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Everything posted by valk1j

  1. 11m is the length for Gerwalk mode, the fighter is 14.23m long. Still small compared to real world fighters.
  2. I know this, considering that response was in reaction to me asking about that point Actually they said it might be a combination, but I'm guessing that primarily they'll rely upon HG to do most of the grunt work artwise, which means it's the trading card set all over again Cyc That's funny, I just breeze through the forums on RT.com. So I guess you've been told twice. New artwork by good artists for these cards would be great, but I guess that is to much to ask. No Mospeada art = no sale.
  3. One of the guys from the company that is doing the cards said they may have to rely on the screen caps for the art. He said so in the RT.com forums. I would buy for new art from Mospeada (New Gen) if it was good.
  4. Using Magic the Gathering terms with a guess on how the this new game is played. For example - tap 5 lands to summon something into play.
  5. Fill in the blanks...
  6. I tap 5 protoculture and summon Rick Hunter.
  7. There is also another fight between Isamu and Guld in the OVA's. I say you need both the movie & the OVA to get the full feeling of Mac+. I agree with AgentONE though, the movie is superior.
  8. Okay Valk1J were the clips and music video's password protected I tried to download but cannot get through beacause I need a password. They are password protected. It says so at the top of the page. Click on the corresponding screenshot to start download. Thanks to all the folks who supplied the clips. I compiled this collection of clips by spending hours and hours scouting the web, so please do not link to my clips from your webpage. To prevent this abuse of my webspace all the archives are now password-protected. The password is www.unspacy.de This is copied from the site. This is not my site Just a good site I found.
  9. Yes that's the Alaska Base VF-1A and the grey VF-1J is supposed to represent the VF-1J that Hikaru is seen training in while becoming a fighter pilot. Although, I think that GREY is an incorrect color. I've always thought that the VF-1J he flew was a BROWN cannon fodder 1J with some color loss due the age of the animation. Maybe I'll have to view that episode again to see if I'm right. Hey, can anyone get a screen capture of the 1J trainer? This the picture you want.
  10. Gakken rules! I love these toys, with a little work they can look great. I'm still in the process of repairing my red Legioss, so custom pics are helping me to decide what to do when I'm done fixing the thing. How did you do the torso?
  11. The hoards of blind L. Ron Hubbard fans couldn't push Battlefield Earth to blockbuster status ... despite the fact that Hubbard fandom, for some, is supposedly a deeply religious experience Even Scientology can't save a bad movie.
  12. Go to UNSpacy It has a lot of cool videos. Link Fixed, sorry
  13. The OVA is pretty tame in comparison to the movie. It sounds like you saw the movie years ago. The movie has more blood in it and has the scene with Guld avoiding the missiles. The movie also has the bed scene with Isamu and Lucy in it. The DVD's you currently have may not be edited.
  14. If they ever do live action Macross, I think they should start out with a M+ movie. This project could easily be done in a two hour movie and not break the bank like SDF Macross would. M+ stands on its own with out SDF Macross, has a broader appeal, and easier, less ambitious story to tell in a limited running time. SDF would have to be done in at least 2 three hour movies. If it does good, then do SDF Macross.
  15. I would love to see this anime. Loved these designs when I was into Battletech.
  16. valk1j

    Fast Pack yf-19

    A VF-19A seems like a possibility as Yamato still has the license for VFX2, or we wouldn't have a VB-6 Monster. That isn't my favorite color, but it may be as close as we get to a variable 19.
  17. I heard they are using some of the same actors from the old series, so they are in the union now. Same voices and acting ability=no better in my opinion.
  18. valk1j

    Fast Pack yf-19

    Is it possible that Yamato no longer has the toy license for M+. Don't these licenses usually only last for a few years? Maybe we'll see a VF-19A FP instead of a YF-19. If they do it right I would buy it.
  19. Yeah, the more girls the better Oh wait.... I can't go, damn east coast
  20. Moving Enterprise to Friday night was UPN killing the show themselves. The key demographic of males 18-34, does not watch TV during this time. They go out on the town and hang out with friends. I like Enterprise, but have not seen the show in a long time. First I keep forgetting it's on, second I'm usually not home. Ratings were already bad, Friday just probably killed them.
  21. Never seen it, but have heard many references to it. On topic, I voted yes, if marketed right, and with some new animation to fill in some of the story gaps. I think a release of Macross Plus the movie first would help. Then I think people would go and see DYRL. Kind of like the original Star Wars trilogy. Then market DYRL as a prequel of sorts.
  22. Funny review, I really like The Manos: Hands of Fate reference. Plus a good warning about Macross 7.
  23. Laserstorm, if you are still deciding between Yamato 1/60, Bandai 1/55, and Toynami 1/55, go with the Yamato 1/60. It looks the best compared with the other two. You already stated you don't like the looks of the Bandai. The Toynami doesn't look much better and the quality is suspect. I must add that the Yamato 1/48 is the best of the bunch.
  24. Macross tops Debbie Does Dallas Wait that doesn't sound right
  25. I hope your right about this, that would be cool. I want them to hold out and release a 1/60 version of the VF-0. By the way what was said in that interview piece at the end of Episode 5, did the voice actors mention anything about a movie version.
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