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Everything posted by valk1j

  1. No I don't think they should re-do the whole series, we do have DYRL for better animation with the same characters. I would like to see a side story OAV that takes place during Space War 1. They could re-animate or re-visualize certain scenes from SDF Macross in that.
  2. Got to go with the valks. When watching RT, I always wanted the toys. I didn't see SDF Macross until much later, now I would say the whole story captivates me.
  3. DYRL for me. Its the icing on the cake after watching SDF Macross.
  4. I agree, Roy vs. DD was great. I love the SV-51 poking its head up to find Roy.
  5. It was kind of an educated guess, thats why I put the edit in that it might have been Genesis of the Daleks. I couldn't place the uniforms. You almost had me rewatching the tapes. Give me another try and maybe I'll do better than putting down 2 possible stories. I'm hearing March for the new show, but rumors persist of Christmas day this year.
  6. It must be kismit because I was channel hopping last night trying to get to bed and I saw that same thing, Doctor Who the 1996 movie on Starz Mystery. It also answered some of my questions in that Spielburg had nothing to do with it as his name was nowhere on the credits, it appeared to be a 100% British made piece even though 99% of the cast was American and it took place in America and yes Sylvester McCoy was replaced by McGann. Another interesting tidbit that I totally forgot was that they brought back and then killed off (for the umpteeth time) the Master. Eric Roberts as the Master = horrible. The movie hopefully is dropped from the continuity. The half human thing was beyond lame.
  7. I'll take a stab and say the pic comes from Ressurection of the Daleks. Maybe Genesis.
  8. From what I am hearing this new Dr. will be the 9th. Thus the Paul McGann Doctor will be official, they haven't said if he will be around for a regen. sequence. BBC is saying that this Doctor has the history of all the incarnations, so I'm led to believe that the movie is part of the continuity.
  9. I thought it was probably the Daleks you were talking about. I believe an agreement has been made between BBC and Terry Nation's family. The new series is going to have a dalek episode at somepoint. Tom Baker is my favorite as well, he was the first I saw. I love the Key to Time stories. If I remember correctly those NBC shows were just each episode, took forever to finish a story. At the same time tho local public television station was playing the complete stories without the beginning/ending wraps. Peter Davison usually gets a bad rap, but I like a lot of his stories, and felt his performances with the Master hearken back to the Pertwee days. Colin Baker never got around to showing what his Doctor could be. Trial of a Timelord started showing something. They say that the new show is going to be like the Hinchcliffe seasons and have a gothic feel to it. I love those episodes.
  10. Hey, don't feel bad. I have almost every paperback novel put out save for the newer ones, and have recorded almost every episode from Hartnell's era on up to McCoy's incarnation. And I am probably the only MW'er who has written a novel (as stated above) about the Doctor which has been summarily shot down by the publishing company who holds the license because I could not get copyright permission to use a certain character. I've even got a model of a Dalek somewhere around my basement. I will have to dig it up and take a picture of it. Yeah, I've got a bunch of the novels too. I even have the old FASA RPG. What character are you talking about? I would love to see that dalek model.
  11. I'm a certifiable Dr. Who geek, so I've known about this since it was announced. I'm waiting to find out which cable network is going to pick it up or if it will be syndicated in the U.S.. By the way I have every Dr. Who episode from the 4th Dr. to the end of the series on VHS, thats how geeky I am. Oh, for a mainstream film that the new Doctor was in, check The Others, he was Nicole Kidman's husband.
  12. So that is why I haven't seen that many M7 fans around... Hey I don't remember seeing an M7 fan on that caloric intake graph you posted in another thread awhile back. You must have one upset stomach after that meal. Welcome aboard linxCrossq.
  13. Really? Any links? From lurking on RT.com and RDF HQ it looks like the sixth sense thing comes from Animation Magazine. It states that it will prolong Robotech's shelf life, whatever that means. There is some new info in this months Newtype about the series, haven't seen it though.
  14. There has been talk of a Sixth Sense like plot twist in this Robotech project. Hopefully that plot twist takes Macross out of Robotech and just leaves Southern Cross and Mospeada. All records of Macross in RT are gone.
  15. I think I'll be breaking out some alcohol to watch this one. I'll probably understand it better
  16. I second that opinion. Somebody explain how this happens.
  17. I'll have to see it myself, but this doesn't look good.
  18. Ya know AgentONE....you sure go out of your way to be an ass Why the unchecked agression man? I have always been nice to the border jumping crimson satan. You busted on his favorite mecha from Southern Cross in another thread. Next he'll challenge you to a pose down
  19. I think VF-18S Hornet just wanted AlphaHX to go through a lot of work.
  20. AlphaHX, I don't have the other ones. Possibly lost them when I re-did my computer a few months back.
  21. Didn't you know, HG is using M7, Love, Live, Alive, SDF:Macross, Mospeada, Southern Cross, and DYRL. They put them all together, re-dub, new Reba West songs, and there you have it: Shadow Force. I hope your drinking a lot of water...
  22. I'm going to have to look around to see if I have the others. Getting late now.
  23. Battroid
  24. Introducing the new Ford Riley. Complete with 8-track player!
  25. I agree. They'll probably have something along the lines of that gamma fighter they showed a long time ago. New cyclones are pretty easy as well.
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