seem OK, they don't look any worse then old Robotech DVD's for picture quality. The subs are not that bad either, so I am actually happy with having a real cheap version of MacrossF on DVD for the time being until everything is released.
  8. I think I have this same set. It comes with the OST 1 music CD. I found that the picture quality really drops off for episode 7. However the second disc the quality went back up. I didn't really notice a serious drop in quality for episode 5. I haven't watched the third disc yet so I can't comment on the picture quality for that. Overall the episodes are a little washed out but they are bearable. The subs so far are not that bad.
  9. valk1j

    yamato's next move

    VF-17 needs to be made, it is possible from the VF-X license. Two heads (D and S) to make a couple of releases, its easy transformation would make a very durable toy. That this valkyrie has not been made is astounding.
  10. This is looking like it may be a purchase, and I said I wasn't going to, the more pics I see, the more I want it. The tampo may have sealed the deal for me.
  11. This line is looking nice, I really do not mind the partsforming for a 1/100 scale. edit: just noticed promethuem5 is from Albany, NY, good to see another person from Smalbany.
  12. I bow down to the greatness that is Mr. March and his awesome M3 site. Another great update. I love the size comparison charts. One little thing I noticed, the flaps on the back of the VF-19 shoulders you have colored green on the battroid but they are red on the fighter. M3 - The best resource of Macross lineart on the world wide web.
  13. Happy Anniversary Macross World, can't wait to see the updates. Many thanks to Shawn and Graham
  14. Watching Macross F feels like when I watched Robotech back in '85, I couldn't wait until the next episode. I love the anticipation, everything Macross until now, I have seen right away. I feel like a kid again.....well as some one in their 30's could feel like a kid.
  15. You are alone in this...you must watch Macross F now .. stop holding out.. it is not good for you....you will be assimilated..!!
  16. If you stretched Shadow Chronicles to 26 episodes it would be stick figures with big breasts and flashing lights.
  17. Nice we finally get to see the battroids from the back, better shots of the heads, awesome stuff.
  18. I was starting to wonder if Egan had stopped the Compendium, kept checking and the last update was in late 2006, with Macross F coming out I was sure some update was in order, but nothing, then all of a sudden this - awesome.
  19. I really like your work on this. My question is what are your plans for this when finished. MacrossWorld member exclusive purchase would be nice.
  20. Sad, a good actor gone. Reminds me a lot of Brandon Lee, the Crow would have made him a star, Heath already was near stardom but not well known as of yet (until now), The Dark Knight may have changed all that. RIP Heath.
  21. How far did you look into the older posts Zinjo. There are downloads for every episode of Macross, Macross 7, Macross Zero, Macross Plus, DYRL?, Flashback 2012, Macross II, Mospeada, and pretty much every Macross game available. It even includes the ADV Macross, and the Animeigo Macross. It seems to me you only looked at the first page.
  22. More information from Anime News Network AnimeNewsNetwork Interesting story info. I like the VF-25 and I am warming up to the pilot school idea.
  23. Cannon fodder VF-1J with FAST Packs.
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