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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. I'd disagree, but that's just me. It's always possible that the Iranians have a bunch of surprise in store if it ever came to open fight against the US. But I don't think they'd be able to inflict much damage before they were grounded down. If they launched an all out surprise attack against the US forces in the region (never say never) then they could do some damage. But I doubt the Iranian air force would survive more than a week of open conflict. Wait for the USS Google, the USS Intel, and the USS Microsoft .... heh heh... but I remember being involved in a discuss on this thread earlier, so think I'll sit this round out.
  2. Meh, I'd take Iran as seriously as any of the other pissant Arab air forces in the region. The plane looks entertaining, but I would not want to be flying in the Iranian air force if the US ever decided to get serious on launching an air offensive against them. However, if they were to go against Iraq (without US involvement), I'd give them more than even chance on gaining air superiority.
  3. Ha ha, that's so funny, OMG, we're out of fuel, we're gonna crash. But thank God we have this plane load of water to weigh us down. I believe they've recently refitted 747 to do fire fighting, although the water is expelled via nozzles on the side of the plane
  4. My only problem with the A320 is the luggage bin, both on Jetblue and United, the damn thing is just about half an inch too small for my rollerboard. The seats on the Jetblue version is far more comfortable. United... well, it's United, what can you say. As for the 3-2 seat configuration, it offends my sense of symmetry a little, but it has its uses. The seat configuration I really don't like is the United 2-5-2 configuration on 777, great if you're window or isle, sucks if you're middle. I suppose the idea is that way, only one person has to go over two people to get out, version two people on the 3-4-3 configurations. I do love the 777 though for the way the engines are, very quiet, and overall, I just like riding on that plane better. If you ever looked out of the wing of a 777 versus that of a 767, it's just so different. I know I sound dumb this way, but I always enjoyed the 777. In regards to sale, remember that the A380 was doing fantastically well until the production snag in April. It could happen to be Boeing 787 too, one could only hope that Boeing pays attention and gets all its manufacturing up to speed before the actual build. And the CEO had better hope that the designers didn't overpromise on the 787. That could be a disaster waiting to happen... especially considering there is quite a bit of new technology that's going into the 787.
  5. I think the seating arrangements is done by airlines, but I don't know about the cabin bin though. My experience so far is that Boeings (no matter the airline) seem to have slightly larger cabin space. Heh heh, nice video about A350 vs 787. But I understand the new design A350 is well received by the public, the one that airbus just came out with. But like the 787, the jury is out. Until those planes make it through production, nothing is certain. My thought on the 787 right now is that there is a ton of hype, but until the plane makes its maiden flight, and proves manufacturability, it's just nice marketing.
  6. Changing the focus slightly. I don't know how many of you travel, but do you have preference for Boeing aircraft or Airbus models? Speaking from personal experience, I tend to like the 737 just a bit better than the A320 (???), if nothing else, the luggage spacing is better so that my carrying on can fit wheels in first. But beyond that, have any of you flown the current long range airbus, which I think is the A330 and/or 340? What do you think? I would think the A380 might be a nice aircraft to fly on when it finally gets deployed, just for the experience. Same for the 787. What is your flight experience like?
  7. my god, did you watch the animation they have? They have an F-16 actually DOCKING to a guide rail before the missiles are sent along a second rail to be loaded. That's freaking crazy. 420525[/snapback] Well, about 200 years ago ... it would've been crazy to think that large number of people can fly. so, far fetched today is tomorrow's reality.
  8. Some of those ideas are not so far fetched. The aerial rearming though... But the drop tank idea is not a bad one. Just have to fit it with some small amount of explosives. After all, the tanks are likely going to be lost anyway. So, put it to some good use.
  9. I'd like to point out that Eisenhower never would have had a ship named after him if he had not been the President. The Navy does not name ships after soldiers, Shugart and Gordon were rare exceptions, and they were Medal of Honor winners as well as soldiers. 417520[/snapback] Hmmm, Nimitz was a soldier if I recall correctly, sailor if you really want to nitpick. Spruance, another sailor, Halsey, King, etc. None of those were politicians. I'm going to hold my peace on this subject at this point. Since this is becoming a pointless debate. Personally, my preference is still for historical battles, and names of outstanding military men to be names for ships. Followed by states, and cities... although I can't help but like the British naming tradition, Broadsword, Battleaxe... now those were good names.
  10. Interesting question. Ok, I'm gonna look at this backwards, by eliminating non-contenders first. Jaguar was replaced by the Tornado, so it's out. The SU-24 has short combat legs under full load, but carries a nice loadout. So, short legs eliminate it. Tornado is slightly newer, better legs, and heavier loadout, but still not that great. So, it's out. 417058[/snapback] Right, but I bet you one thing - however low you think you are, the Tornado will be under you somewhere. 417136[/snapback] And look where it got them during Desert Storm....
