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Legend of TSXer

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Everything posted by Legend of TSXer

  1. From Alexandria Virginia, just 5 min from DC. Dam, wishing I was in SoCal tho....
  2. Whats so bad with the costume? Looks decent to me! Do u expect him to just wear a thin piece of cloth a la Adam West? Just saying that the Rubber/Leather suit would/could give more protection to Batman than, lets say, a suit made of the same material your T-shirt is made of.
  3. OOOPPSS!!! Well I guess I can see how I thought those two were related.
  4. Yes, "Why Kawamori" indeed! Good to know I'm not the only person that was screaming at my set waiting for their scene to go by (too lazy to fast foward or lost control to DVD player). The only other time I was like "WTH! WTF!" was when Gamlin "Kamakazied" his VF-17 into that Proto-devlyn fighter taht Gavlin (or wutever his name is) was in. Man I was so pissed when that happened but in next episode so happy Gamlin came back! I think I woulda broken my DVDs or sold them if he had really died!
  5. But... they look so stupid. And yeah, the VF-1 etc. wasn't supposed to look cool. Well, it bloody does. Well the last two monsters that looked like twins really were FUGLY and annoying! I WANTED TO SHOOT HE REACTIVE WARHEADS AT THEM AGAIN AND AGAIN! Seriously tho if the kept up the volleys of warheads going, they coulda killed them. Well M7 still rocked regardless of the ODD looking Proto-devlyn. Can't wait till I get M7 DVDs back from my friend! IM trying to convert him to a Macross fan! And yah the VF-1 looks freakin great! Dam its so sexy sometimes!
  6. Exactly....and they got the VF-0 wrong....It ain't called the "Phoenix".... Isn't it? I thought it was. What is it called then? VF-0. Just "VF-0". Plain-olde "VF-0". http://www.anime.net/macross/mecha/united_.../vf0/index.html I think that some one said something about the VF-0 being called the Phoenix in the original M0 story, but the name was dropped. I think. Maybe memory isnt serving me right, but isn't Pheonix the name of the proto-type destroid on the Asuka - II?
  7. Haha good points! I always did wonder how Max lost his glasses, guess he was told the Meltran don't have optometrists and can't make glasses that big so they just fixed his genetics! Thats just what I would like to think. And about shooting Kakazaki, I'll have to watch that when I get home, but do u think Milia would have liked to shoot and kill the Squadran Leader and not have a kool duel that brings out all her skills? But what I really wonder about is how did Milia and the other Meltran deal with a Male on their ship with them. And how long do ya think it took Max to get Milia in the Sac huh?
  8. How very true. Great job defending the homeplanet RDF! I will never put my faith in any Robotechnical Defense Force!
  9. That would be awesome if they ever could. If they did, I hope they would have a concert on the East Coast!
  10. Woulda given the kid the DVDs but warned him that RT is just a butchering of anime! So maybe he would see the light and get into Macross. Trap him like the rest of us were, well I think atleast the majority of us. But Hurin might have just started him on the road to the RT darkside...
  11. Thanks for the laugh daeudi! I wish I could say that kind of stuff at work and not get fired!
  12. Did anyone else think of Scooby-Doo when he said "Mystery Squad" Shadow Force doesent sound that bad. But it also reminded me ALOT of Power Rangers! Wasent Power Rangers also originally Japanese?
  13. I want a Guvava too!
  14. What track is it on Macross the Complete? I actually have that collection and Im curious to what song he is talking about.
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