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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. Aftermarket? That sounds strangely capitalistic.... oh no, is the Federation being corrupted by the Ferangis?
  2. Well, if he clarified that further by saying "love Yuki, or Starsha" then it would've been justification. But it's all relative, Desslar could've said: "I got up in the morning and took a dump." and that dialogue would've made up for all the emo crap from Kodai.
  3. They went off the rails by the time they hit the tenth planet, episode 6 or 7? from the CE battleship being the absolute badass in episode 1 to becoming a look a few episodes later, to the blue tunnel of love, to the pointless backstory of CE soldiers, the entire second season was one missed opportunity after another, a pale imitation of the original. IMO, only the Desslar side story made it bearable. Even then they went through so many contortions to make Desslar a good guy or at least not a psychopath that it was literally painful to watch.
  4. Kong grew, I can believe that, but Godzilla has shrunk if we are to believe that image. In the first movie, you get a good sense of scale as Godzilla passed right under a Nimitz class. To believe that it can now stand on the deck of the same carrier would mean this is either a different Godzilla or we have a mega sized super Nimitz class.
  5. I don’t think this was referring to Kodai as much as the as incongruous and inconsistent level of power that was put in for character development purposes. They could’ve figured out another way to advance Whiny boy who can’t fire a WMG in the plot without throwing in ten million ships to form the Giant gun of stupidity.
  6. I like it, with a bit of Harlock thrown in too. Let's rip up more of the childhood heroes.
  7. That’s true, and I for one am glad that SpaceX is out there. They tend to get a lot of press for their failures,but that’s what ultimately allows them to succeed, rapid and repeated experimentation. After all, their starship rocker blew up again on Thursday, and how many rockets were lost before they succeeded on their first landing in the ocean. They are still beholden to Government money after a fashion because that’s what keeps the lights on. But the earlier stages was largely funded in private I believe.
  8. What this launch hopefully will do is to either spur ULA to better things or just kill ULA altogether. I'm fine with either result, because if there is one thing Musk has demonstrated, it's that there is no such thing as too high a barrier to entry, especially if you have grit backed up by some money. Better yet, if ULA dies, there is a going to be other companies that will pick up the slack.
  9. It will be good to have an American made manned space craft again. Whether you like him or not, Musk has revolutionized the launch business. Without him, we’d still be stuck with the Russians or praying that a miracle happens and ULA comes through.
  10. Does it involve smoking hot sexy green aliens??? No... not the stage after facehuggers. Give me a Captain's Captain... a Kirk. One who doesn't compromise his true values, which is leaving his seed across the galaxy as he explores...
  11. The Batman movies aren’t bad, the JL new 52 were less interesting. I hope they go back to the Bruce Timm era, if Filoni is who people should go to for SW, then Timm is the guy to do DCAU. his Batman series and JL were pretty good.
  12. Nice to kind of know where the Viper monkey came from, to me the F-16 will always be the Fighting Falcon, I think that was the original name. As for the F-35, 6 internal AMRAAM, curious to see how they fit that in, perhaps we can start calling that variant the “Fat Lightning”
  13. You forgot to mention... No Ewok, no seacows giving green milk, and NO JAR-JAR... That is racism.... or at least animalism
  14. We agree on #1, that's good enough for me. You can't win them all.
  15. Of the new movies, I would say Rogue One was rewatchable, TFA is kind of second.... and there is no third.
  16. You know, reading that board makes me want to watch Bayverse transformers. May be they will have a diplomatic solution for once, like how the real world works. Where the Sith and the Jedi gets together and hug it out.
  17. ha ha... too funny.
  18. Yeah... well.... not the same as the original... I mean who is he going to buy? And with what money?
  19. Oh no, the end has come... the post Sideshow Bob era has begun. it will either be glorious... or it will be hiatus for another decade.
  20. I am curious, with a blended wing design like this, why are the engines on the outside? It seems somewhat counterintuitive, wouldn't that just create drag?
  21. Interesting. I hope they succeed with this, and we can start to forget the Bay era crap that has persisted for the last decade plus.
  22. well, I agree that it would not likely happen.... but hey it isn’t out of the question. There can always be a side story that is down and dirty, look at how Fox did with their Marvel content. You can bet some Disney execs have considered the idea at least. The main playground is still very nice, but then there is this gritty dirty corner. Appeal to the audience. Go after a different segment.
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