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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. his ex-ass? If it use to be an ass, what is it now? sorry, long day, I couldn't help myself
  2. are you trying to imply something here?? Sure am, I'm saying in a very roundabout way that those three Murasame pilots might be very very good. Even better than.... GASP.... KIRA But I doubt we will ever find out! Kira and Murasame pilots have no point to go against each other and I dont think there will be a reason to, but hey who knows. Maybe you will be....right..... Edit: Need spellcheck button..... let's try this for warped logic.... while shifting various time periods around. Sting = Athrun Athrun = Kira (remember when they were fighting in Seed?) 3xMurasame pilots owned Sting... Therefore: 3xMurasame pilot > Sting = Athrun = Kira Remember, I said very warped logic with no attention to timing. So if Kira went against 3xMurasame pilots, Kira might end up *GASP* like Sting... chopped into little Kira bits and pieces
  3. are you trying to imply something here?? Sure am, I'm saying in a very roundabout way that those three Murasame pilots might be very very good. Even better than.... GASP.... KIRA
  4. I got the impression that Sting was the best out of the three when the show first started. How disappointing that he ended up as the worst of the lot. But hey, give him his due, he was at least as good as Athrun. Bring back Crot, Shani, and Orga... well, may be not Orga, he wasn't very funny. I wish now that one of the old druggies got the Freedom, then he would have been massively entertaining.
  5. But the real question is whether or not Kira will now become like Sting. Those Chaos DRAGOON pod thingies didn't do him one bit of good.
  6. guys, guys, guys, CRYING. She obviously doesn't need any instruments, we're talking lead singer material here. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH but that's pretty much her only lyrics.
  7. WRONG, of course she can use the Freedom version of Strike Rouge correctly. All she has to do is cry in the damn thing, there is nothing special about that. The only thing that I think is a bit lacking is the equipment. There should be a big mike in the cockpit with several dozen high powered loud speaker where the Freedom weapons are so she can share her crying with everyone who doesn't currently have a radio turned on. Or better yet... heh heh, her version of Freedom can shot little speaker pods into the enemy and then she can cry their ears out.
  8. Just curious, has anyone ever used a P90 before? I've seen a lot of specs and pics, and it looks like a sweat gun. Anyone knowledgable about that one?
  9. What you say about Char is true, which in a way means that he is actually more of a person on his own than Athrun ever will be. Athrun is changing sides almost on a whim.... Fighting spirit is irrelevant. He essentially has no mind of his own it seems. With Char at least he has his own goals, he is his own person... Athrun seems much less so. At least in my opinion. The difference is the strength of character. Having the best MS has nothing to do with that. Heck, Char had Hyaku Shiki (not exactly a superior suit) throughout Zeta, but he was an interesting character.
  10. With Char changing allegiance, it was at least believable, about five to eight years, enough for events to occur and lots of time for reflection. With Athrun, he changes sides like it was the flavor of the month. It goes something like this: "Oh, I'm betrothed to a red head, but there is this blonde on the other side, think I'll switch sides... hmmm, the blonde cries all the time, dammit, but there is this cute red head pilot, switching sides again... ok, the red head is like a stalker... gawd, ok, may be I'll go back to the blonde, switch sides yet again."
  11. Athrun's biggest quality seem to be his ability to switch sides. It must be done at least once during a series, preferably more... At this point, I'd like for him to leave ZAFT, join up with Orb, then at the end of the series, leave Orb to rejoin ZAFT again. Heh heh. But only after he detonates Infinite Justice and have a crying party with Kira and Cagalli in some silly fashion.
  12. This was true for most of the fight. Except remember when Shinn had to seperate the modules to avoid the beam saber? I thought at that point Kira was aiming for the chest section. Now, may be Kira was aiming for the legs, but seeing as how there are no weapons on the legs, and the engines were on the back, I don't see what that might have accomplished. Unlike the Duel, Impulse can fly on its own. May be Kira finally got desparate enough to have to think about dealing a death blow.
  13. Ever see the movie Maverick, the one with Mel Gibson, and Jodie Foster? There was this one scene earlier on where Gibson's character is playing poker with a bunch of people, and he was taking their money; One of the losers said: "I don't think that hand should count." Mel Gibson: "oh why is that? You have any logical reason why that hand shouldn't count?" Loser: "Cause my mind, it wasn't on the game." The excuses for why Kira lost all sound like that exactly. His mind wasn't on fighting Shinn, Shinn trained against him specifically, Shinn had multiple spare parts, kira had a no kill policy.... All of that sounds like the excuse of a loser that turned around and said: "that loss shouldn't count cause my mind wasn't on the game."
