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Legend of TSXer

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    Legend Of TSXer
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    Alexandria VA

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Sharon Apple Concert Attendee

Sharon Apple Concert Attendee (4/15)



  1. But its sad....well Misa will have a new one next week when KK goes nuts on helpless whatever she kills...
  2. Misa, your Avatar now makes me sad....
  3. What? I never wished that on her but I so expect it now since her love died! But than his death would be in vain if she did that too! Atleast Nanase is out of the picture for now (I hope) which is where I like her! And I saw a post a while on this thread about since Ozma has to go underground that would make Alto Skull Leader....I hope he gets some replacements because all he would have left is....Luca.... I was kinda hoping too that Sheryl would become a pilot in Skull Squadron, but now shes back into singing and singing while piloting has already been done...so...I don't see that anymore. Damnit let me go back to lurking!
  4. I was just left speechless at how wonderful this episode was. Not because they killed off someone I wanted dead (wishing it was Nanase I still have hope tho! ) but for the effect it left on me when it ended (yes tears were involved). So much that when I played DC first thing this morning in my car, I got moved again remembering it and got lil teary eyed AGAIN!. Still moved AGAIN when I saw the Youtube clip an hour ago. Very well done and I hate to love it. This just took my favorite episode spot from episode 6 (it had a touching ending). So yah... Back to lurking...
  5. I remember that Image! I was bout to choke when I saw it! And I agree with Morpheus.... I still have hope for Lockon till I see show, I never believed it ended that way. Gah...back to lurking...
  6. Yah I know but I am still hoping! Any predictions on anything else, oh mighty Azrael?
  7. Hmmm...combining Gundams? I sincerely hope not! I'd prefer something without Gattai action going on. Already bad enough with these "different" style of "Gundams" that I am not too fond of. And yes, I do prefer the MS from Seed and Destiny especially since they copy or give homage or whatever (some say rip off) from previous Gundam shows. Still like'em. (possible SEED fanboy-ism talking here) I am not too fond of the show, I think of it and say "meh" but something about it has got me hooked and I have to finish the show. So I am eagerly awaiting the new season! I do like the characters for some odd reason. And I really hope that ...back to lurking...
  8. Hmmm how many are you claiming? First Misa, than Klan, now Glass?
  9. Damnit did I miss something funny again while stuck at work? I'd love to read that...link please?
  10. Awesome! I missed first 10 minutes or so.
  11. Thanks Krespy! You are a life saver!
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