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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. Hmmm, dullindal still hasn't shown anything. So, he edits out Freedom, I think he has a good reason for it. From his point of view, Blue Cosmos or whatever wasn't destroyed the last time, it was ok that GENSIS was stopped, but nobody bothered to finish off the moving force behind the last war, they stayed around to cause more problems, so he is going to finish the job. Freedom and company are a threat because by not allowing ZAFT to put down all of BC, they're ensuring that all th crap that happened last time will happen again given time. Meh.... As for why AA is so powerful, fine, let's take the entire ZAFT fleet against AA, eventually even they will fall. So, really, who cares.
  2. Why the bloody hell can't these stupid people just stay dead. Mwu should've died, the only prayer now is that Neo is just a stupid clone. Although in a larger sense, that's stupid. May be Klueze wanted a son, so he had someone clone Mwu... ha ha....
  3. Hello, I'm Athrun Zala, I have no idea what I want. My friends are absolutely clueless, but because I don't know what I want, I'll just hang around my clueless friends and hope for the best. Let's face it, Char Aznable, he ain't. As far as Neo is concerned, he needs to die in light of what he has done. And that's another reason for Shinn to go after AA. After all, didn't Neo say he'd look after Stella? Well, he sure as hell did that.... I don't mind if Freedom gets destroyed, I hope that by the end of the series, they'll kill off at least one or two of the main characters. Preferably, not Shinn. Kira, Athrun, Lacus, and Cagalli, one of those four, preferably two of them need to bite the dust. But I swear, they added those three murasame pilots to be killed at a convenient time later on just like those Astray girls. Need meaningful and impact characters to die. Athrun would be a prime character. Kind of like when Emma bought it at the end of Zeta. (no, I don't want Luna to die, but may be the sister....)
  4. I wonder if that means that they'll actually put a few more MS on Minerva. A few Zakus or may be Goufs... A ship like that having only four MS is kind of pathetic. The Orb carrier seem to have at least two dozen, and even the EA carrier seem to hold more.
  5. newtype ability in GS universe is so poorly explained that no one really knows what it means. They should've stuck with the genetic modifications and limited to that. I could've easily believed that you can genetically modify someone up to the point where they can multi-task (i.e. run funnels) with a sophisticated enough OS, the so called new type reactions just doesn't make sense to me. The rip off of the original gundam is done so poorly that it's better not to have that at all. I don't mind that the writer is trying to be original in storyline, and I also don't mind them paying homage to the original series. But they're trying to do both, and can't really do either thing very well. This is getting ridiculous, Zakus, Goufs, Doms, I'm just waiting for Marasai, Hi-Zacks, Jagens, Sazabis, and others now.
  6. it would've been nice if the druggies actually managed to kill a main line character from Seed. But that's still better than what the three new guys did. Auel and Stella are dead, and it's likely that Sting bit the dust too. They've been around for about half the show, and if I had to guess, they probably killed more people in stealing the gundams. Auel probably had the best kill ratio of the three if you don't count Destroy. And no main line characters killed, I don't count Heine as a real kill for Stella since that happened more by accident than anything else. So, in the end they're boring. At least the original three were entertaining. Especially Crot, who was essentially a punk.
  7. Remember the original gundams when they would bring out ace pilots on the other side every so often who aren't main characters, sometimes they'd be killed in three or four episodes, sometimes, they last throughout the rest of the series. They need to do that with EA. All of those MAs last exactly one episode or one battle with crappy pilots. Part of the problem is that Minerva need to get some cannon fodder pilots in their ship. They had those two guys in the very beginning, but then never again. The ship essentially has all aces, and apparently EA has no aces. How funny is that. And finally, I miss the old druggie pilots. They were fun, they were slaughtering cannon fodders for a long while. before they died. They were at least marginally effective.
