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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. The one thing I'm curious about is exactly how much money Bandai makes off of Gundam lines. I am assuming GSD happens on Satruday night there, or is it morning. But whatever the case, I wonder how their ratings are like, and in turn, how much cash they get out of selling off their various models are figurines. Like the idea of using the shield like a battering ram. Heh heh.
  2. You can say the same for 0083, 08th MS team and even most of Seed, where numbers actually mattered. Remember, Gato was brought down because he was outnumbered. Orb was taken because they were outnumbered. For Zeta Gundam, the pivotal point for defeating the Titans was Bright using the colony laser, not Camille killing Scirroco, now, obviously, Scirroco would've been big trouble if he lived, but he would have to build and start from scratch. The exceptions are Wing and G. Where it became the super robot show.
  3. Maybe a little longer. I think Gilbert would think twice about bring down Archangel and Orb if Freedom was ripping his army to streads. 319224[/snapback] The thing about GSD is that its too much of a super robot show. In reality, no matter how good someone is, throw enough numbers at them, and they'll fall eventually. This would apply even to Freedom. After all, Kira has to go to the bathroom at some point. After three days of continuous fighting, Kira: "can't take it any more.... arrrrgh, must take piss, must pee............. cries After a few days, it would be pretty rank in Freedom.
  4. Unlike V2's Wings of Light, Destiny's WoL do not provide any real thrust (okay, perhaps I should say no thrust). The WoL create after-images using colloid particles. Apparently, this effect drains the battery. This is probably why Destiny cannot use them that much. 319157[/snapback] I think you just said that WoL is kind of useless. Nothing more than a big sign that screams: "HERE I AM, SHOOT ME." Heh heh. Correct me if I misunderstand. I think an actual mirage colloid can be a bit more useful.
  5. Imagine what Shinn could do with SF. Oh, but they need to toss in an anti-ship sword. Destiny seem to be a weaker MS by comparison due to the fact that it's power can actually deplete. One other note, can anyone tell me what wings of light is actually supposed to do? It seems to be nothing more than a big energy drain at this point.
  6. They've been pretty lenient as far as killing off characters. So far, there has been only a paltry four deaths. Assuming you count in Heine, and the three druggies as important. It's time to splurge again. Given that there is not going to be another seed series immediately, it wouldn't be bad to be very dramatic all of a sudden and kill off a whole bunch of characters in a short time frame. If they kill off Luna, Rey, Shinn, Talia, Meer, and Gilbert, I believe that would account for most of the new cast. I'm pretty sure, Rey, and Gilbert will go. Odds for Meer is pretty good too, can't have two Lacus, so tragic death there. Shinn and Luna are toss ups, but if they die, so be it. No, I'm not forgetting the other Hawke and Arthur, they're just not that important in my view. As for the DOM pilots, if they die, they'll have had as much impact as Sting and Auel. I like it if Athrun accidentally kills Luna, and that sets Shinn to kill Athrun, and then in turn be killed by Kira. I think they can make all of that happen in two episodes. It'll even satisfy all the rabid Kira fans out there. Oh yeah... Rey has to die too, we'll put it up as a footnote somewhere. Last note, if I were Jibril in ep 42 and I knew what was going on, I'd be busy laughing my ass off. In theory, everyone is trying to get him, Orb, and ZAFT, and he doesn't even have an MS to escort him, instead they're busy killing each other and tripping all over themselves. For Jibril, at that very moment, life would be good. Hell, if he escaped, the first thing he should do is to broadcast an open message to the world saying, Orb is our one true ally. Without the help of Freedom and Justice, he would've never been able to get to the moon and start to using the Requim, and as soon as he is done, he'll come back to Earth and properly reward Orb and make the leader of Orb his chief minister in charge of EA or something like that. Throw in some nice words about how he appreciate the sacrifices of all the Orb military, and even the legendary AA in trying to protect him from the evil coordinators.
  7. Come on, Face Off was not that bad. Nick Cage was great as Castor Troy. Of course, that was not a serious role. Con Air was fairly entertaining... especially since Malkovich was in it. But when I first saw the trailer, I laughed. "one in every twelve people owns a firearm on the planet, the real question is how do we arm the other eleven." It was funny. Definitely on the to see list.
  8. At this point, Neo/Mwu will hopefully not die again. But if he does, they need to make sure Ramius goes with him. The rush to finish the show is a little more obvious now, not so much development between successive plots and superweapons. It seems like the new EA superweapon will debut in one episode and die in the next episode. Sounds familiar. I'm curious to see where Shinn will finally end up. I can accept if he becomes the final boss before Dullindal, but at this point, one of the two other leads need to die. I think Athrun should fulfill that role. Given how many times he switched sides, it's time to put him out of his misery. Besides, one more red gundam need to go KABOOM.
