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Legend of TSXer

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Everything posted by Legend of TSXer

  1. Well not only that but look at his mobile armor, the shocked look on Ramius's face in the second opening and the fact they removed his helmet among the Strike wreakage in the Special Edition. Does anyone know the name of that song in epi 21 where Shinn and Stellar are in the cave? Well yah other than that. But I think its possible that they took away the floating helmet in the special to make us think its Mwu but really turn out to be a clone. The rest of the simularities could be pretty freakin big coincidences and still be a clone or brother he had that he never knew. But like the way he said at the end of ep 15 "Finally we meet. Ive found you, my little kitten." that sounded so much like sumthing Mwu would say. Atleast I thought, I could be wrong. I dont remember him saying that phrase in GS. And I wish I knew the name of that song too. Anyways, cant wait for the next ep.
  2. Dude I want so much....but no screen shots of his cloak thing. Still loks pretty sweet.
  3. Hmm outta those choices I think Id guess B than A as my runner up. I guess ot me thats more of a reason to be sneakier and restrained. Why settle for being for being just Chairman of PLANT when u can aslo replace Logos or lead them. And yah, if it wasent for Neo's "way of speaking" I wouldent think he would be Mwu, but we shall see.
  4. We never saw the Hawkins team. It was another group like Creuset's team, or in GSD, the Joule (Yzak's) team. Heine was at Jachin Due but we never saw him according to his bios (cuz he wasn't the focus). Just because we didn't see them last time, didn't mean they were there. Jachin Due was a big battle. Lots of people who show up in this series could have been there. Heine is good enough to get his own ZAKU Phantom and now a GOUF Ignited. Thanks I was just curious if that team was mentioned back in Seed.
  5. Im with you mate..... ditto....
  6. Pretty funny episode IMO. Man I woulda never have let that chance go by with Meer, but Athrun does have a fiance so its forgiveable. I doubt Kira would let that chance pass him. But Kira has the real one and they dont share the same bed... Hey was the "Hawkins Team" shown in any minor way in Seed? It kind of sounded familiar to me when Haine said he was part of that team During the Battle of Yakin Due but I wasent sure. Im just curious tho. I wonder how good he was to be appointed to FAITH. Cant wait till next week. Maybe we will get to hear Yuna cry again!
  7. Hummmm well. I can recall how Graham went crazy about the CM's Minmay.... I even remember him fantasizing (and later posting the pictures) about the Underwear Concert she gave to Hickaru... Later our Anti-Tranny G-Man even changed his signature to something like "Minmai's underwear" Wen questioned about his sig, he clearly said he was her panties... So, I guess you are in the wrong site if you think taking a pic of a plastic ass is going too far. Carefull you may end banned I entirely missed this, is there a link to that topic around anywhere? Oh dear, I guess it's a slow day in Macrossworldland if this is the best we can do . Graham Hoping for that link too....
  8. Already did. Over the Holiday seasons they kept putting other shows in its time slot so I ordered a DVD set, (subs sucked btw) and started DLing fansubs to finish the series cause I couldent stand it no more. No more complaing! Just annoyed by CN
  9. I heard they edited the guns in that episode Mwu La and Kreuze were gunfighting in that Coordinator lab....and the gunshots were the same sounds of the doors opening and closing. And they removed Mwu La's blood on his wound. Talk about goin too far about censorship. Hypocrites. PS: Btw i only posted the panty shots on Graham's almighty's request on mention of canon blue color. First: It was 1 am but I ttink they changed it recently to 12: 30 am but I could be wrong. And yah I hate how they changed the pistols (I believe the other guns bigger than pistols are the same) and edited out the blood. I mean crap anyone up late enough to watch it can certainly handle some realistic pistols and some blood. When Gundam Wing aired on Toonami, the afternoon airing was censored wihtout blood and said "destroy" for kill and "the great destroyer" but at nite on Toonami "late edition" or whatever, thye showed the blood and let them say "kill" and "God of death" Im really starting to hate Cartoon Network....... But thats just me.