  14. So you're telling me commandos wouldn't be the likely pick to send to get rid of these two? So if you were on a super-power's wanted/hit list you wouldn't take precations against commandos then? No, the point is, you can know that someone is coming for you and it still wouldn't make one damn bit of difference if the opposition was good and if you acted stupidly like having a predictable schedule and location. Let's say you're wanted by the U.S. government dead or alive. They'll send Delta force after you, would you continue to live in your cushy apartment say in the middle of Libya, and go to your 9 to 5 daily job in some factory? I don't think so. That's a sure way to end up dead. In case you don't realize it, the best way to avoid becoming a target from say a super power is to stay mobile and keep from staying at a place long enough to become a target. (for advice on this, consult Osama and company) Having a routine schedule which can be nailed down like a coffin is a way you end up dying. What I'm saying here is that there have been no precaution against a raid at all. Because if ZAFT or EA is as dangerous as you claim and they're hunting for you, you wouldn't have a regular job where you showed up 9 to 5. Their life style immediately shows you what type of danger they actually think of themselves in. This of course turns around and point to the fact that the ZAFT commandos they sent SUCKED. Fixed target, element of surprise, minimal opposition, and they still screw it up. That's what the whole thread was about. You brought up the two combat vet thing that tipped the balance? My response is, so what? The only reason the commandos failed at all was because they were terrible at their job. And no, if I wanted to get rid of those two in a fixed house where I know their schedule everyday, I wouldn't send in commandos, I would just send in a dozen cruise missiles. But of course, the commando had a stealth job, and they botched it.
  15. What does putting me in a warzone have to do with anything? Just because there hasn't been anyone after them doesn't mean they didn't take precautions. You don't survive very long as a fugetive by being careless. Especialy if one of the groups that has you on a wanted list happens to control 5 of the seven continents. exactly what it sounded like. If you don't have a lot of the training, then you aren't likely to be able to learn on the fly. While both had some minor experience playing against commando style raids, they aren't trained to do so as a part of their regular careers. Taking precautions against assassins is one thing, trained to fight off professional commandoes who knows where you live is quite another. You can take precaution against every day robbery, but if a professional thief comes after you, you don't have a chance. Ok, now, onto another subject... I see a lot of people making excuses for why Kira lost, but so what, the end result was he lost. It's like Buster Douglas and Mike Tyson, sure, Buster Douglas is a nobody, but guess what, in the record books, it shows he won just that once against Tyson. And it was a big deal for him. Kira had a no kill policy, Shinn trained to fight Kira, Shinn had help, Shinn had multiple replacement parts available... blah blah blah... all of those are just excuses. The bottom line is Kira LOST.... Who the hell in the world wants a fair fight anyway? Does anyone ever think it's unfair that Kira has the most powerful MS around, I don't hear anyone complain about grunt pilot losing to him when he blasts them from a distance with an overpowered MS. All of it sounds like rationalization for their favorite character on why he lost. By the way, does anyone else think the story is taking a rather abrupt turn? There was no build up to attacking the AA at all, it just happened out of the blue. Kinda weird for story development.
  16. You seem to forget these people are wanted I don't think ZAFT and the Alliance looks kindly on desertion, especialy since they jacked each side's most advanced ship at the time. I'm sure they learned a few survival tricks. survival tricks? Let me toss you into the middle of a war zone and see how well you learn survival tricks on your own. They hijacked ships, sure, but after two years of nothing happening, people all of a sudden decide to go after them? Besides, you have to remember, there was no reason for them to keep up their guard, there hasn't been anyone after them for a long time... When you come down to it, those commandos were third stringers at best. They got beat by a cripple and a girl.... Just a thought, and we know it isn't true, but what if Kira is actually DEAD. Now, that would be something... certainly enough to get the storyline interesting again. No more Kira for the rest of the series. Ah well, it would be too much to hope for.
