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Legend of TSXer

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Everything posted by Legend of TSXer

  1. Exactly what I was thinking! Even if this was true. she wouldent evn try to use Freedom Rouge to its best ability.
  2. Ehh I prefer Exo's way of dealing with him. Too bad he aint a mod. Well maybe its better that hes not....
  3. Man I couldent stop laughing when I read "Enemy of the Earth" Id be kinda tempted to buy it. But defenitly not at that price.
  4. Yah....thatll happen here.... Anyways I saw the ep again and I thought how the beam could be bounced off the shield. Kinda made sense. As Azreal said a few posts back, the Impulse's shield uses something similar to the "Geschmeidig Panzer" on Forbiden and also that almost all the time someone uses their shield to block an attack, it hits the shield directly and not on an angle. So with the anti-beam coating shields have and the "Geschmeidig Panzer" like design, the beam could easily bend or be reflected at another angle. Good thing Shin could barely aim with it. The old crew has had their ass handed to them many times, so this wouldn't have been the first. Outside Orb, At Alaska...By Dominion... They were running so they didn't care who was in front of them. Heck, Neumann (Archangel's helmsman) just rolled and went around Minerva. Minerva wasn't expecting that... Yah that was kinda what I was trying to say but I was thinking more of my Shin part of my post. But still it appears from what we saw before the Tanhauser that the AA was barely damaged, atleast in comparison to the Alaska and Entering Orb battles.
  5. Till now?? Are you implying that they are going to make them? Did I miss something?
  6. Yah my quick hunt ended up crappishly. Though I didnt try as hard like for Destiny. Let us know???????
  7. Well considering they were trying ot be covert about it they got out of their MS. And well yah they sucked tryign to kill them. And they escapped into their shelter. so it was pretty much "k screw it back to our MS" kinda thing. But yah I agree, those commandos sucked. Edit: Dmanit I cant seem to spell corectly....
  8. Ok so athrun hasent been really decisive. Maybe because the chairman was trying to control him by telling him things that favored himself. All the time the chairman has been making himself NOT look like an evil person to the whole world. Athrun lost his desiciveness after he had that chat with Kira and Cagali, when he first had his doubts about the chairman. Old seed crew ass handed to them? You mean everyone AA and Athrun right? AA finally fighting a ship that can out gun it and when it only could launch one MS to fight many MS and another Gundam. That one pilot was going out of his way NOT to kill pilots. (by out of his way I mean purposely disabling the MS rather than destroying it) AA was trying ot leave the combat area (like always mind you) but had never had a ship like the Minerva on its tail. Freedom vs Impulse was Kira's fault for losing. But he had never faught a MS that can split up its body and/or order new body parts and "strike packs" so he was a lil overwhelmed and also concerned for AA. Shin was also using simulators to practice against Freedom. Kira really never dealt seriously with Impulse so he didnt have much of a chance to practice on it. So is AA and Atrhun the old Seed crew you were refering to? I speak for myself for the fact of me wanting Shin to die is not because he put down Kira. Athrun stopped Kira once and I didnt want him to die. I want Shin dead because he thinks hes right when it was either his fault that the outcome ended up the way it did or was completely out of his control. Case one: Shin lost his parents on Onogoro Island while trying ot get to the evacuation ship. It was MS crossfire and well someone missed, we dont know, though we think it was the Freedom's shots. But yet instead of accepting it for the way it happened, he blammed Attha for his "not choosing a side" decision. Maybe he doesent see what the circumstances were for ORB or didnt understand them since he was about what...13 or 14 years old? Case two: Shin handed over the very sickly Stellar back to EAF. EAF then turned aorund and used her in their new prototype MS and destroyed ZAFT forces and the cities they were in. In the end Freedom destroyed the Destroy and that ended up killing Stellar. Now if Shin didnt hand back Stellar she wouldent be piloting it and mayeb he would have takin out the Destroy and not cared who the hell the pilot was. But he didnt