  8. Yeah, but that ignores all the prior evidence we've gotten that contradicts your hierarchy, which is based only on a battle with a mobile suit that even I could use to take out some enemies. And besides that, even based on that one battle, you still can't justify putting Shin ahead of Kira, because when he tried to attack Kira, he didn't even come close to hitting Freedom. The one on one matchup should trump their comparative performances against the same enemy. And if it's only based on that one battle, you can't really rank Athrun or Cagalli at all, since Athrun didn't have a MS and Cagalli, as azrael mentioned, only shielded civilians without fighting herself. Think I'll just spell it out since it's still not obvious. Piloting skills are not absolutes, which is why you have hierarchy that change and evolve over time. Thing would've been different earlier, and you do understand that this is kind of a joke right? We're talking about the piloting skills of cartoon characters, things that can change depending on what the guy who draws the things feel like. If the writer wanted, I'm sure evidence can be provided that Wile E Coyote could smack around Kira Yamato any day of the week. Oh never mind, you can't even understand the premise I put this on, it's not worth the effort to keep explaining... i.e. last time we see these pilots fighting isn't limited to just this last episode.
  9. And how do you come up with that insane piece of logic? I sure hope you're not going to suggest Shinn is to blame for civilians being killed by Destroy because he returned Stellar, since Destroy would have been put into action regardless of whether she had been returned or not. yep, Destroy would've been put into action, but the fact of the matter is Shinn gave Stella back, and the result was however many people died because of Stella's piloting Destroy. Nothing anyone can do to deny that. It's called the bigger picture. Because if Stella killed even one person after he went back, Shinn would've been responsible for it knowing what he already knew. Let's look at the facts: 1) Stella is a killing machine... whether it's her fault or not. She has killed over and over again. 2) Stella is going back into the hands of the "enemy" who has turned her into the killing machine with a "promise" from that same enemy that she won't kill again. So knowing all of this, would a rational person do what Shinn did? Think of this analogy. Let's say you have this dog your very anti-social neighbor owns, it's a vicious psychopathic mutt that to your knowledge has maimed and killed. You like the dog because you think it's cute, and it likes you for some odd reason. The dog gets hurt, you try to help it, but in the end only your hope for the dog to get better is to give the dog back to the anti-social neighbor. Then two days later, with you watching, the dog tears the throat off of a little three year old who was just a bystander. Knowing this, you can always claim it's not your fault, you were being compassionate. But that's a lie, you know its history, and in spite of it, you returned it to an environment where it can continue it's ways. If you think that's something that's ok, then there are several very large bridges I'd like to sell to you.
  10. Take a wild guess on how Kira knows it's Mu.... Actually, they've been using the beam-saber-blocks-beams since SEED...Kira seems to be the only one who's crazy enough to do it. Ok, I can buy it if we take the Stella part away, and yeah, I forgot about cagalli saving civies... it's very easy to overlook an MS that hasn't really done anything at all in the GSD series. Of course Shinn is single minded, his mind is on the fact that he needs a girl friend to show up the boss. How else do you explain him not remembering Stella killing the orange haired dud. He probably won't even realize it's his fault that countless civilians have died. And all will be forgiven. In reality, Shinn would be facing the death penalty for what he did. The episode is indeed full of plot holes, thankfully I never made the mistake of assuming GS series had any real plot. But on the other hand, it was nice to see things get blown up.
  11. All I can say is read very very carefully my initial assumptions: Based on the last time we see these pilots fighting in their most recent MS: This means Stella (in Destroy) vs Kira (in Freedom). The episode was mostly Kira vs Stella, followed by Shinn vs Stella. So, all the other stuff doesn't count really. And if you think about it, if Kira can't even touch Destroy while Shinn did, that should tell you something. Use deductive reasoning, Kira focuses on Stella for what ten minutes of the show, and has nothing to show for it. Shinn comes in, and damages Destroy enough to see Stella in less than two minutes. Do the math. And let's see, who was in seed mode while not being able to touch Stella and who wasn't in seed mode while slicing up the armor in front of the cockpit? The only way you get around that is by saying Impulse is a better MS than Freedom. Is that what you're implying?
