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Legend of TSXer

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Everything posted by Legend of TSXer

  1. Hey Azrael, that Akatsuki is 1/144 isnt it? I hope it isnt. I pray for a 1/100 sized one.
  2. I havent played any other FM other than 4. I bought it new for 15 bux and when I asked the store guy why it was so cheap, he said cause it didnt sell well enough. Worked out for me though. I enjoy FM4 alot but I cant really compare it to anything else since it its the only SRPG Ive ever played. I love the Link System. And thank goodness for the Salvage feature from the Radio Back pack. Always savin my mechanic. I cant wait for FM5 and FM Online. I believe the delay for FM5: Scars of War is involving Square Enix trying to Copyright it, but there is another similar pending copyright, Scar Wars, and thats pending due to its similiarity to Star Wars. I read this on some forum I got while Googling FM5 for information. It sounds like fun from what I read and I hope it will come out over here.
  3. HAHAHAHA I just went to see it.
  4. Gawd that was Rick.........
  5. Sigh...seeing all those kits makes me wish for 1/100 Akatsuki.. Atleast 1/100 Legend and IJ
  6. I have FX Gundam Wing Set and its box and DVD covers are excellent. The DVDs are even partly clear on the Wing logo, IIRC. Got on ebay for less than half the official DVD set price. Best boot I have. Havent bought anime ever since I got a new comp that can torrent. Domestic prices.....
  7. Not "The Terminal". Just "Terminal". I even mention the episode #'s where the name appears. Re-watch those episodes and listen for it. 329813[/snapback] Yah I noticed Andy said Terminal in ep 39 and didnt make much sense of it untill I read your "note" but I had no idea they had a small army. Pretty nice. Atleast it wont be AA and Eternal vs ALL of freakin ZAFT.
  8. Hmmm let me check that out.
  9. Ok ep 48.....boring! The only part I really liked was when the AA and Eternal start moving towards each other. The lil cartoon of Jibril and Dullindal was cute!
  10. Kira can probbaly dodge them and Athrun can kick them. I cant wait to see all 4 super Gundams in action. Atleast thats something good that comes from this show.
  11. Ohh pooo....sucks to hear that it did'nt come with a stand. Ohh well. Its still a good kit. *sigh* ....waiting for new kits.....sucks....... And is Shiho the one piloting that MS in the Astray Red promo video? Maybe I got the MS confused but I thought it was that.
  12. That is nice collection. Wish I had alot more time and money to get more.
  13. I ain't much for just posing models, I remember buying a $30 VF-1S Bandai transformable back almost twenty years ago. I started playing around with it, and a piece broke off that required me to permanently fix it into fighter mode. Sad...... 328257[/snapback] Dang sorry about your toy. Well I havent takin the Fins/Funnels of my SF. And my Chaos has gotten no love since I posed it once. So I guess there won't be any new HG 1/100 for a lil while. I hope the wait for the next 1/100 will be worth it
  14. Still disapointed because the subs arent coming out... It kinda be ok if they were a few episodes late, but there like 7 episodes behind? Damnit where is the crying smiley?
  15. When did you order it? Did you get the one with the stand? 327584[/snapback] I ordered in early August. I don't know if mines comes with a stand yet. I'll know in a few days. 327675[/snapback] Ohhh. So total with shipping comes around 45 bucks right? I mean if 2,600 yen is like 23 bux and shipping is 2,400 yen probably 20 or sumthing I guess. Ive never bought from HLJ. Guess maybe yours was backordered. Hope you get the version with stand. I enjoyed making mine Its a good kit. Is there any release date on the next kits? I think there was some news about a Legend kit. I hope they make the Akatsuki in 1/100
  16. When did you order it? Did you get the one with the stand?
  17. Given their track record? Ha ha, that's funny. I wouldn't hire them to assassinate a cow... 327551[/snapback] LOL FUNNY! I can see it now, the assaassins are 10 yards form the cow....one takes the shot and misses Assassin 1- "How could you miss......?" Assassin 2- "It moved...." Assassin 1- "Its a COW!!!!! How could you not hit it!?" Assassin 2- "Hmmm, I dotn know, but how about we try to hit it with our big MS?" Assassin 1- "Good idea..."
  18. Just the RAW episode came out right???? No new subbed episodes????
  19. Obviously Macross is going to be better. Robotech was good and I still appreciate it. Music and voices are still very clear in my memory. Maybe alot of the hate towards Robotech is due to how HG acts toards Macross. Ohh well...
  20. Reminds me of a quote from Futurama where they travel underwater to the lost city of Atlanta -- Leela: Five thousand feet! Prof. Farnsworth: Dear Lord, that's over one hundred-fifty atmospheres of pressure. Fry: How many atmospheres can the ship withstand? Prof. Farnsworth: Well, it's a spaceship, so I'd say anywhere between zero and one. 324012[/snapback] LOL! Did anyone notice that Kira's ensignia has changed. The colar is now a big thick solid yellow, has a yellow trim around the wrist, and his chest thing, which were just one green and one white stripe are now doubled. Looks like he might outrank Capt. Ramius from a comparison. Seems kool to me!
  21. Hmm I really dont think that AA had the ability in SEED to submerge. I brought this up once when that ep aired when AA escaped by submerging. Maybe I am DUMB and missed the part at GundamOfficial.com where it said that the AA was capable of submerging. If so show me where I missed it. Has anyone found proof that AA could submerge in SEED but chose not to? Being a spaceship and submarine are different. A space ship is obviously space tight and so is a submarine. But I dont think the AA had the compartments to flood with water to make it sink into water. (The actual name of the compartments eludes me now) But that is ME thinking. Maybe the designers of AA actually did concieve of that as a possibility and implemented them into AA but was never used in SEED. Or maybe the AA CANT float at all and uses its thrusters to stay above the water. I dont see how the AA had enough boyancy to remain that high above water. It basically had the two "feet" where the lowengrin are, the wings, and the engines under the water while the majority of the ship was above the water. If it really could float, I think the majority of the ship would not be visible. Probably the top of the legs and the bridge and fins would be showing. So if it can NOT float, than obviously it can submerge without a problem right? Ergg.....where was I going with this post? Someone smack me with real knowledge and tell me not to try to add realism to anime.....
  22. Actually if I remember correctly, she said sumthing along the line of "It is my own decision, and no one else, that the ArchAngel will be leaving the battlfield" and I believe she ordered to signal the other ships to follow. And they were following, untill the ZAFT subs fired their missles at them, AA dodged, and the ships following got toasted. Ima check on that in a lil bit.
  23. Nice work! I kinda dont feel so alone where I am at. Theres a few other red dots near me!
  24. Hey wolfx, try Hiro! They've BEEN done!
  25. While watching Yzak and Dearkka battle, I was kinda hoping they might go Seed for some stupid reason. Sigh....
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