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Everything posted by platypiman247

  1. Of course it doesn't hurt that Hikaru was exposed to unholy ammounts of radiation when he & Misa returned to the Zentran-fried earth...
  2. What's with the trees in the background of those pics? Why don't they have leaves? Is it winter? Why is everyone wearing spring/summer clothes?
  3. At the end of the first episode, when Hikaru crash lands and converts to Battloid mode, he fries a postman as his foot flies through a building(I'm not joking, watch the scene frame by frame, if you have the DVD). So haunting was this nameless postman's death that I could not sleep for three days. I also mourn the death of every non-Monster destroid pilot, since their lives seemed so pointless. I mean, at least they sometimes showed CF-1's blowing stuff up. You pretty much only got to see Destroids getting mowed down.
  4. I guess in game where your final enemy is a space demon baby, it really doesn't matter that you're using technology from 28 years into the future.
  5. Don't like my flying? Call: 1-800-Eat-$&8%
  6. If the shoulder and leg arrays are designed to produce a field that emulates or amplifies the effects of Minmei's singing, it would be highly apochryphal, in that sound force technology wasn't designed till after the dissapearance of the Megaroad-01, before which this game took place. I would imagine that the field, produced by the arrays, surrounding the ship is electronic in nature and is designed to take control of enemy ships systems (which is reasonable, since the Zentran/U.N. Spacy alliance means that U.N.S has full knowledge of Zentran technology and design), much like the salvage corvette from the PC game, Homeworld. But it IS called the Minmei beam, however...
  7. I dont know a whole lot about corrective eyeware, so this may be off, but what if he was farsighted?
  8. I don't think U.N. spacy uses the same standards that we do- something tells me Max's hair isn't exactly regulation length...
  9. As we all should know, in Macross DYRL Maximillian Jenius gets the supersize treatment when he goes over to the Meltran side after falling helplessly in love with the fierce warrior woman he had just spent the previous 10 minutes trying to kill (oh well, she didn't seem to mind). At any rate I think we all have a few questions for our favorite blue-haired wonderboy, namely: 1. Did he even consider how many tasteless sexual jokes would be thrown in his direction before going through with the 'enlargement' process? 2. The Meltran kinda have this thing against things with penises, as demonstrated through their thousand year war with the Zentran, how did Max get around this...on second I'll just stop thinking about this question and go burn out my eyes... 3. Max isn't known for his 20/20 vision, yet he pilots his powersuit without glasses. This either makes him a humongous liar or else he spent the entire final battle flying in random directions firing at random blurs on his screen (little known fact: of all of Max's kills, half are friendlies. Example: Kakizake- yeah, I'm sure that was a Meltran Missle [note: this is half serious, the Meltran don't begin to fire till after Kakizake get blown to bits!]) 4. Does it really matter what color your machine of unparralled destruction is? Besides blue makes you look fat.
  10. Usually, two competing fighters won't use the same name. In addition, the '2001' & '3001' titles suggest that the 3001 is a later model in the same series. Finally, if it was modified model wouldn't it have a title such as '2002' or '2001B'?
  11. Perhaps the 2001 uses a conventional solid fuel drive while the 3001 uses a thermonuclear drive, such as the VF-0 & VF-1.
  12. In the Macross universe, battling fleets do shoot each other at long range with large destructive weapons, but they also use mecha to attack critical points on enemy ships, such as external weaponry and command centers (in DYRL, a single powersuit almost toasts the entire SDF-1 bridge crew during the first battle) and/or infiltrate enemy ships to destroy them from the inside-out (Hikaru's flight at the end of DYRL). Mecha also provide a solid defensive shield to protect against these types of tactics. The SDF-1 Macross relied heavily on these tactics due to their shortage of ships and heavy weaponry.
  13. I few weeks ago, I posted a question on the newbie questions thread concerning the control systems used in VFs. I was interested in how a pilot could could get the smooth, natural movement exhibited in soldier and gerwalk modes using a control system that was composed primarily of joysticks & footpedals. At any rate, not recieving a particularly good answer, I decided to post a new topic concerning this question. Does someone know more about the control scheme or operating system than I do?
  14. I remember reading that their is a minor reference to Protoculture in the original SDF Macross series, is this true or is this because of Robotechs heavy influence. Also, is protoculture the same thing as 'overtechnology'?
  15. I just found this site & ordered the first two MZ volumes (region 0 bootlegs, oh well). www.discountanimedvd.com I also picked up DYRL and the Ghost in the Shell Manga. The whole package cost me about $62 dollars, so it's not bad. I suppose I should be posting this in the 'where to buy section'...
  16. Yes, this is true, but the point I was trying to make is that if the ghost attempted to pull a maneuvre like the one suggested by JBO at such a high speed, either the G's or the wind resistance would rip its wings clean off!
  17. Totally awsome reviews A7, you really make me want to go out and buy these right away! But first I have to questions: 1. What region is it encoded for? 2. Is it subbed? Thanks in advance.
  18. Here's the reverse of my last post. On the cover of the movie "SuperdimensionalFortress Macross" (not the original series, but instead, a 1995 U.S. dub of DYRL that came out on vhs) they use the series SDF-1. Weird. Here's the pic: http://images.amazon.com/images/P/6303501141.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg
  19. The standard VF in batteroid mode has dozens upon dozens of highly articulate joints and appendages, and moves quite fluidly, as if it were alive. How does a pilot control this highly complicated piece of machinery so well with such seemingly limited controls (joysticks and footpedals seem to be the center of the control scheme)?
  20. I'm not an expert in this field of aerodynamics, nor am I at all informed in the compostion of the airframes of these fighters, but I am pretty sure that a maneuver like that at such incredably high speeds would have ripped even the mighty ghost to shreds.
  21. On a similar note, the first Robotech novel by Jack McKinney has the DYRL version of the SDF-1 Macross on it, as opposed to the version from the series. This really threw me off when I first purchased the book, since I didn't know of DYRL's existance at the time, and I was wondering what the hell the Macross had on its arms (they later turned out to be the redesinged ARMD carriers)... So young, so naive.
  22. I don't remember seeing the usage of an anti-gravity device as form of forward propulsion before. But then again, I have never seen Macross 7, DYRL, or Perfect Memory, so I'm missing alot... At any rate, I know that the SDF Macross used A.G. devices for take-off, so they do exist. Of course those ones ripped themselves free of the ships hull...
  23. Macross already has mecha, music & romance, does it really need god also?
  24. This is probably as uninformed and misguided as anything ever, but the VF-1D appears to be slightly larger than the VF-1S when they are standing next to each other in episode 1. Perhaps the VF-1D was designed to be able to fill a different mission profile from the other VF-1 models, such as the delivery of heavier ordinance.
  25. A weapon of that power & type confined to such a small system, with limited cooling and calibrating capabilities might mean that it can only fire a limited number of shots before the device is completely shot & needs to be overhauled and recalibrated in the hanger.
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