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Everything posted by Felindar

  1. Here is what I am working on now. And the yellow. Both are 3 inches high and should cost about $10 with shiping. There will be extras for those who do not have 2 And the Yellow. They are both 3 inches high and should run about $10 with shipping.
  2. Ok I am working up new stickers to be vinyl cut in black and yellow. For some reason I can not post a link or URL at this time. A search for "Quel-Quallie Theater Scout Pod" will find the line drawing from all sides I am using to design the stickers. An Ebay search for " Crap I can not even paste. VOLCOM ANY SIZE OR COLLOR CUSTOM CUT VINYL DECAL STICKER will find the person I am having make them.
  3. OK I am Red Green color bilind and I can tell the matched and printed from the sample on Tamias page is way too dark. I am making up a new set to be cut out of the vinyl stickers. Please don't use those. I am making up a new set. I will list sizes and collors for ordering from Ebay. I am going to get a set of Yellow and a set of Black stickers cut by Sticker Fool.
  4. Here are decals for the scout I made up.
  5. Well I know it is not "right" but did you know in order to protect the shipyards for the emigration project they produced a line of Mini ARMD platofrms. yep they did I know cause I have one. yep minust that tower and with a UEDF kite in place of that Eagle. I have 67 now and am planning on picking up 76. It is 3 ft long so not to scale as an ARMD platform but has a similar look. Well enough to use when grabed on clearance. I am picturing a doupble Gym at the Y used for two of these on Music stands and two of the Scouts maneuvering and launching Squadrons of fighters.
  6. Ok I know this is a bit late. We were hashing out ways to make a model this size in the RPG forum. Obviously 1/285th. Now wile it would work much better for the Zentradi, one of those inflatable Balloon displays. there are company's that do customs. A Zentradi Carrier would run around 3 grand. We were thinking in teams of inflating them for some huge games. Disclaimer This Idea originated with someone who probably had the munchies soon after. But who knows.
  7. I am working on this for the RPG tactics game and wanted to share here as well. I wanted to create a ship piece of terain to be a landed scout ship, and or for space battles. I asked around but desided to go with full size. Despite the very good reasons to make it 4 ft long. To start I got The pink board and cut it into 2 ft wide sections. I started with the layer at the middle of the engines being the main level covered the whole shape of the ship. Stacking and glue the levels with White glue for long term hold with Hot glue for quick holding. Building up the layers for the enginges. The double glue works well Carve the sharp edges with a wonder cutter to smothe it out. Get the general shape Rough sanding gives nice curves. Be careful the edges of the sander will cut right through the pink board like butter if you hit the edge of it. The fine sanding gives you a nice finish. Wile using the extra bits for the sides definitly saves on how many sheets of stuff you need to buy the extra seams are a pain to work with. Rear thrusters are done Botom is roughed out The bottom layer is attached with velcro for the crashed look and the free floating look more to follow on that. I am learning so much with this one I think I might make this a prize if I can get the Big game together at the con in Feb. There is a local con in Valparaiso IN in Feb and I am hoping to be running a game there.
  8. They arrived today. Sweeeeeeettttttt Ok Is there a list of how the pieces look when cleaned up I am working off of pictures and trying to figure out what is going where and what needs to be trimmed.
  9. http://home.comcast.net/~felindar/SSBtech/Zentradi%20ship%20small%20copy.jpg This is the same sheet but at 1/4 the size and 4 times as much if that does not work out.
  10. BTW I printed up these for my 1/20000 Battleship molds. I thought they might be usefull for people putting this together. http://home.comcast.net/~felindar/SSBtech/Zentradi%20ship%20copy.jpg Just print it on the 1/2 sheet of testors white transfers. Pete
  11. And And What come on spill please
  12. I am aqwiver waiting for them to arrive. Any possibility of a Re-entry pod? http://www.macross2.net/m3/sdfmacross/reentry-pod.htm
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