  17. No, I mean the ones who brought in half a dozen mobile suits from the start, and instead of just opening up with those MS in the beginning and blowing it into match wood, they all decide to run stupidly toward the house and wake up everyone in the process. We must be talking about different commandos. As for combat vets, Ramius is a naval officer, and Andy was more of a pilot. Their jobs in life wasn't close quarter combat... so, they are presumably not trained to do this type of work, but had some limited experience due to their careers. One would assume these guys going in are real special forces, who had the element of surprise (as in, no one knew five hours in advance they were going to show up). The real world equivalent here would be a navy captain, and a marine pilot (both of whom just woke up and are probably still groggy) going up against a dozen SEALs. The fact that they failed so miserably would be indicative of the fact that they probably are more like a bunch of amateurs than real commandos
  18. All things considered, I wouldn't mind seeing Athrun getting knocked around by Shinn. The reality is, Athrun has caught the Cagalli syndrom, whiney, indesicive, the only thing he hasn't done is crying his eyes out like a little girl. It might be just me, but I don't have any sympathy left for any of the old Seed crew at all. I'm glad they were more or less getting their ass handed to them. By the way, why does Shinn deserve to die again? Is it just because he put down Freedom? That's a lousy reason, Kira thinks I must kill Shinn because that's the only guy who has ever embarassed me?
  19. Are we talking about the same commandoes that tried to kill a couple of kids and failed miserably? Heh heh. Somehow, I'm less than impressed with ZAFT special forces, special ed, may be... but not really special forces. I do hope they have a few more druggies lined up for EA, because let's face it, the last group sucked major league. Heck, one of them got killed by a bunch of nobodies.
  20. This just goes back to my original theory that Dullindal was right to try to put down Lacus. He obviously knew that she has been assembling her own private army and probably threatening to take over PLANT. No wonder he tried to get rid of her. For the safety of PLANT, yeah, don't let that pink haired cuteness fool ya. She is pure EVIL.
  21. Hey the rednecks were funny.... not to mention they were supposed to be pretty good until they met up with Amuro. Although I have to say, their attack looked pretty gay to me.
  22. Hey, at least we ain't like those pedo trekkies. You guys are all wrong, Ramius is the best looking one. Variety is the spice of life so I've heard... nothing wrong with having all of them at once..... Onto other things... three DOM pilots? Are they like the equivalent of EA druggies in Seed. You know, show up around ep 38 and die by around the end? If the storyline ends up as Orb vs. ZAFT, and ZAFT loses, then things are seriously screwed up, because then the implication will become Orb is just as powerful as ZAFT, and hence one would wonder why it would even consider joining EA in the first place. As for the character interactions, I just don't see Athrun chomping at the bits to put down Kira. All things considered, Athrun somehow became spineless through the course of this series, and it's time for him to go back home to AA and be the second string there. May be he and Cagalli can start crying together. heh heh. I'm now kind of curious to see where this storyline is going to go, it seems like in the next six or seven episodes, EA will totally become a nonfactor.
  23. I'm curious too know what Dullindal's true motives are. Up to now, it's all been rather vague, aside from trying to put down Lacus, and I can easily agree with him on that score, I don't see that he has done anything wrong.
  24. Talk about an unflattering picture of Shiho, she looks more like a man in that shot.
  25. I always wondered what it would be like to have seen Camille and Amuro at their prime going against each other. Personally, I'm more of a Camille fan.... having said this, Kira and Shinn don't really hold a candle in terms of their individual characters to either of aforementioned. But it might be interesting to see them fight. I can understand how Shinn is pissed at Kira, and I think there is a good chance that if they had equal MS, Shinn can beat Kira. As for Athrun, how the mighty has fallen, he might have made a great Char if he had even a percentage of Char's will and determination. But like Kira he is perpetually confused. Pick a side and stay with it... He should've been more sympathetic to Shinn with what he knew, and he sure should've been more diplomatic in how he dealt with Shinn. But oh well, in the end, Athrun is still just a little kid. Finally, I did like one thing, Shinn knew how to hit nerves, he nailed Athrun but good with his little barbs. BTW, Shinn and Rey aren't exactly wrong. From their point of view, every time Freedom and company intervened, Minerva and crew somehow suffered. It's very easy to see from Shinn's point of view that Freedom and AA needs to be stopped. Stella aside, they just have to think about the last two encounters with AA and company, both times they (ZAFT) suffered because of it. It's a rule for soldiers on the battlefield, you don't want to hurt neutrals if you can help it, but in the end, there are really only two sides to the fight.
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