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Everything posted by valk1j

  1. Wow, so it was a sample. Listening to this is like pulling stuff from the dark web...lol.
  2. Wondering if there are any members from the Albany NY area around. I used to know 2 on here but haven't seen them around.
  3. Ahhh...working on my RPG for Macross 5E. Finished up the character rules and mecha combat...just having issues with some of the mecha and payloads. One of the players wants to fly a 17 the other a 22. Not a lot of info on either fighter payloads. Think I will just go with your pallet system from your site Sketchley.
  4. Wow...just wow. The YF-21 has art of a micro missiles being loaded but it is near impossible to get a count. My assumption was that the VF-22 would carry the same amount. Wonder if the B-21A can be switched out for a more standard micro missile...some wording out there seems like that is likely. 160 micromissiles sounds like they fold into existence...lol...thanks for the info.
  5. Good to hear its back. Egan's site has been much appreciated for information. There are other sources now but the compendium is the go to for official info. Now I can get back to work on my rpg.....needed VF-31 stats...and it is good to know that I hadn't misremembered that the rail guns were different sizes on the Kairos and Siegfried.
  6. http://macross.anime.net/index.html Macross Compendium went down some days ago..anyone know a reason why? Does it have anything to do with the Big West Harmony Gold agreement, or simply maintenance.
  7. Fixed a couple minor issues but not really happy with the outcome...decided on a different approach and keeping rhe English soundtrack from the OVA. My favorite 2 scenes from the movie actually have very little speaking parts. Audio isn't my best but I may try a remix when I teach myself some new software. It will eventually be good for another project.
  8. Blender for audio and video. Subs not sure yet but that can be any number of software as it is not hard. Not worried about subs yet. 2 seconds of audio and video got rendered that shouldn't have. Screwed the sound up in the fighter testing I took from the OVA, as I hate the music they use in the movie. The rest looked pretty good..tiny 2 frames got left in one scene...ugh...almost not noticeable.
  9. Had some issues with some scenes. The worst problems are Mac+ has an annoying habit of starting the music and sometimes sound effects while many frames of the previous animation are still on screen. Jumping from no music to partial spund effects and music is tough. The vf-11 battle was easy but it gets difficult later on. Having a small audio issue right now...hoping i can fix it...but not ready yet. I cut the opening boardroom scene...Guld berating Isamu would never fly in military setting and Millard wouldnt allow it. Bringing childhood stuff into a boardroom to say a fighter would be wasted on him. The VF11 stunt flying wont work there as Isamu has the booster on until right before he transforms and startles Guld.
  10. I started a rough cut of this. Subtitles are going to be a little hard but not impossible. Hopefully I can render overnight. I probably will have video and audio done...than a cut again and add in subtitles.
  11. Interesting I was thinking the same thing. Off the top of my head - Add below into film 1. Add in OVA VF-11 fight 2. I like the testing montage from OVA better than movie including music. 3. I like the YF-19 coming up on lift and Isamu touching it before taking off. 4. The battroid battle up until Guld shoots the gun. Because of the extra movie scenes - like Isamu and Lucy getting together...I think it needs to be in Japanese. I was going to start compiling a list when I get time to actually make an edit. This should be in the fan works forum. @azrael
  12. Light mode looks good now.
  13. DVD Easter Eggs: (U.S. DVD Box Set, AnimEigo Release) On all volumes of Macross, go to "Settings" then highlight "Subtitles Off/Japanese Audio" and go left. The highlight will disappear. Hit enter and you'll be taken to a test pattern. (U.S. DVD #8) On DVD #8 when the main menu loads up press the "8" button on your DVD remote control and a music video comes on. (U.S. DVD #9) On DVD #9 for MACROSS TV, there is a third audio track with a second subtitle track which is an interview with the creator of MACROSS TV series. It starts on episode 35 and finishes on episode 36. (U.S. DVD #9) On disk nine of the Macross box set there's a hidden slideshow of 52 character and mecha designs. You can access it by going to the settings menu then go to the main menu button and press down and then enter. Sit back and enjoy the slide show. (U.S. DVD Box Set, AnimEigo Release) Go to the settings option menu and you push the down arrow button till you reach the glowing button on the right side of the control stick you get an option to turn off the opening music and video while playing the episodes.
