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Legend of TSXer

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Everything posted by Legend of TSXer

  1. I do like the music. Ep 2 was good. Best part was when they combined again. "no...Im coming" Seeing that made my day!
  2. Well I really like Kirk. But I voted Janeway mainly because she got her crew home without sacrificing their humanity. It was shown very well when she met up with another Federation starship out there and they were capturing interdimensional beings and using them for fuel to go faster than normal. And when Janeway found out, she refused to do the same and IIRC she said she was going to bring the other captain back to Earth as a criminal or sumthing. (I vaguely remember something like that said) Other than that, Kirk! You guys already pointed out his great qualities.
  3. Dam I knew I forgot my favorite part. Kira and Lacus did look good together. Finally it doesent look liek they are "just friends" I do wonder if Luna was ordered to follow Athrun or just acted on her own behalf. Tho I strongly think she was ordered. She couldent leave the ship without a good reason. Ohhh and Anubis...love your new Avatar.
  4. Looks like a Darker Providence....I hated the first one....or maybe I hated Rau....pycho... Decent ep. Shin and Stellar scences were pretty cute. New ending scenes were nice. A little too happy tho. Miguel and Heine were next to each other. So did Babi MS replace the Dinn as the mainstay air fighter?
  5. and third for me is "Wow I wish I had all that money to keep buying game system." Anyways I am really envyous of that guy. even has that wall painted very well. Makes me miss all my Nintendo systems I had.....
  6. Its looks pretty Fan made, but regardless I really like it. Take a lok at the "GMS-04-MF" they literally put a weapon on every part of him...even his knees! And that Neo-Strike, I like the holsters the knives get put in.
  7. I believe it was suppose to be the Babi that Freedom was fighting. A ZAFT mobile suit. They were shown standing up when Athrun arrived on the Minerva with the Saviour Gundam. http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/seed-destiny/babi.htm I agree. It looks VERY much like the Babi. Even tho it doesent look like the best mobile suit design, it still looks like itll be one kick butt suit. Obviously not against the Freedom, but other mediocre suits.... And that green shuttle is probably one of those Zaft "return to space" shuttles, like from SEED. My wild guess is that they steal that shuttle from a ZAFT base and the Babi's pursue it.
  8. New Justice? I think the only pic I saw of it in there was before that last pic of Nu Fredom and Destiny clashing swords....and I only saw its head. Is it shown later in ep 25? I only DLed the opening. SO lost...
  9. I just watched it and I did like it. I think what I liked more about it is that it gave hints about who that charcter really is. But I also think its a little too early for that but I still hope this turns out well. The mecha arent bad, seeing how they have to combine with each other. And I really like how its just not ONE form of combinations, its can be different combinations. So I guess I liked it.
  10. Takin a good look at Nu Freedom, and I noticed that gold colored area under his chest. And it loks like it has some depth to it and I thought it could be like that chest canon like the Calamity has.....what do you guys think???
  11. Thx guys. The instant relay chat hting threw me off. My friends have mIRC program so I guess thats what it is, in taht case I getcha. Thx guys.
  12. Wut da hael! Boobs? Dude thats wierd but atleast its a lil better to see him/she/it hug the Chairman. Hey check out the background...you see the mask....
  13. OK now excuse me if I sound dumb, and Im being serious, what is Internet Relay Chat? Is that like PM or like Instant Messaging? Kinda confused now....
  14. Yah good to see Miraellia. I liked when Athrun was talking to her about going back to plant he said that he saw Dearka. And she was like Well atleast Lunamaria had some airtime in this ep. Always great to see her. Id hate to see Freedom "fall" but if it were to happen I would like Athrun to do it. Even tho Savior isnt Nuclear Powered, I think Athrun and his skill could hold up Kira for a while. If they were both serious. Watching how Athrun disapproved of Kira's actions, I dont htink its completely impossible that they will duel each other later on. Somehow Freedom may come up at another battle to try to stop it and Athrun will try to hold of Kira from engaging Zaft forces again. But I dunno I try hard not to read the spoilers. Anyways I liked 24 alot. And I never knew they could make autogyros fast enough to keep up with a Flight model Mobile suit.....but who knows...
  15. Man now I really wanna watch ep 24! I really gotta stop reading these things before the subs are out. THat sounds like a great ship upgrade.
  16. Yah Cellphone is what I just watched. H2T2 I was getting the same ttime but Cellphone was done first. Yah I also think that being the Ultimate Coordinator that he is, he has a better chance to have newtype powers. And I love how Kira and Freedom are still OWNing the other mobile suits, though he didnt go against Athrun... Id love to see Freedom vs Savior. Just for a few rounds. hehe
  17. OK found some others....Ep23 is so much better when u understand more. Anyways Ill my give links tommorow....
  18. CMON Magnus dont hold out on us.....
  19. Archangel did have to fall back. Cagalli's message didn't go through. They had no choice but to go to plan B, disable everybody on the way out. What a great Plan B!
  20. I really wish Yuna would have gotten hit by that shot, but sadly no. I think now is the chance for the Captain to throw Yuna off, label him MIA and turn back home. Dam I really hope this week goes by fast. Ohh and the Colossus Gundam. I would like to se how in the world it gets defeated, if it does get defeated. Guess I'll wait and see.
  21. Same here.... Couldn`t ...stop....playing.....hipnotized......by.......the music.......... The Lachis type is my fav, it got machine guns, beam sword, funnel, mega beam rifle, beam shield, and its transformable Phew...glad I wasent only one that was addicted to the music. Man I love those funnels. Tho I cant really get far in the one on one battles vs the other frames.
  22. I like it. PLayed it for line an hour.
  23. "Akatsuki no Kuruma". Goes without saying that that song is also composed by Yuki Kajiura. sweet.. thanks for the info.. that song's been in my head for awhile and i couldn't find it on the soundtracks i d/l Well the name I have that song under is "Wheel of Destiny" I dont know if "Akatsuki no Kuruma" means the same thing. And I wasent searching for that song specifically when I DLed it.
  24. Take a look at the top middle screenshot. Ohh..... Haha thx AlphaHX! Now Im satisfied!
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