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Legend of TSXer

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Everything posted by Legend of TSXer

  1. Hey guys, I need your alls expertice. All this recent talk of boots had me looking for good boots of SEED or even completing the Official DVDs. So I went where I normally buy stuff, ebay , and I just could not trust those cheap sites. I know some boots are rips of the official (like my Gundam Wing set) but was not sure. So I headed over to Amazon.com (I have yet to buy stuff from there) and searched. And I came up with this SEED collection set of 3 DVDs. http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Feature-Col...=UTF8&s=dvd My question to you pros is: is this legitimate and genuine? IIRC the SEED DVDs had more than 7 DVDs. This only has 3. I guess this is recent but I have not read anyhting on it. Also while I was browsing Amazon.com, I looked for Gundam Wing set *ducks chairs being thrown at me* http://www.amazon.com/Mobile-Suit-Gundam-W...=UTF8&s=dvd If they are both good and official DVDs (I want official ones to correctly support the shows), than I shall buy them. Please help me out.
  2. Score! Maybe I shall use this too.
  3. Yah I got suckered too. I can stand mistranslations, I could probably stand the "F**k" experience after I kooled of about it being wrong, but what is worse to me is crappy timing. It gets so confusing But thats enough for off topic for me. I am also still waiting for part III to be subbed. I am enjoying the Special Editions. My favorite change is the scene when Athrun slaps Shinn after helping those enslaved civilians. But I do miss Luna liking Athrun. His harem just isn't complete without her.
  4. Dam! Not as funny this time. Hope you stopped buying boots. I stopped long time ago. I knew about fansubbers but I didnt have a computer that could handle it, till I got a new one. BTW the best boots are the direct rips from official releases but than I dont agree with that. But I just couldent see spending 100 bux on Wing. Yah, Wing....
  5. Nothing but hte word "F**K" huh? Sorry to hear that since you paid for it. And Im sorry I cracked up when I read that and imagined it. Yah well I remember on my Bootleg copie of SEED, that in first episode where Rau was like "Do you sense me in the same way I sense you, Mwu La Fllaga?" (sorry not exact quote but thats what I remember) and they replaced "Mwu La Fllaga" with "Mass people vacilitating" I fell outta my chair cracking up on that. Im still holding back from cracking up outloud now at work. Guess yah just had to see it. Also, hasent the 4th Special Edition of Destiny aired already? Any raws out yet? Does anyone know? I am REALLY impatient and I would love to see Kira in the White ZAFT Uniform. We can still post RAW links to BT right?
  6. Hey thanks for the review. I will most likely get this game, after Christmas that is.
  7. Looks good. And those grey parts didnt come out blue. Now with thtat bling....cmon Nu-Hyaku Shiki. Errr I mean Akatsuki.
  8. Well out of 12 kits, only one has broken. Blitz fell over and knocked over the Aile Strike and broke 3 parts off from the Aile Pack (got pics of this horrible event if you wanna see ). The Strike itself was ok. Some others have fallen but no damage done. Hands are not all that great. They are 2 pieces. Some kits come with an extra open hand instead of a fist.
  9. Well the SEED kits are good. The SEED Destiny kits are slightly better. I was really impressed with 1/100 Infinite Justice. All I have left on that is the back pack, which I wil get around to later. Being compared to Wing 1/100, I must say they are much better than those. Define "handled" and "messed with" They are defenitly more poseable, if thats what you mean. Not all GS or GSD kits come with stands. Some 1/144 come with stands, but the only 1/100 kits for Destiny are the First Edition Strike Freedom, Destiny, and Infinite Justice. I think I saw a preview of the Legend with a stand, but I am not sure about it. Does anyone know if the Gundam X 1/100 are similar to the Wing 1/100? I am very tempted to order me some. Hopefully to last me till 1/100 Akatsuki I can only hope... 412263[/snapback] I meant in regards to durability. Are they able to twist at the thigh as well? That would be awesome. I felt that the 1/100 wing kits were kind of durable but not exactly. In other words are the new SEED destiny 1/100 more durable than the 1/144 HGUC? And X looked very similar in construction to wing.....the lkits themselves were released not too long apart 412266[/snapback] Well compared to my friends 1/100 Wing Zero Custom, the legs are more moveable. For instance my Astray Red Frame can kick a Gundam's head off in a pose. The Blitz legs are more manuvarble than most other ones I have. I dont have any 1/144 HGUC so I cant compare to that. I cant really complain about the ones I have. Its not like I am trying to make them do the splits though. Also the First Edition Destiny and Strike Freedom came with "action" hips as well as with stand. Infinate Justice did not recieve the same treatment. Actually I am lil upset with IJ because the stand hook just fits inside his thruster and not holding onto anything. Destiny and SF ones have a big holder that fits them perfectly. Sorry for the extra ramble....
  10. Well the SEED kits are good. The SEED Destiny kits are slightly better. I was really impressed with 1/100 Infinite Justice. All I have left on that is the back pack, which I wil get around to later. Being compared to Wing 1/100, I must say they are much better than those. Define "handled" and "messed with" They are defenitly more poseable, if thats what you mean. Not all GS or GSD kits come with stands. Some 1/144 come with stands, but the only 1/100 kits for Destiny are the First Edition Strike Freedom, Destiny, and Infinite Justice. I think I saw a preview of the Legend with a stand, but I am not sure about it. Does anyone know if the Gundam X 1/100 are similar to the Wing 1/100? I am very tempted to order me some. Hopefully to last me till 1/100 Akatsuki I can only hope...
  11. Middle one probably has something similar to the Aile Striker Pack. The rigth one has the V Attenas/horns/whatever they are like the Astray ones (I kinda remember seeing a pic of the Strike Noir with a dark Astray like MS in the back). Left might be Astray Delta (Just wild guess). Well looking foward to GSS when it comes out.
  12. Wow, I am so impatient. I know its near the end of June, but I still havent seen 1/100 Legend for sale yet. Atleast on the place I order kits from... ebay.... The sellers are usually pretty good on listing the new release items a couple of days before release. But yet no luck on this kit. And I bet when it does come out, itll be time to make rent payment.
  13. Stuff Gunota, if you say it, I will believe it Az. Bandai thinks that SEED fans got DRAGOON fever. 410815[/snapback] Ditto! If Azrael says it, it shall be done! Please be good with those powers...
  14. Well so far I like Stargazer. The music played was pretty nice. Those Beam Rifles, I am pretty sure those are the same Beam Rifles that the Duel had. I really liked taht Rifle. But carrying two means the Strike Noir lacks a shield. So hopefully it can dodge ALOT of attacks.
  15. Gold Astray has some bling to it, but are the other parts really supposed to be blue? I just hope this lil ammount of bling to the 1/100 Seed series of kits won't kill off Akatsuki's 1/100 chance.
  16. Curse the 1/144 Akatsuki....it tortures me.... Kool pics. I really like the SD Destiny. Pretty kool. I think Ima get one for my friend's birthday since he loves the Destiny. Im glad to see the 1/100 IJ.
  17. Yah I also kinda see the Baleena type cannons. Could be wrong. Also that looks like some Astray in the darkness between the Buster and Strike Noir.
  18. 22 but at work feel like Im 30, but other than that I act 15.
  19. Ok, seeing that pic makes me way more intrested, just for the suits. Still pissed about the supposed length of the story. Still upset about lack of 1/100 HG kits. But I guess I cant do anything to change that. Maybe they will make more. I dunno. Im impatient!
  20. Nvm I read into it more...1/144...
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