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Legend of TSXer

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Everything posted by Legend of TSXer

  1. I was ok with it only because the EX-gear MIGHT be able to help with that. I am not sure if it was ever explained to be able to do that really. But that was just my idea as I saw that scene.
  2. Thanks Duke and JBO for answering my question. Much appreciated! Sorry for late reply...
  3. LOL! Starting trouble? Well I do wish you B.O.I.N.G. members had more fan art to make yourself "happy"
  4. Well than ok that makes sense! Have we heard him talk much or yet? Again if he has, than I am very slow...since he is same VA, than I MIGHT like him...
  5. Thats it! Episode 9 made me an official supoorter of anything and everything Klan-Klan! This is a great thread! And that picutre a few pages back of Klan with Michel in bed, was adorable! Now off to change my signature to support Klan!
  6. Ok this was a good episode. Good mecha action and good information on two other characters. Adds for more drama later right? The one thing that actually made me really happy (and I know there will be an angry mob after me for saying this) is that this episode lacked alot of Nanase! Am I the ONLY one that finds her annoying? And what is with this Kira Yamato nonsense? If he was a "Kira" than he wouldent have been hit at all! Brera/Harmonica's skill seemed lacking. Or he might have been having too much fun with them. Kira Yamato, he is not. Seriously tho, does Brera look like Kira? If he does, I have been slow and haven't noticed. If anything, he looks like Cagali, THAT I did notice... I actually liked the VF-25 movements when he was tlaking to Klan. I figured since the EX-gear helps with movement, maybe that helps with that movement VF-25 made. Besides, not like he did a Kabuki pose in the middle of a training/examination exam...
  7. Isn't that the mall with Zents that Ranka sang at?
  8. Ok my turn for a "newbie question"....what exactly is an "Itano Circus" and where did the term originate? Does it mean a Volley of missles fired out? Please excuse the newbieness... Least I am not asking about "Small Hands"
  9. Sigh....is it too much to hope for 1/100 Gaia and Abyss? I know that its been long over and I have always been hoping since Destiny ended, but my 1/100 Chaos feels mighty lonely. Also I have this obsesive habit of completing a collection. Oh well...atleast I did get a Savior and Akatsuki. Both which had less time on air than Abyss and Gaia
  10. Ditto, aslong as it doesn't turn into the BFG that the bigger ship uses (Macross Quarter = > BFG for Macross 25).
  11. Hahaha with those pics, the Max/Michael relation just hit me with the Giant Women thing. Wow Im slow... Well wheres the Bobby/Claudia reference?
  12. Mine? I certainly think so! Ok not best, but damn I do love it. I like to re-read it and laugh.
  13. Funny how your avatar also looks pensive!
  14. He speaks many truths! See my Signature for my favorite from him.
  15. But Azrael's predictions are still right! So do we follow you on your predictions form now on? Quickly, make antoher one!
  16. Diamond Crevasse Dont Be Late Infinity Trianglar (however spelled, I think I misspelled it anyways) Aimo What Bout my Star (Ranka) What Bout my Star (Sheryll) I watch episode 6 ending just for Diamond Crevasse to hear the Macross Quater launch as well. Why no Poll?
  17. Well, I did hear her say "Anata..." but I must have ignored it since there was no further dialog...
  18. Well you don't think that was be a great after school job? Wish I had that option.
  19. Well maybe they are special cases since they are also enrolled into the flight thing they do at school. Interns that get to "test" newest fighters? Seems far fetched too, but I prefer that over the Guitar. Guess the kids have bad luck since they signed the contract and that clause was enacted.
  20. Indeed. I don't even want to think of how the guitar controls the music AND the plane. Anyways, the Eyecatch was hilarious, but is it only me, or do the hammer heads kinda remind you of sp3rm? (can I say that word? ) Like Homer Sp3rm... but in Vajra form...
  21. Hehehe I agree. But you would be amazed what people can do while also singing. But dodging missiles... I will agree with you. I also can't wait for next weeks episode. Looks like action picks up.
  22. I really liked this episode. The animation looked alot better most of the time than last episode's preview showed. Very cute and had funny scenes. I especially loved Ranka singing with the carrot on her head! Can't wait for the subs! Episode made me face/palm myself alot, which was good because each time I was smiling. I'm just odd...
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