  9. Yeah... ok, you keep thinking that. Kira pwned Shinn, say it enough, and you'll even believe it. Saying Kira gave Shinn a chance to go back and rearm and come back and fight some more just mean one of two things: 1. Kira doesn't have what it takes to take Shinn down (see Saviour, Gaia, Abyss, Chaos for example of how to properly pwn) or 2. Kira is an idiot, and let Shinn go back, rearm, and come back possibly to kill other people or even beat him. Saying it's a plot point is just bad. That's like saying Shinn beating Kira was just a plot point, Fukuda made Kira throw the fight. Agreed on the horrible pacing on the series. We'll see about the last few episodes.
  10. More than one PLANT, half of them being blasted would be nice. The casualty count for this series seem to be a bit low. Time to jack up those numbers. As for the BS about sparing your opponent to show that you pwned them. I've never heard such ridiculous nonsense in my life. Kira's goal is to minimize casualties. Shinn is a casualty generating machine with his Destiny, as Kira has previously seen. So, it would be logical for Kira to spare Shinn by cutting up Destiny but leaving him alive but crippled. (or take it to the extreme, kill Shinn to save more lives later) That would be pwning him, like he did with Saviour and Athrun. The very fact that Shinn's Destiny was more or less untouched meant that Kira couldn't possibly pwn him at that point. So, don't get carried away with the Kira pwning... cause at this point, he doesn't. At least, not with respect to Shinn. If just getting rid of that sword is Kira's idea of pwning, then it just shows that he is a complete moron.
  11. Sometimes, randomly pressing buttons and moving around a joystick can get you unbelievable results. I daresay that this is one of those instances... It's called luck
  12. You know what it was... pure dumb luck. Kira: "Oh poo, here he comes again with a damned sword, oh god, what do I do, what do I do? He is gonna skewer me again. The gun isn't gonna stop him, oh poo... I'll put up both hands and wave frantically and hope it confuses him enough to throw off his aim." And a second later.... Kira: "holy crap, did I do that? Did I just catch his anti-ship sword with my hands? Oh my God, unbelievable, poo, I'm gonna yank that thing right out of his hand so he can't skewer me again. Dammit, why didn't that bitch Lacus put an anti-ship sword on this Strike Freedom. Cheapskate."
  13. I don't think he exactly owned Shinn. Owning Shinn would be chopping Destiny up to little pieces like he did with those Goufs. Obviously that didn't happen, so let's not get too far ahead of ourselves. Kira may still put him down at some point, but at the moment, it's almost even. Now, it seems that EA stupidity has transferred to ZAFT. Rey and Luna are both sitting in the ship while Minerva and AA duked it out. What a bunch of morons. Gladys should be shot for not ordering Impulse to launch and attack. After all, Luna is still under her command. But I suppose, with the super robot show, it's to be expected that military realism will have to just take a backseat. Dom... hmmm, not impressed at all. Jetstream attack? Looked to me like the attack of the incredibly gay trio. Again, believable for super robot show they were running. So, are the DOM suits supposed to be on par with the gundams given how quickly they wiped out an entire attack force of Goufs and Zakus? I wonder how these three will stand up to Shinn at some point. Or will it be just another case of chop chop with Destiny. And you'll note that not more than 20 episodes ago, the Gourf was one of the best suits around; gawd, you have to love how fast military technology advances. Makes you wonder if Neo/Mwu could even survive is his skygasper... (no, that wasn't a misspelling on my part) Lastly, recycled footage notwithstanding, I wonder what happened to the avoid civilian casualty order from last episode. Give me another recap episode I say, we need to relive what happened in this episode next week, so that the animation team can have another break.
  14. I'm glad she is off of Andromeda, that show started off ok, and then became seriously screwed up. I think she's gonna be Fraser's replacement... now my understanding is that she is Landry's daughter, but in real life, she is married to Shanks (Daniel Jackson)... Scifi is actually doing well with their own little crop of actors these days.
  15. Is it just me or has this series had a lot of clip shows. I mean, isn;t this the third one? That's a lot for a 50 episode show. Anyhow, if you do watch it, a good portion of the clip show show is stuff that happened, oh 3-4 episodes ago. THey really are just not trying anymore. 316146[/snapback] Amen to all of the above. At this point, the best resolution would be if all the major cast just died off, since they aren't doing another CE project anyway, I figure, what difference could it possibly make now.