  11. My whole point on this is that it's better not to name ships after politicians. Had Bush Sr not become a president, there would've been no carrier named after him. Ike would've had a ship name not due to politics, but due to his distinguished military record. Likewise for Washington, and Abe and if they ever name another ship after FDR, are both deserving because they were war time leaders - so I can overlook the political side on those. The point being that the distinction should be due to military career, not political ones. Other ships that were worth while... Shugart and Gordon. Good mentions. I'm hoping for an Enterprise. The navy needs a new one. Oh, and the navy needs a ship named England too. I don't think there is one by that name these days.
  12. I can't stand these people naming warships after politicians. Stennis, Vinson, etc, geez, I can understand if they name it for a real war hero, and might make exception for one or two politicians, Ike, GW, and Abe comes to mind. But that's about it. Jimmy Carter? I don't care if he was in the navy, it's a disgrace to name a fighting ship after someone like him, same for Reagan, and Bush. I want warships named after famous battles... or respectable people, i.e. Nimitz was deserving, and they really should've named a carrier after Spruance, and possibly even Halsey, definitely Mitscher. But sadly, that was not to be....
  13. Interesting question. Ok, I'm gonna look at this backwards, by eliminating non-contenders first. Jaguar was replaced by the Tornado, so it's out. The SU-24 has short combat legs under full load, but carries a nice loadout. So, short legs eliminate it. Tornado is slightly newer, better legs, and heavier loadout, but still not that great. So, it's out. The final contenders are tough. The F-111F, can carry heavier load, but not quite the range of the A-6E. A-6E can't carry the load, but the load it does carry is more versatile. Not as fast as the F-111F though. Hmmm, I guess if I had to pick for pure land attack missions, F-111F, but for all purpose attack, where maritime attack comes in, well, the F-111F just don't carry harpoons, and that's a crying shame.
  14. Scary, I remember that they used to name battle ships after states, now we're naming bombers, just goes to show how little a dollar can buy these days.
  15. I suggest going to court. In the bay area, you go to court, if the cop doesn't show up, your case is just dismissed. It's half a day. Worst case scenario is if the judge thinks you're going just to see if the cop is going to show up. So, have a care, and prepare a story. In your case, the story ought to be, I was going along as fast as the other cars, when I looked down, I realized I was going a little faster than the speed limit, so I slowed down immediately, the cars around me were still going, I think I was around 60 or so mph at the time, at least that's what I remembered, thinking back. I know I wasn't going as fast as some of the other cars, but I was still over the speed limit. Gear it to admitting your guilt, and asking for leniency. Remember, worst case is you go to traffic school anyway. DO NOT go out of your way to contest what the radar was saying. You could I suppose, but it would piss off the judge. Not something you'd want. You might also want to point out other things like your clean record for the last ten years.
  16. Too bad, I think neither th -22 or the -35 deserve the name Lightning. in fact, given the cost overruns and the long lead times, they should've been named: "never shoulda been" and "never will be"
  17. How that guy wasn't stripped of his rank and kicked into the janitorial staff is beyond me. The guys who wrote his fitreps ought to be court martialed.
  18. I don't know, Transformers... I can't imagine Megatron and Soundwave as anything other than P-38 and cassette player. I wonderwhat are the alternate modes going to be.
  19. Rear visibilty on that thing looks non-existant. Graham 411700[/snapback] Very 'VF-1' like don't you think? 411791[/snapback] Reminds me of the older Migs, and I think the first flight SU-27s. I think.... but isn't this more a no-trans-fat version of the F-35? heh heh
  20. Not the only problem Airbus is having... they just lost an order for 20 planes with an option for 20 more for Singapore airline to 787. There are a lot of people who are wondering what's going on with Airbus these days. While the A380 sounds cool, personally, and there are a lot of other people who are wondering how realistic is it to have such a gigantic jumbo jet. Everyone seem to think that the 787 model is the right one for the airline industry. And I also wonder just how many airports now have cleared the A380.
  21. Because no politician will risk his neck like that. If one of those planes shot down a US fighter because some politician authorised the sale of new seat covers for the Alicats, you can bet they'll never hear the end of it. 404889[/snapback] That was of course a bit of a rhetorical question in the first place. But the reality of the situation ends up being that the Iranians are gonna get their black market parts anyway. In the grand scheme of things, ignoring the idiot politics involved, the strategy is about keeping your enemies close to you. You know their capabilities, so that when the time comes, you can ream them. It's always a battle between the known and the unknown. But of course, politics tend to throw everything out of whack.
  22. I wonder why the US doesn't just sell older parts to the Iranians openly... heh heh. Politics aside, it will be a nice move. Heck, even with politics it'll be a nice move. Let's face it, it will mean exactly one thing: Money for whichever corporation is selling the parts and retrofits. If there was ever a war, those Alicats are toast. The technology such as it is in those Alicats will be at least a generation old. It'll be fun to watch those things.
  23. Saw X-3... well, it was not very good. The first two had better stories. I think one of the main problem with X-3 was just too many characters, aside from the aforementioned useless appearence of Angel, the actual team was a joke. Comprised of newbies, and the we could've just called X-3, Wolverine 1. Now I like Wolverine as much as anyone else, but this was overkill. And not even close to the true form of the comic. But if X-4 comes about, I guess it'll probably be a clone of something or other, may be bring in Apocolypse, why not, they've already milked this Magneto thing for too long.
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