  12. After watching the episode, I think it's time for a new hierarchy of pilot skills. This is based on the last time we see these pilots fighting in their most recent MS: Kira = Stella (they couldn't beat each other, while Stella was not messed up) Shinn > Stella (when Stella was not messed up) 3xMurasame pilot > Sting Sting = Athrun Kira > Athrun Kira > however many number of Murasame pilots they throw at him Cagalli still useless, she launched several times, and as far as I can tell has done nothing So, new hierarchy: Shinn > Kira/Stella > 3xMursame pilots > Sting/Athrun > Cagalli Oh I didn't forget one last important pilot/group, it's called EA. EA is represented mainly by Neo and his merry band of Windams. Let's see, Neo is in charge, he sees Stella can't touch Freedom, but he sees Freedom's mothership in firing range. This is the place where the Freedom's pilot get his food and water, not to mention a comfortable bed and a hot spring. So instead of depriving him of the one thing that has sustained him, Neo continues to have Stella fire uselessly at Freedom. And of course, there is the band of Windams that basically sat back and did NOTHING. So this act of stupidity leads to the ultimate insult: Cagalli > EA
  13. sounds like an interesting episode, but if what you guys are saying is true, what the heck happened to these Murasame pilots? Did they get replaced by superduper alien clones? Too bad it'll take another 4 hours to download. I really didn't think they did all that good in the previous outings. I'm sorry, but to the guys who said that they did a ton of damage to the Minerva, it was laughable what they actually did. Because the numbers they had in that episode, they should've sunk the Minerva without breaking a sweat. I think the problem is like others have said, the EA totally suck
  14. It's too bad, Shinn is growing a little too arrogant for his own good, his problem is not being faced with a tough decision where his actions will have an immediate and terrible consequence. i.e. he watches Destroy blow away ZAFT troops, knowing it's Stella, then having the balls to kill her because it's the right thing to do. So far, his decisions have been relatively straight forward and fairly free of conflict. Kill his immediate enemy. That would force him to reflect a little. Seem like the I hate Shinn crowd has gotten the writers attention during the last round of feedback poll
  15. as for the autopsy, remember when Tony said there wouldn't be one, cause everyone wants to hush it up? You know why (uses his best Peter Griffith voice) because Jack is really an alien, and an autopsy would reveal that. So, they already have a fake Jack body prepared... ehehehehe... Next season should be interesting, they should have CTU, but to a much smaller degree.
  16. Happy ending for everyone but Jack. And Audrey too I guess, but I don't like Audrey that much, so who cares. Heck, there is even a happy ending for Mandy. Oh wait... seem to be forgetting someone... oh yeah, Behrooz, no happy ending for him cause someone in LA is still driving around with Behrooz in the back of a van. Don't know what to do with him.... well, may be they'll let him out next season. Wonder what next season will be like. I wonder who will make the call to Jack, if Tony or Michelle stays, then it's likely, but if those two follow through and leaves. Then it'll be likely up to Chloe to call Jack, cause Palmer probably won't be able to do it.
  17. actually, it seem like they are making things up as they go along. I swear it almost seem like they're polling their audience to see what's popular and then make the up the new episodes down the line to reflect viewer opinion. Not enough Shinn, ok, we focus on Shinn Not enough Kira, ok, here is Kira Athrun is getting too much press, let's knock him down a bit Cagalli is too whiny, ok Shinn shots at her etc etc....
  18. Patrick Zala is more like a Ghiren Zabi. The parallel is quite amazing, although he didn't kill his son, like Ghiren who managed to kill his dad. GSD is at best a very watered down version of Zeta, although it's storyline differ in several aspects from Zeta, enough so that it constitutes its own story line. But the problem with the entire story seem to be that they can't decide who to focus on, one week it's the Kira/Athrun show, the next week it's the Shinn/Stella show. I think they're trying to weave several things in at once, but even if they bring off a good ending, the middle episodes (from 10 on) have been a bit lacking. At least the first few episodes were good setups. And if the spoilers are true, Athrun's destiny will forever be someone who can't make up his mind which side he is on. The guy has defected so many times and fought on so many sides that you need a scorecard to keep track of who he is currently fighting for and why. To me, that's kind of poor character development.
