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Everything posted by kalvasflam
I wonder how effective the stealth viper really can be against Cylons. Imagine it armed with a nuke against a base star, and if it was truly invisible. Anyway, this was a good episode, it could be just me, but Tigh is really growing on me as a character. He tells Tyrol about the spare engines, and helps himself out to the booze. It's pretty obvious that he ain't the sharpest knife around, but he is the most loyal. And he far has surpassed the original Tigh in terms of just development and characterization. The episode was relly good in terms of just some nice character development, Helo, Tyrol got a good lion share of character development time. Then of course, all the other characters got pushed. No naked Six... I'm sad. Unlike a lot of people here, I like naked Six. But bondage Boomer almost made up for it. I like the idea of shoving a fiber optic cable up her arm, a ewwww moment, but nice and effective. I wonder at what scale her electronic parts become visible. Hmmm, I wonder if the original Cain had a daughter, if this one will have a son. Rival of Apollo, ha ha ha ha.
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Well, now that Minerva is the "bad ship," we can safely assume that it'll be ripped to shreds shortly by Archangel and Eternal. They'll run circles around poor Minerva and then wipe out that poor ZAFT ship. Heh heh. All the other ZAFT ships supporting Minerva will just be simple cannon fodder. Eternal is as far as we can all tell is just a fast carrier for just the Justice and Freedom. Supposed to be a ZAFT battleship, but that's more Minerva, and I would equal Eternal to a WWII class fast aircraft carrier. It's about equivalent with its anti-air capabilities, the only thing it is really missing is lots and lots of MS. But it's pretty obvious that it can carry more than two. From the looks of things, at least four, probably more like seven or eight. But I'm surprised that given the rapid technological advancements in CE, that Eternal and AA are still considered modern ships. -
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Change Shiho's hair to silver, and what do you get? Yzak. heh, those lazy bastards. -
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
If GSD fails for no other reason, it should be a warning for future anime writers that politics and anime storyline do not mix. -
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
so any thoughts on what his saying? BTW found this on another forum. 328816[/snapback] Up to date? Bah, this is the primary reason why GSD as a series suck. It's Fukuda's attempt to inject politics into his little cartoon show, he is so intent on pegging evil people in his show, that he essentially screwed up the story. He actually did a great job of injecting politics, Orb for example, if that's supposed to be Japan, then the Sarans are equivalent to the current Japanese prime minister, Kozumi who is a Bush ally. Ha ha, I wonder if that would make Fukuda Cagalli, actually that's really funny. That Fukuda might be a transy in secret. EA (early on) = US bumbling Jibril is Bush ZAFT (later on) = US diabloical Dullindal is Bush or someone pulling Bush's strings and making him dance like a meat puppet. Whatever, it's stupid that he sacrified the story at the cost of a political message. -
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I ain't much for just posing models, I remember buying a $30 VF-1S Bandai transformable back almost twenty years ago. I started playing around with it, and a piece broke off that required me to permanently fix it into fighter mode. Sad...... 328257[/snapback] Dang sorry about your toy. Well I havent takin the Fins/Funnels of my SF. And my Chaos has gotten no love since I posed it once. So I guess there won't be any new HG 1/100 for a lil while. I hope the wait for the next 1/100 will be worth it 328404[/snapback] Should've clarified, it was a model, never meant for playing around. I was an idiot then. Heh heh. Now, I just buy the frigging toy, and leave it in the box, it's an "investment" Just wait 100 years when those things are priceless, ha ha ha ha, then I'll take over the world with the money I make off the Yamatos. -
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
As long as it comes with the DRAGOON pack I'll be happy. 328141[/snapback] Dragoon pack = more pieces to lose. :-( 328165[/snapback] Not really a problem for me, I'm on of those guys who just poses it and doesn't touch it for a month when I get tired of it's pose and decide to repose it. 328196[/snapback] I ain't much for just posing models, I remember buying a $30 VF-1S Bandai transformable back almost twenty years ago. I started playing around with it, and a piece broke off that required me to permanently fix it into fighter mode. Sad...... -
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
