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Legend of TSXer

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Everything posted by Legend of TSXer

  1. Whoa....some people here would lynch u for that! Not me tho. Ive only seen Zeta so I dont know what Im missing...... Hehehe Im for more Cosmic Era
  2. MWu in strike again? noooo!! At least get him his exass! 311955[/snapback] Hehe u mean Find and Sneak onto the Girty Lue (whatever its name is dont matter) and take it back since he has been MIA for a while now.....well with Destiny...still kinda possible Well the Strike was doing good against them. Never knew its beam rifle could be fired as fast as he did that one time he hit those three zakus (the gouf dodged the last shot) and he tryed to fly it around like Freedom. Hey in the hanger with the Strike, what kind of MS were those next to it? Anyone know? I couldent tell.
  3. Well it would be great to animate Astray. But also I would also like to see a ZZ version in the Seed era. Something like Gundam Seed DD (Double Destiny) and obviously after that Athrun's Counter Attack. Hmm also maybe "Return of the Seed" hehe the whole Emporer/Vader opps I mean Chairman/Shin gave me that idea. Of course for that Shin would have to survive all those other possible series..... Heres to hoping they get rid of a certain member of their staff and write up a better story next time!
  4. So how long untill this threads closed......
  5. Is there any Official info on SF use of Coloids other than for the DRAGOON system. Like how Destiny uses it for his Wings and the "Matrix" like moves? When SF first ocmes out he has lil red dots coming out from behind him and when he launched the DRAGOON system the second time he had blueish wings but smaller than Destiny's wings. Anyone else notice? Looks kool!
  6. Yah I also really liked that they used them as turrets on Eternal. It did need more firepower. Maybe since the SF and IJ are advanced enough, they can also use the METEOR units on other Gundams/non-Gundam MS. We shall see tho.
  7. Yah Im not counting on Mahou for fast subbing. But what happened to Anime-One /Anime-Kingdom subs? I kinda tryed to get my friend to apply to be part of Mahou staff in hopes that it might help for Aquarion to be subbed. But my friend is too shy to email them.
  8. Is it me or is no one subbing this show anymore?????? Has it been dropped??? Does anyone know what happened??? Or maybe I am just not seeing it for DL? Anyone got info on this show lately cuz I miss it.
  9. I liked ep 39! THe only thing I didnt like as much was the whole cute scenes with Kira and Lacus while a big battle is going on around the ship. I really dont mind their cute scenes but could Andy hold them off for all that time??
  10. latitude 38.835 38° 50' longitude -77.109 -77° 6' Im there somewhere Alexandria VA
  11. Well Anubis Im bypassing Mobile Suit Gundam. I tryed to watch it a few times. But I honestly couldent. But I got the story pretty much down. And I will probably watch the Movie versions of it. But Ive already spoiled alot of the story for myself since i was so curious. Well whatever Ima catch up on all this. One step at a time. Im just so impatient, I hate waiting for Saturdays...... Ohh and hey I just remembered sumthing kinda pointless but, remember those three Murasame pilots, well I think one of them had Reddish hair with Red tinted sunglasses. Kinda reminded me of Max when I first saw him. And I was hoping he would be the one to slice Chaos....
  12. Theres hope. Athrun leaving Minerva is one. A little too late maybe. But still. And actually I havent seen Zeta yet. *ducks chairs* Hey hey I did just win it on Ebay tho. so hopefully itll be here this week. Well aslong as they dont cut the series short about 10 eps, than I can still live with Destiny.
  13. Well more build up to a Climax with Neo vs Shin would be more possible if the story was actually done your way and shown. Ya know. Add all the kool music and stuff and like mini battles between Shin and Neo maybe. Dunno just sayin from what I read it didnt sound climactic. Though thats ok because you summurized it. Not like we watched your series and know all about it. And dont get me wrong it does sound good. But lets not keep re-writing this. We cant possibly fit it all in here. And I was teasin u bout Cagali...but seriously...would Athrun hook up with Luna? *pokes kalvasflam* say yes.....