  19. They combined Bask, Jamitov, and Scirocco into this person called Neo... unfortunately, they found out a bit late that this was a big mistake. They should've just settled for a Scirocco. Call me a throwback, but GSD has no villian that is equal to Scirroco in sheer intelligence and capability, hell, it doesn't even have a villian that's cruel like Bask. The best they've come up with is Dullindal, and Jibril.... and while Dullindal might still amount to something, it's become obvious that Jibril is just another loser.
  20. Agreed on the power of Destroy, I'm glad they're finally demonstrating what little Stella can do. I mean come on, the other two used guns, this one was using knives to slice up people. She is vicious, and with Destroy, her true psychotic colors are showing. they should've gone after a major ZAFT base with that thing. The only thing Destoy needs is a frigging beam chain saw, and it'd fit perfectly.
  21. Uh oh, AA crew now has a case of mission creep.... moved from preventing Orb troops from engaging in combat and preserving Orb ideals to assaulting the Destroy (which as far as I can tell doesn't even have an Orb pilot) how fun.
  22. The duels were lots of fun too watch. Sidious was really entertaining, especially how he offed the three jedis that went along with Windu. Probably the worst of the duels was the first one, Dooku seem to go down really fast as previously suggested, this guy would've beat the crap out of Maul, and did beat up the other two, and the way he went, it was just no style. I was disapponted that he didn't even use many force powers. It was also kind of entertaining to watch yoda and kenobi go through some of the clones. Sidious hit it on the head when he called Yoda the little green freak, because that's exactly what he was when he beat down all the clones. It wouldn't have been out of place if Yoda was laughing hysterically as he was chopping down the clones.
  23. Just saw the movie... and the best I can say is oh well, at least it was just a matinee showing. The good thing about the movie is the special effects, as if there is any surprise there. I could probably rewatch the movie a few times just to see the special effects. Not enough of the vehicles like Graham said. The opening sequence where the two fighters skimmed around the star destroyer was very nicely done. The level of details were great, and I wish they showed more of the battles. The fighting and the duels (since people didn't talk much during duels) was great. Now, having praised the movie. They may as well have made it an animated feature. The acting was horrible. Ewan did a fair job as Obi Wan. But everyone else was horrid. I mean Jar Jar did a better acting job than the actors, and you guessed it, I liked him because he didn't talk. In all fairness, it wasn't their fault really, it was the poor dialogue all around. Story wise, may be it was just me, but I almost cheered for Sidious when he was wiping the floor with the jedis, Mace was at best an arrogant bastard. At worst, he is the kind of good guy you secretly hope would just die. He flipped his mind really quick from you're going to be jailed to I have to kill you because there is no justice. What else, the story just didn't feel like it had any emotional impact, I listened to the audio book, and the novelization was better done. But that's what I expected. When Anakin sliced up Mace, the emotional impact just didn't carry through in the acting at all, it was like oh, Anakin turned to the dark side... ok, that's nice. It was the best of the three prequels, but doesn't hold much of a candle to the frst three episodes. Not even ROTJ which was horrid thanks to the Ewoks.
  24. Behrooz? Who is that? is that one of Marwan's terror minons? Oh, I know, he was the driver on the getaway car from last night.
  25. If Mandy could cook, I'd marry her.... of course, after I take the precaution of putting a bomb permenantly on her that is directly tied to my own vital signs. i.e. if I expire, so does she. This episode was actually quite nicely done. Still feel very rushed, but I can see how some time real world events can turn that way. I'm surprised Jack hasn't cracked yet, because it's a lot for one guy to handle in a 24 hour period no matter what support mechanism he has. On the other hand, I'm of the opinion that Marwan need to survive, and that this day need to be extended into the next day (for next season). Something that I was really hoping for in season two. Finally... if given a choice, would you take Marwan's rent a terrorist as back up or the CTU red shirts/field officers? At this point, I'm leaning toward the former given that the latter seem to be utterly ineffective.
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