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Everything posted by valk1j

  1. What costumes are you referring to? Here is something else.
  2. The cake, for those who don't remember. Why do I have a picture of this?
  3. Yeah the Manga DVD lacks picture quality compared to the OVA, it isn't to bad. I do like the sound better than the OVA. It is also much brighter looking.
  4. This may help.
  5. It probably doesn't exist or he will send you an empty box, or a broken one.
  6. When Shadow Chronicles was first announced, I was pretty much dismissing it as another unfinished HG attempt to revitalize Robotech. I now believe it is going to happen, and am starting to see that they are putting some effort behind it. I will probably try and watch it when it comes out. If it sucks then maybe that will be the end of RT.
  7. Agent One I would rethink that porno, because whatever hole she pushed MGREXX out of - you don't want any part of.
  8. This topic was not created to lurk for trouble. I just simply wanted to know what you MW guys would do if you had no more Macross. p.s. Exo, get a life. I am tired of you following me around everywhere I go and egging me, just wanting to piss me off. You already know the answer - it would suck. Admit you are looking for a fight. Anyone who starts this type of thread is looking to start trouble. You got your wish - now go away.
  9. No one wants him. He loves this sort of thing. He thinks somehow he can beat a message board like it is some sort of game.
  10. Don't warn them. I need the world peaceful, my Earth takeover plan depends on it. I need tree huggers, PETA members, and anti-gun activists. I have been slowley making the youth of the world weak. I have unleashed sissy cartoons on them, where everything has an easy resolution. I have weakened them with the likes of Macross 7, it will make them believe they can sing their way out of confrontation. Don't ruin my years of hard work. I was the one who got toy guns pulled from stores (unless it was bright orange or green). I need a bunch of weaklings to make my plan work. Oh, screw it.
  11. Same here and don`t forget Starscream`s voice actor I heard the Starscream voice actor is deceased.
  12. valk1j

    macross lineart

    Another X-9 view.
  13. valk1j

    macross lineart

    Another view of the X-9.
  14. I would actually like to see JBL win. Every time I see Cena, I can't help but think Vanilla Ice. The only match on this card I want to see is Angle vs. HBK. Big Show vs. Akebono - if real, Akebono wins, if written, it will be some sort of draw. The ladder match may be good, but I hope Kane doesn't win. HHH needs to lose and not regain the title until next year.
  15. Awesome, I've been waiting to see this since you mentioned it in another thread. Now I have to buy one of these. Someone needs to do some custom landing gear for all the Bandai Macross 7 mecha.
  16. valk1j

    Palladium Games

    I've been running a Macross d20 game using GoO's d20 mecha for about a year now. I've modified some rules for combat and movement to make the game run more smooth. I think d20 mecha is far better than d20 future for building mecha, especially for mecha based off Macross.
  17. 70,000? Here is an interesting look at the SDF-1 from DYRL, though I don't believe it is official.
  18. valk1j

    macross lineart

    VF-1J fighters with battroids.
  19. valk1j

    Custom VF-17S

    Yes, Milia flew a red VF-17S in one episode of Macross 7. It's a pretty cool episode. I'm actually having a VF-17S toy painted in Millia's colors at the moment. I'll post some pics when it's ready. Graham Can't wait to see that, the 17 needs more love
  20. This valk is fugly. That gunpod is huge compared to the valk.
  21. Why did I read this whole thread? I guess it must be a slow day.
  22. The other thread went real well. Why did you start another one? Delays happen all the time. This thread is on the clock. Edit: spelling
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