  10. Haha, worded so well. Ep 18 wasent th at bad. Atleast they gave an actual purpose for the Impulse to be luanched in seperate pieces. Though Id love to really see how the leg flyer and chest flyer can manuever and carry lift without wings to give it lift. Maybe they both have some different thrusters on each of them that I havent read about, but wutever, least they made one reason to be launched seperately. Usually Shinn doesent piss me off, even when he got slapped by Athrun, he deserved it but he I think he still did the right thing. But in the mission briefing I was so waiting for Athrun to slap him again! So what if his parents died, doesent give him a reason to act like a brat.
  11. Sounds great to me! Go and pitch that as the movie and see if they will change it!
  12. If that's the case then I'm guessing it's some sort of colony assault MS. Personally I hope its really not that big , but Druna Skass does pose a good point wiht the Colony Assult Idea.
  13. Damn ...that makes her much hotter....officer's uniform....mmmMmmm!! I'll be her subordinate any day!
  14. Most likely, but Im pretty sure he would have shot down many Zentraadi and always survive. He does have skills.
  15. Because they were being chased by a sub..... Yah but they also didnt have that capability yet. Unless they never used it. Well its kooler regardless.
  16. Watched Ep 14 last nite Man all those faces Yuna made were hilarious! And how he hid behind Cagali and shes just standing there like nothings happening. Opening was pretty sweet but not so used to the new songs...yet. And those ORB uniforms look was better than them Earth Forces rags. And When the Archangel was launching like a sub, Im like "Why didnt they do this in Seed?" but at end she said "Open the vents" or sumthing like that and that is way more practical than before. Id love to see the Archangel half surface, fire the two Canons and re-submerge. Hell they mite even shoot underwater! Prolly have torpedo options too! Cant wait to see it back in action again. I hate htis waiting....
  17. Just saw ep 13 last nite: Im relieved to see that Wartdfelt did infact loose his arm, because I was scared coordinators have some freaky ability to grow limbs back! But how can he shoot that thing without a "trigger finger" That Lacus assassination does reak of Dullindal. Guess he cant have two Lacus Kliens running around. Those Zaft soldiers should have just hit that self destruct switch once they saw it was the Freedom. Why waste Kiras time on them. I too wanan see Lunamaria with some more action next time. That flight suit of hers dont look as good as her normal uniform with that skirt!
  18. Well have you thought of buying a VHS/DVD burner and transfer ur VHS tapes to DVDs and that could save space. But the consoles and games...those are ireplaceble items collected over your youth. And they did make you into the man you are today and the person she married. She shoulda realized that it was who she was marrying. Though she is dealing with it, a little comprimise is neccessary IMO. Try the VHS to DVD transfer but don't give up the game consoles. (Id still have my SNES if my Dad didnt throw it away)
  19. Very nice helmet! I think Ima do something like that if I ever get a motorcycle. And nice Skull on your seat. Nice touch. A racer and a Macross fan! PERFECT!
  20. Great job man! Looks SWEET! I wish I had one of those!!
  21. Hahaha he constipated himself into a Bug! Go Destroids!
  22. A remake would be awesome! I was thinkin of that too. But if there is any way Rt/HG can get its grubby lil hands on it makes a great reason to not use the audio/sondtrack. Even if our dreams were to come true and they decide to remake it, I think that they wouldent have much of a profit on it. The story is somewhat fresh...kinda. I mean we need to wait like 10-20 years IMO. That way they can get a younger generation and re introduce it and than make even more money. Although a new series would be nice...IMO I dont think they can go anywhere rigth now. They did resort to a pre-quel last time so the ideas are getting thin. Whcih is fine cuz it shouldent have a different series every year like another famous Mecha show. That is what I think makes Macross even better. But if they do make a new series...how bout they do something with the decendents of Hikaru and Misa. All this wishful thinkin gets me a lil bummed out, it'll never happen.
  23. Valks! Ive always loved flying and planes. And well big robots piloted by humans (mecha) are great too. After that is the Love story in every series. (M7 w/ its lack of action between Gamlin and Mylen! Just hold hands or kiss....DO SUMTHING!) The love story is what keeps my attention really. But when Valks come out my eyes just light up. Plus the whole "impossible to win" war theme in SDF showed Humans 'never give up' spirit of fighting till the end. They took a Gamble and won.
  24. Great to hear the good news! Guess u got lucky.
  25. I want to do that too but I couldent resist it!
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