As long as it comes with the DRAGOON pack I'll be happy. 328141[/snapback] Dragoon pack = more pieces to lose. :-( -
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
The first SEED wasn't too bad. The Alliance lacking the NJC made sence why they didn't cloak nukes and ZAFT didn't have the technology long. But Destiny just went straight down the toilet after the whole Break the World incident. With the Alliance and ZAFT on roughly equal terms in technology, the Alliance should have totaly smashed all of ZAFT's major Earth bases though sheer weight of numbers. Not only that but the Alliance controls four of the seven continents meaning they'd have far more resources and manufacturing capabilites at their disposal. I don't think Minerva would survive an encounter against several Archangel and Girty Lue class ships. Super Gundams or not, Destiny and Legend aren't comming out on top if about 200 Windams jumped them. Applying any kind of reasonable logic, there is absolutly no way ZAFT could have won in the second war. 327906[/snapback] heh, but Druna, haven't you seen how Freedom and company regularly kicks ass with just one or two MS? Never mind the fact that if people continued to attack over a couple of days, Kira eventually has to take a poo, and would die while trying to do that. Heh heh, the EA is apparently incompetent militarily, and as Effect say, the technology developed in 100 years during UC has been crammed into less than 5 years in CE, plus some additional stuff. But all of this is water under the bridge. We all knew this was happening, but the end result is a big fat so what.... Have we seen MC being used again? Don't think so... just pathetic. The excuse that all the fans make for oversight like this: "it's too expensive" -
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Funny.... heh heh Magnus. relax, it'll be ok, you'll see something next episode that resembles a new episode, followed by Rey, epsiode 49, hopefully yet another recap from the perspective of a character who is about to die. I can see it now: "I remember the first time I met Gil" "Athrun joined us today as a part of our crew, I don't trust him" "Oh my God, oh my God, Gil is here... Gillllllllllll" *faints* "Goddamit, it's that Freedom, I hate Freedom" "heh heh, Athrun lost his MS today, Looooooser, now Gil will pay attention to me." "Oh Gilllll, how could you..... how could you call Athrun to give him another new MS? Why not me?" blah blah blah Heh heh, but it's ok, at least with Rey, they'll toss in a few Freedom scenes to please the loyal base. But fear not, for the next series, there will be new members to the staff, Fukuda's wife, his mom, his dad, his parents in law, all giving him glorious suggestions. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee -
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Given their track record? Ha ha, that's funny. I wouldn't hire them to assassinate a cow... -
Good episode, the question that's not too obvious is whether or not Xena on Galactica knew she is a cylon or if she is just another plant like the first Boomer. I'm still curious to see what the cylon plan is, after all, they obviously decided that humans to some extent might be useful, otherwise, why keep the fleet alive. The story is good enough for now, as long as they put in good reasoning down the road, and the humans decide to do something aboout it after they find out. That should be good enough.
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
It's not that good with the recap episode, too bad, I still think an episode like this earlier on when she was still alive would've been great, not a recap episode mind you, but one with her experiences, and her motivations. As it were, when she died, I didn't really care, it was like Auel, or Sting or Sho, or those ZAFT guys that got killed in ep 1 and 2. But how wonderful, a recap episode about a dead person, may be that means they'll bring her back. Hahahahaha Hell, even this episode could've been useful if she went through details about her ordeal in getting recruited and so forth, and getting cut up to look like Clyne. Could've casted poor Gillie in a real bad light. But as it is, Destiny plan... meh.... as long as it leads to a lot of death and destruction, that's all I hope for. Hopefully, we can get a few more PLANTS blown up in the process too. Of course, Lacus et al will be expected to go into retirement once again after stopping Dullindal, thus setting up for the next series, where everything will repeat but with a slightly different villian or something like that. Ok, just curious, how many did they do in GSD again? recaps that is.... but well, as long as GSD has undemanding fans, recaps will work just fine. Just put in a few shots of Kira pwning, and the diehard fans will be satisfied. -
Marie Warner? That'll be interesting to see, I wonder what role she'll play, may be the new Mandy. Although she'd probably have to undergo a little more terrorist training.