  14. Hi Shawn...see my post...avatars look odd in light theme...like blocked out a little...could be my browser..but dark mode looks fine.
  15. https://m.twitch.tv/videos/985604589 Robotech views on deal.
  16. Interesting that I was just revisiting Macross these last couple months and this happens.
  17. I had a feeling this was what was going to happen. Recent court battles were pointing to an agreement. Kind of a win with concessions..companies fighting snd lost revenue is dumb when an agreement can be hammered out.
  18. I have been playtesting a 5e D&D version of Macross. It works so far. Wish I could publish it...aldo have a Mospeada version
  19. This thread has been very informative on my 5e d&d hack for Macross. Simplified sone things in mecha combat, but am trying some new rules for the variable nature of the fighters. Also working up that pilots can be same class but have different ways of fighting in the fighter and outside of it.
  20. If they revisit the original SDF Macross..i would say no continuation of the original characters...a new story aboard the Megaroad or a retelling of the original series with new animation and mostly keep the original dialogue intact.
  21. RIP little angel.
  22. OK, finally watched the whole series. Really had my hopes high for it. Was a little turned off by the initial episode but decided to go along with it. However I never felt any emotion for this series. I decided to re-watch Macross Frontier again to kind of get the bad taste out of my mouth. Realized the issues with Delta are really multifaceted. 1. Did Satelight's B-team work on this? Seems like it, the Valkyrie animation was boring, and seemed like they were just shooting at nothing. There was no sense of an actual battle sometimes. The valkyries had no weight, just seemed there on the screen. I thought Kawamori wanted air combat in this - where was it? 2. The love triangle was a joke. Seemed tacked on to say we checked that box off. 3. The Chaos group is bad, fail at everything until the end, where the enemy has to help you out to set things right. 4. Windermereans - almost zero development, Cassim was the only one who I had any feeling for at all 5. Secondary characters are flat - Frontier had development for a lot of characters. Michael and Klan (Michael's sister story), Ozma and Kathy, Luca/Nanase, Even small things with Canaria and her son, Leon and Kathy, Ranka and Brera, Sheryl and Grace - there was feeling that these characters were in a real world. Delta felt like the characters were in a bubble. I would write out Raina and Makina and Chuck and his family - too many characters no development. Johnson was a bad character - he needs complete re-write/re-do, he was actually laugh out loud bad (giant size and incompetence). Mikumo - to important to write out, but geez what a let down of a character. On the Windermere side, get rid of the twins, get rid of Herman (mix his character with Cassim), You don't need the king either, have Roid manipulate Heinz from the beginning. 6. Same bad guy master plan as Frontier is terrible writing. 7. Background music was very lacking. When Alto did something major in Frontier the music matched. 8. The story kept going back to the well one to many times...sneak onto a planet, fail, go back to space. 9. How about a Ragna based series, where the Windermereans take over and Chaos has to fight to take it back. 10. Never got the sense that Windermereans did anything, take over a planet? In what way, almost never see any troops, just a couple vid screens of Drakens. 11. The best Walkure songs, were never used during the final battle. Terrible mix of songs in the final episode. 12. Even when we got character development episodes, we jumped around to much, we can't linger on Hayate and Mirage to long, because we have to look and see what other characters are doing. 13. Berger - wtf? use 2 episodes to explain things to the stupid Chaos group, and then not be in the final episode? How does this fly? Will he play a bigger part in a movie? 14. Lady M - saving for a movie? 15. Too much talking heads episodes - really this series could have been done in 16 episodes. I just hope that it makes enough money to warrant new Macross in the near future. I would be OK with a Delta movie, hopefully it will realize the characters better, and have a new story.
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