know either that Neo couldent hold his promise even if he wanted to and Stellar be the pilot of Destroy. He didnt know that. But he was naive enough to believe that Neo would hold up his promise. Maybe his Naiveness comes from his youthfullness. Cant really say but who knows. Sounds rigth to me. Case three: Shin having a grudge against Freedom and evenually defeating it. Well lets ignore its ininvetantly his fault Stellar is the pilot of Destroy. Ok Shin hates Freedom for takin out Destroy and killing Stellar. Destroy was a VERY powerful Mobile suit and was a grave danger to everyone around it. That should be obvious. But Shin was able to calm Stellar down and got thru to her. She stopped the Destroy's movements. She had a lil cute moment with Shin. Than something in her cockpit exploded (most likely some after effect of the Implulses slash to the cockpt area) and got her out of her calm state of mind she was in. She than looked at Freedom and remembered Freedom shot down Neo's windam and she saw it blow up. And she remembered Neo's words that Freedom was formiddable and that everyone would die if she didnt fight. So than she charges up her huge chest guns and thats when Kira attakced the chest guns themselves trying to prevent her form shooting while also trying to destroy or disable the Destroy. He did not go for the cockpit. He saw the Destroy was endanguring the city again and took his chance to nullify it. And Shin ends up blaming her death on Freedom because Kira did the RIGHT thing, but ignores the fact that it was his fault she was there and destroying the Destroy was the right thing to do, even with her in it. Shin tends to ignore or forget about other things at the present time and thinks selfishly. Yes his parents died and yes Stellar died. But he does not see things from a broad point of view (so it seems) and quickly puts the blame on someone or something else, and not himself when it was somewhat his fault too. Shin is in Denial and figths with a rage. He is really the most dangerous pilot to me now. Kind of the way a certain apprentice became the most dangerous person under his master Shin shouldent really die but learn form his mistakes and realize not everything is reallt the way he thinks it is. But I doubt he will ever realize that, and thats why I believe he should DIE! Excuse my bad spelling of BIG words
  9. Ehhh really? Must go on the Hunt.....
  10. Well FAITH members are only under the command of the council and the chairman. So if I remember correctly, the Chairman assigned Athrun to Minerva so he pretty much has to stay there. So it seems. Kinda like the way Hiene was like "I dont kno why the chairman assigned me to the Minerva with this many aces" or whatever he said. I wanna see more FAITH pilots damnit. I nominate whats his face, Yzak, to become one. Hes a good pilot and has a very good war record (both qualifications for FAITH). Dearkka should get one too but uhhhh he kinda defected in the previous war... I hope in the last battle we see more of FAITH
  11. Don't worry about it. Kira will just come back in S-Freedom. "Strike me down and I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine." Most people are hoping for Athrun vs. Shinn/Kira vs. Rey. Once Athrun gets I-Justice, then he can slice and dice Shinn. Muhahahahaha. Yah I kno. I read your spoilers. But still it aggravates me! And I think if I didnt read the spoilers, that I would think Kira died. So when Athrun screamed out "Kira" it didnt have much of an affect on me like it did on Nicol and Hiene. Yah I am hoping for that big tag team match too. Shin will get he what he deserves. But that match seems so obvious. Kira vs Rey because of Kiras anti-funnel abilities. So far in the anime (not sure about Astray) Kira was the only one to take out funnels and defeat a Dragoon-System MS. I want Kira to kill Shin first. Or save Athrun by killing Shin and than Atrhun killing Rey while hes after Kira. Something like that would be nice. I really must stop reading spoilers. Ok I refuse to read spoilers after ep 40
  12. Dam ep 34. I dont think an anime episode has PISSED me off so much in a long long time. Dam Shin and his good moves. Dam the Impulse. Dam Shin again. As pissed as i still am....I still tink this episode was good. Though I hate to admit it, Shin is a really good pilot. ....Im just.....grhrhhrhrhr.....dam Shin....... But on the other hand. Very very good moves by Shin. Well whatever. Cmon next week.....I really want to see Athrun beat da crap outa Shin. I hope he puts Shin in the hospital if he does!