  14. Hey IssAC, it looks really good. I hope to see the updates when you put the decals on. And I never really was a big fan of the EW Wing Zero. The wings just annoyed me. But the rest of it was great, just like that you built. Awesome!
  15. sigh...were getting into "what if" situacions. KInda shows us we are really not approving of the current story. Well Duh. Druna Skass has a neat idea. But why cant Mwu be Neo in Kavasflam's story? Just curious why you dont want Mwu back. He was a pretty popular character. Well I guess that would make him the perfect bad-guy for Dullindal to control at the end. But in that story, hes the only main bad guy with a Gundam. Vs pretty much every other charcter. Kira, Athrun, Shin, Rey, Luna, Yzak, and anyone else. Dullindals faction seems kinda weak in the ammount of aces is has. Even though Kira and Athrun would be busy getting to Genesis II, Shin vs Neo is not that climactic. And Kavasflams hatred for Cagali really shows in his story cuz he kills her off early before she just crys.... So in your story, since Cagali dies, Athrun is alone, does he hook up with Lunamaria???
  16. Jeeez....screw it...Athrun and Shin are both wrong and suck and well Cagali is the best pilot! Ok I seriously dont believe my first line that but all this REPEATING is starting to give me a headache.... But on Athruns defense, I will say one thing. To Athrun, he just lost his best friend. HIS BEST FRIEND! Yes its a messed up thing Shin gloated. And if it was any other pilot Im sure Athrun wouldent care or might give him a lil lecture like "ok dont get too cocky and becareful" kinda crap. But Shin KNEW Freedom's pilot was a comrade of Athruns and gloated to his face. And well I pretty much see that as ASKING TO GET HIT! Athrun was trying to be the better person and started walking away but Shin went up to him, being the arrogant s***head that he is and did it. erggg....thats all Ima say about that. Now everyone go ahead and continue to disagree. Its what we do best......
  17. Sweet....maybe he takes Meyrin....
  18. Jeez theres like......8 of them...... In best "Robin" voice: "Jimity jittikers Batman....theres alotta people talkin about you. Wheres the "Robin" threads???"
  19. Yah I was thinkin that too....Gaia wont be a complete waste in his able hands....err hand....
  20. Damnit! That warped logic made m laugh! (no insult its just kinda funny) Im still SICK! But ehhh you have a point......
  21. are you trying to imply something here?? Sure am, I'm saying in a very roundabout way that those three Murasame pilots might be very very good. Even better than.... GASP.... KIRA But I doubt we will ever find out! Kira and Murasame pilots have no point to go against each other and I dont think there will be a reason to, but hey who knows. Maybe you will be....right..... Edit: Need spellcheck button.....
  22. I like Orga! He would shoot at the other two! How bout not bring back Crot! Shani was my favorite!
  23. WRONG, of course she can use the Freedom version of Strike Rouge correctly. All she has to do is cry in the damn thing, there is nothing special about that. The only thing that I think is a bit lacking is the equipment. There should be a big mike in the cockpit with several dozen high powered loud speaker where the Freedom weapons are so she can share her crying with everyone who doesn't currently have a radio turned on. Or better yet... heh heh, her version of Freedom can shot little speaker pods into the enemy and then she can cry their ears out. Crap! kalvasflam, you made me laugh pretty hard and Im sick with a SORE throat. Funny stuff tho. Sweet! If true, looks like his abilities wont go to waste!
  24. Her Seed mode so far sucked! IIRC when she was trying to shoot the nukes at Yachin Due, she shot at them 2 times before she hit one, and also in her Seed mode, Yzak had to come to help her out against Forbidden. Thats if I remembered correctly.
  25. Sweet! Ill prolly end up buying it. Itll probably put a nice hole in my wallet tho
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