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Everything posted by soze

  1. Hit up BigKid24. He's the one that had them.
  2. I was sarcastically responding to the guy that asked why Yamato would make the new 1/60's cheaper than the 1/60 Macross Zero stuff. I know the price is justified.
  3. It's more expensive than the old 1/60 VF-1's by almost $20!
  4. ditto on the 1/60 VF-11B. I sold off all my 1/72's.
  5. Gluing the hinge is to reinforce it from flexing during transformation. Glue the sides.
  6. THose were some damn interesting spoilers!!!! Can't wait to see the next episodes.
  7. Finally posted my version of the neck fix in this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&p=474998
  8. Ok, I haven't seen anyone post this type of fix for the obnoxiously overly-tight canopy neck yet. Most of the fixes I've seen involved sanding down those 2 notches that lock onto the hinge. This fix doesn't require modifying those 2 notches at all. Basically take out the 2 gray hinges and snip the notch to make it bigger. After modifying hinges... lightly glue and screw back into place (WITH THE LEVER BAR... or else you won't be able to put it in later.) Here are my pictures for the fix as well as the highlight of the problem.
  9. So...... after a long hiatus... I decided I would post. I finally opened my YF-19 recently (as I have been pretty much been in get and box away in storage mode for a while now), and I had the same difficult to separate neck section that a lot of people have been having. I managed to separate it apart after much needed force, but on the way to transforming it back... I could not for the life of me change it back to fighter mode. Too much force required, and I didn't want to risk it. I think I figured out the problem, and I fixed it. Now mine transforms easily. However, I didn't use the sand down method like some people here used... in fact I didn't touch those square pegs at all. It's kind of hard to explain.... so I will post pictures tonight of what I did after I get home.
  10. They should've made an a$$hole on the toy to let all the waste from the inhabitants get disposed from. That would've been cool! Guess MW fans just like their toys constipated.
  11. Wow... been a while since I visited. Makes me feel better about what's in my collection seeing how much stuff you guys have. I'll have to get around to taking some pictures of it when I have time...
  12. After being used to Jung's and Kurt's CF customs.... I didn't think the CF looked right w/out panel lines, because of the shade of brown it uses.
  13. soze

    1/48th scale hands

    D finally finished!!! Now if he can make ones that will fold up and fit in the arm.... Of course, that'll take about 5 years...
  14. I thought that was a Supra instead of Celica?
  15. soze

    Hikaru VF-1S & VF-1A

    It's worth it. Especially if you want to make customs.
  16. Graham, so the hole your'e refering to might've also stretched the indentation of what can be suggested as part of the multi-gun barrell arm or perhaps an exhasust vent. The attached pic will give you an idea what I'm describing. So my question to you, was this origianlly oval or rounded much like the other indentations? The indentation should be a perfect circle, not round. The other one is a circular indentation with a square hole in it for the square peg to go through. There is a slight "bridge" indentation connecting the two deeper indentations. I think Graham's picture might not be clear enough, but I believe his small circular indentation is ok. It's just the camera angle, and the sight of the small ridge within the indentation that makes it look oval.
  17. Mate , those are my thought exactly. 100% agreed. sooooo....that means Graham´s sample might have been an isolated case ? Just a question thought: Does the gaps still remain after perfect locking ? I hate to say this but I think all of people´s whining and bitching may have been uselesss. A few things people should´ve taken into account when complaining were: - You just read ONE review , that review is lmited to ONE (faulthy) toy. - Get the toy before you bitch - Just as Graham didn´t notice the knee bending feature , it was also plausible that he couldn´t figure out or notive the right way to lock the legs , which is quite comprehensible given the fact the instruction manual is so fu**ed up. I think when it comes down to it..... If you own one... you will love it regardless of small flaws. The most noticeable thing wrong with my monster is that the "mystery hinged piece" on the arm is loose on one of the arms. But if that piece is some scrapped idea, I'm just going to glue it tight. Other than that... the hole in the arm piece that Graham talked about... it does have potential to wear out on the thin end... but mine didn't look chewed up like his did. Mine still looks good like it will stay that way if you transform carefully. I just transformed it to gerwalk, and I don't have the heart to change it to anything else yet.... gerwalk is just too cool. So I'll take pix and what not later after I drool over gerwalk. And yes.... holy crap!!!! It's a VB-6 MONSTER!!!!
  18. Yes. Although you guys will get it after recovering from being drunk on New Year's Eve for your guys' own good.
  19. you... have... yours???
  20. Wouldn't call it a mystery peice. Although it's not mentioned in the instruction manual, this missile launcher is shown in the VB-6 line art in one of the VF-X2 game books. The legs still can lock in shuttle mode, you just gotta make sure that when they go on the tab you pull them back about 1-2mm. It's still not a very good lock though and they do fall off the tab quite easily. Yes, it probably would have made more sense and been more secure if the tab was facing backwards. Graham Well, I have mine. Don't have time to take a detailed look at it, but as far as the tab goes. I think it's supposed to be like that. I just pushed the legs a bit back to make the front flush with the joint like Graham said. And as far as mine goes... it locks just fine. I can shake it up and down without it detaching.
  21. Anyone get a look at this auction??? Ridiculous Yu Gi Oh Auction
  22. Not anywhere close. Yeah, this Initial D movie will likely take itself too seriously and be disapointing. What I meant is that it's not going to be the same kind of movie the F&F movies were. Whether it's going to be good or not remains to be seen.
  23. Not anywhere close.
  24. Well it depends. The MPCs aren't THAT bad but if those are the choices, I go with Yamato. Godzilla's just trying to secure more 1/48's for his enormous 1/48 Air Force.
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