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Well, I can't let my buddy F360 look like an idiot, so I guess I need to make sure he is right on the money F360, you are in fact an idiot, one of the biggest around, a total moron, and an absolute... hmmm, ok, you only used two descriptions, ok.... what else, what else, oh I know, and I hate you. Hater right? See, I'm a really good guy, I'm agreeing with you in every way.... and am in fact making you look good by making sure you're right on every point you make. What more could you ask for. 327072[/snapback] thanks for using a example with a smiliy to call me names buddy, glad I was able to let you do some more bashing and name calling 327090[/snapback] Would you rather be wrong? I'm helping you out here... heh heh, how many people go out of their way to do that for others. Geez, whatever happened to gratitude. Getting back to GSD. The next episode has the potential to be really interesting, the only problem is that at this point, it just seem to be compressing the story further. The spoilers seem to point to a rather anti-climactic conclusion. Rey as a villian is just a bit bland, after all, what has he done that is really "evil?" And asides from piloting Legend, why is he so special? Oh, he is a La Flaga clone, that's about the best you can say for him. No development really as a "evil" character, no real contrast as to why Kira or even Athrun would hate his guts. At this point, his dying seem to be a foregone conclusion, and it'll be about as impactful as Sting and Auel biting the dust. -
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Well, I can't let my buddy F360 look like an idiot, so I guess I need to make sure he is right on the money F360, you are in fact an idiot, one of the biggest around, a total moron, and an absolute... hmmm, ok, you only used two descriptions, ok.... what else, what else, oh I know, and I hate you. Hater right? See, I'm a really good guy, I'm agreeing with you in every way.... and am in fact making you look good by making sure you're right on every point you make. What more could you ask for. -
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Yawn, no wonder the series become so crappy. THis is what happens when you bow to the mass of idiots that make up the fan base. I wonder why they even bother doing a story at all. And 360, Bandai couldn't care less if Kira or Lacus was in the series. They care whether lines of Freedom and Justice will sell well, they'll have no problem if a new character can push models. Hell, the quintessential Gundam to please the fans would be every first episode have some boring fight that has no meaning involving Orb, every second episode would draw in the old crew somehow, with Kira showing up on the battle field at the last minutes to get all the morons drooling, and every third episode would be Kira running amok. That's how easy it is to satisfy the fan base. -
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
GS-3 only if there is no Kira, no Lacus, and for the love of God, no more Orb or Cagalli. I mena, no cameos, no mention of them except perhaps their untimely and grizzly demise. The rest I can deal with, but those aforementioned need to never be in the show again. The same goes for Freedom, Justice, Impulse, and whatever new gundams they come up with. In fact, I'd like to see a gundam show with very limited amount of gundams. -
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
The same thing goes for Canadians, Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Germans, British, etc. heh heh..... You understand that it was a joke right? -
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I just have this to say: JUST SAY NO TO LA FLAGA... he's French, therefore must be evil.... -
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
and up till now, it's been kicking his ass for the entire series. 326576[/snapback] Exactly, and now that he's a "good guy" again and ZAFT is now the "bad guys" again he should get his payback. 326579[/snapback] I'm glad CE universe is so clear on who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. Hell, if this was set in WWII, you can easily see how Hitler might be turned into a good guy with the current group doing the story board. -
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
and up till now, it's been kicking his ass for the entire series. -
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
freak..... -
It's worth watching. Just remember, it's simple entertainment, if you expect a deep philosophical movie with profound sociological impact, go watch some movie about one guy kiss another guy, and then getting sued for it. It ain't gonna win any oscar, it ain't gonna be remembered in five years. But for $10, it's cheap entertainment for about 90 minutes, and better than most of the summer films.
Official Gundam Seed Destiny Thread
kalvasflam replied to Anubis's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
No problem, we'll call up fukuda and have him do a Luna/Meriyn/Lacus love scene, after all, hentai is what will finally save GSD and give it a popular draw. In fact, doesn't most hentai involve some ridiculous sex scenes that end up resolving the final crisis?