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Everything posted by AndrewDrexler

  1. At 1\350 it is only 4.2 feet long and would be in scale with alot of the other 1\350 goodies out there.
  2. One of those kits will probaly be my second build (did not want to get into the transforming variations yet). I ordered the 1\100 wave kit earlier since it looked like exactly what I was looking for. That VF-2 looks right up my alley....
  3. Bri: Nice kits, I am digging that 1\100 Wave kit for its size, price, and the fact it comes with a pilot\stand. The decals look a bit dodgy, but nothing insurmountable. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction, that kit looks like it hits the sweet spot for cost\size\complexity. Benson13: Not sure when I will take the plunge for those, I have a whole mess of models in 1\285 showing up in December that I want to get to before delving into the bigger stuff.
  4. Hey all, I have been lurking for a bit but have a question. I am new to Macross modeling and the sheer amount of kits is staggering so I need some advice. I am fairly decently experienced in model assembly, painting, weathering, etc as I have been building GW models for the better part of the last 25 years. What would be a good entry level kit to start modeling the VF-1 (either super or not) in fighter mode? Scale should be smallish and there is no need to jump into a 10,000 piece masterpiece level kit out of the gate. Just a small project to get my feet wet and gives the subject a whirl.
  5. Why Goober.. I RESEMBLE that comment
  6. E gads, what a monster. Is there a provision for a flying stand of some kind, or do we need to make our own?
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