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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Congratulations...... Can we have WIP shots
  2. Yeah, that's the main problem i'm facing right now. And because of that, i have "spoilt" my Hasegawa YF-21(which is very rare in Singapore ). At first, i thought this was caused by my weak knowledge on handling the Airbrush & Compressor. Then I realized it's due to the missing of water/moisute trapper. Hmmm... okay, some more questions to clear my doubts about this problem... Does all the Water Trapper handles the problem well? What i mean is, is it true that the more expensive one has better prevention against the problem? Or just a simple and cheap Water Trapper WILL prevent any case of moisture condenses in the airbrush from happening? Any recommendation of Water Trapper? is there, by any chances, my cheap(lousy) Compressor is part of the cause too??? 382894[/snapback] Dunno about exp or cheap water trap, as i only own 1 water trap so far just buy a decent water trap for about 100-150SGD for a start to see whether ur problem is solve. Anyway wats ur problem at the first place??? Ur paint work too rough, foggy flat coat or airbrush keep clocking??? Remember one thing, it is a hobby so the more u do the more u realise how u can do better, wat we can do is advice but u need to practice urself. Anyway dun worry about ruin your YF 21, there are plenty around in SG, u can try Sunshine Plaza, Parklane shopping mall and Hobby Point.
  3. O thanks for the suggestions MechTech and daggraa. Actually i have just started airbrushing not long ago. Therefore, i still have lots of doubts regarding airbrushing. i have tried searching the net for information, but all i can find are bits by bits of techniques and tips that are not complete. So i wish i can learn something from u guys here. I'm glad that daggraa live in SG too. Erm... can u explain what's the difference when airbrushing with and without the Water Trapper? What problem does the Water Trapper prevents? How much is it? Does all the Water Trapper able to fits on any compressor, or i have to buy another compressor that a Water Trapper is able to fits on? Ermm... btw should I start a new thread or just continue on this one? Is this off topic??? Again, sorry for so many noob questions 382753[/snapback] No worries man, a water trapper cost about 100+ and it fits into any compressor. It is actually a tube connect to the trapper then out to a AB. (although i am no expert) The theory is to extract the water from the air thus it wont mixed in to ur paint when spraying. it is like mixing paint with water to spray. Anyway is subject to individual but many good modellers i know use water trap. Hopes the above helps
  4. Hi there, I live in SG as well but i guess it would bad for u to airbrush in AC room. But one way u wanna prevent foggy when spraying flat coast, do it under a afternoon sun. the reason why it is foggy is due to slow drying time. As for gloss finish, it will not get foggy unless ur mixture is not even. For mr colour gloss finish u need to use another type of thinner not the norm one(sorry i cant remember which one) If you want to achieve nice paint works u definitely need a water trapper. Hope it help ans ur queries
  5. did u spray ur model kit?
  6. Hi there just wondering wats the proper way to apply water decals.
  7. hi there... i am very impressed with ur work and i must say u r one of the inspiration toi make me start modelling. just a simple que may i know how u create the panel line
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