  13. I was kinda getting the feeling Meyrin would help out Athrun. Did anyone else think Luna looks cuter with that lil bandage on her cheek? She looked cuter to me with it on. Erg....hope Athrun gets some kind of good stuff from her before he leaves for AA. I think thats the only reason I dislike him. I dont mind his crappy flying and confusion, but his lack of intrest in Luna annoys me. ugh.....is it Saturday yet?? ep 34........
  14. Saw ep 9 last nite and it was better than 7 and 8. Well atleast I thought so. But theres good news for once.....THEY SAVE PEOPLE! My two favorite parts were 1: in Sirus' dream with him floating and lil mini Apollos telling him he basically sucks. 2: the ending with Apollo. But finally...some progress
  15. So what will he leave the Minerva in? Not the Legend or Destiny or Impulse....or any Zaku.... Hopin to see the Repo-ed Gaia put to some freakin use..... Is the Gaia even on the ship anymore? I kno it had damage to the uhhh abdomen area and lost a beam rifle (I think) so I cant see why Zaft aint putting it back into use. Maybe they dropped it off at a base. Rey was ordered to retrieve it wasent he?
  16. I guess thats a nice way to wrap it up.
  17. Really...? The way I figure it she will probably side with Athrun, but if shes in the Impulse she cant take it to AA. But somehow I still think she will side with Athrun. She has some doubts in Dullindal, when she spied on Athrun and learned of "the real lacus" so I kinda think she will help or save Athrun. Hell maybe she dies doing it......I really hope she doesent
  18. 32 was subbed days ago, you must have missed it somehow. Dear God I missed it........................ I feel even more like a nub....... Gonna cry to sleep now
  19. Is it me or is the subbing of ep 32 takin way longer than usual????? Am I the only one not to see it out yet??? With my luck, in 5 minutes it iwll be out and I will sound like a big impatient dummy. Is there any reason for the delay??? Like all the groups gave up cuz of the bad ratings or crap? Grrrrr.........
  20. Agreed! Still cant get over Shin and his...his...well him being gawd dam SHIN! I cant wait for the day he gets messed up good in his MS.
  21. Honestly I prefer Mahou. But it doesent make much difference to me. Although I wish A1 & Ak would focus on their speedy release of another series before Aquarion. My favorite part of ep 8 was when the two new younger pilots (names I cant remember cuz Im at work) were asking Reika and Pierre for advice about the "first time" Still waiting for Aquarion to save people....
  22. I noticed that the other day and about spit my drink out on my monitor. I had to go check on that myself, and there couldent be a more fitting title than that. I think the PM nomination would work best. I have someone in mind too but no title to think of as good as u guys could make. Either way its a good idea for more cutom titles. The best title I could think of for someone (not the person I would nominate) is "The Defender of Star Trek" or something along that.
  23. So is A1 & Ak ep 8....... it was "ehh" I guess more stuff to complain about but Im too lazy to. U guys can have that fun.
  24. Well how bad have the ratings dropped??? Does anyone have numbers to compare now from the beggening? I must admit that Im bascially getting by month to month with one action ep for that particular month. Well close enough to a month. the story is getting stale to me cuz it is going NOWHERE and fast! Well they got the "Shin is a @$$hole" part good. I hope he falls from grace and FAST! Hes got too much of a big head and hes gonna get mad at Freedom? For stopping an insanely powerful Gundam? It is Shin's fault shes piloting it. Yah EAF would have still used it without her, but than Shin wouldent have really cared if Kira or himself had destroyed Destroy. I havent wanted a character more dead than those two crazy bros from Gundam X. Yuna is high on that list too. Is Shin's popularity doing good at all in Japan? Also, Minerva recovered Gaia right? Whose gonna use that now? Its a perfectly good MS and damnit they should use it. But supposedly everyone on Minerva will get a new Gundam upgrade. Gaia shall be left to colllect dust?? Point, how bad are the ratings?
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