  16. The shuttle program really ought to be phased out. It's been a long time coming, the replacement program for it should've been really locked in place by the mid 90s. And the first replacement should've been there a few years ago. It's an expensive and somewhat inefficient program to run back in the 90s, and now it's just a waste of time. But unfortunately it's still needed because no credible alternatives that can be put in place tomorrow. If you have to cast blame, blame poor management at NASA, and frankly, it transcends beyond politics, because both sides need to share the blame for the state of NASA today. There is also a very core question that needs to be asked on what NASA's mission really is: Is it a fundamental/scientific research mission or is it an operational mission focused on servicing (by which I mean servicing satellites, supporting ISS, etc) and exploration. To me, there are fundamental differences that has to be resolved. Fundmental/scientific research means essentially doing research that may not have immediate benefits. From what I know, NASA in the 90s had a very large fundamental research mandate that had very little to do with operations of spacecraft. But I think it's something absolutely necessary. Then there is the servicing/exploration, which is quite different, missions to repair satellites, bringing up food to the space station to replace crew, etc, these are unglamourous missions, but essential to things like keeping the ISS running. I think the way ISS is set up is supposed to be R&D focused, but it doesn't seem to be run well that way. The best solution, and this goes beyond the shuttle, is to split NASA into two components. One focused exclusively on pure engineering matters and exploration, i.e. building new space crafts, sending people to Mars/Moon, and more mundane tasks such as support missions for ISS or launching satellites etc. And another arm focusing on research, i.e. running the ISS as what it really should be, an orbital laboratory. As well as a bunch of Earth based R&D projects. The two element has to cooperate well, but they each need their own separate charter. By the way, from what I know now, there are people in NASA who love the concept of going to Mars, it's a gigantic engineering challenge, and there are people who thinks it's an absolute waste of time. For the latter group, you guessed it, they're a bunch of scientists engaged in fundamental research, and for the most part don't even have any remote dealings with space related exploration They're also the ones who are getting their funding cut, so, it's all about the money in the end. Sorry about the tangent, but the bottom line with the shuttle program is it needs to be replaced just as soon as possible. But I can tell you now that there will be a bunch of people who will oppose the idea as well as the idea of the shuttle itself, and you got it, those guys are the R&D guys on Earth who will get their budget cut for what will essentially be a new engineering program. Using heavy lifters like Energia is a good short term solution, but in the long term, things like the X34 is the way to go.
  17. All things considered, that's actually a little more realistic considering physics than Bling gundam's mirror coating. The beam actually reflected the right way with Impulse v Freedom.
  18. Where did the idea that you don't pay a price for being in the middle of the road come from? 315052[/snapback] It's the whole point of playing both ends. So you don't pay a price for being stuck in either camp. That's basic... of course, the key thing is to remember that this isn't always a permanent state of affairs. As Orb so nicely proves.
  19. Yeah but they didn't get taken out of the picture. Neo Gundam? 315039[/snapback] they paid a price... the idea with middle of the road is, you don't pay a price... Orb was middle of the road, and it go squashed coming, and soon it will be, it got squashed going.
  20. It depends on the guy who is sitting in the middle of the road. If he is nimble enough, he's ok for a while, but eventually it'll catch up to them. But even the guys at Anaheim had to pay when they played both sides, remember 0083?
  21. I think the Requiem is going to be something similar to the Federation's Solar System. He doesn't really seem afraid of Djibril as opposed to reluctant to follow him. 315021[/snapback] Daddy is what we in the business call a fence sitter. Even though he is a frigging moron since he gave up fence sitting when he allied Orb with EA. The die is already cast... and daddy needs to go. As the saying goes, the middle of the road is great... great for getting run over by both sides. Wolfx, you should also be amazed that the reflective property of Bling gundam which seem to violate the law of physics.
  22. Guardian Of Unity Forerunner. 314907[/snapback] Gawd, and I bet you're not just making that up.... that is just sad. I wonder if Babi has an acronym too.
  23. And yet she totally ignores the important foreign relations aspect of that leadership role. Comparison to Padme isn't very good, because she did conduct diplomacy within the galactic senate before going back to Naboo (yeah I know, no equivalent body in CE, but guess what, PLANT/ZAFT is considered a foreign entity) Orb was pushing back, which was why it was a perfect time to drop a speech and pray. Like you said, Azrael, a winning force is not as likely to listen as when a situation becomes less tenable... like when ZAFT was getting pushed back. Oh well, all this is a nice theoretical discussion. Time to move on. DOM has that kind of a name? Geez, I was hoping they'd come up with something better, if they ever had Gelgoogs, I wonder what acronym it would've had. All those Gs would make the naming convention a bit more difficult. Someone has gone acronym crazy on Fukuda's team.
  24. Ack, we're going around in circles now. I agree that ZAFT might not listen. But the point is still drop the broadcast anyway, since it won't hurt doing it. Appearences... and if it gains Orb a respite, then it's a bonus. As for ZAFT winning, that wasn't the case right before Shinn showed up... they were getting pushed back, remember? But think of it, if Cagalli can do a broadcast from Rouge, she damn well better be able to do it from Bling Gundam. Unless of course, Bling gundam was actually meant for combat, and Rouge was meant act as a PA system. Remember, a leader is more of a politician than just a front line grunt, and the latter is the role Cagalli is taking on while more or less neglecting the former. After all, if Shinn happens to skewer her, how could she possibly lead her men? And before anyone say it... this isn't hating Cagalli, I'm just pointing out that she's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
  25. The Fox guys has to suffer through the insults, they realized what a mistake they made when they saw CN ratings for FG. So, they now have to take it up the ass... but, FG is safe as long as ratings are good, but if ratings even look wrong, FG will end up like the other long list of shows. Besides, you have to remember, the television industry guys have no shame. They'd sell their closest relatives if it meant ratings.
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