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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. All things considered, I was ok with this particular episode. The truth is, the squad wasn’t going to all of a sudden go and kill a ship full of imps.
  2. it's a shame that Musashi and Yamato were done in by carrier aircraft. It was just a fitting end to the battleship era considering how the Pacific was mostly carrier and submarine wars. But it would've been a grander end to the battleship era to see Musashi and Yamato duke it out with Ching Lee's New Jersey and Iowa. While the latter was more likely to have won due to better speed and fire control, the former could've gotten lucky. Instead the end was the Surigao straits with Olendorf's ghosts of the deep killing the older Fuso and Yamashiro in a ridiculous six v two fight.
  3. One obvious question is how did Gamilas fall so far so fast that their homework’s is actually threatened. Gatlantis wasn’t shown to be focused on Gamilas at all. And what the heck happened to the Gamilas type Andromeda carriers, they are back to triple deckers again? yes, three years have passed…. What the heck was Desslar doing for three years?
  4. I would like to be surprised though. I agree, but I think if they manage to surprise us on this, it would make for some very awkward moments later on, and potentially fun. Interesting though, at this rate, there will now have to be retconn'ed in a network of clones who are turning against the empire.
  5. Not nearly as funny as the fact that if she then went on with Kylo, it's basically... well, the image is disturbing to say the least. Yes, so, the granddaughter, and the great grandson (meaning the auntie and the nephew) decided to get together. This is disturbing in all kinds of ways. Trust Lucas and Disney to come up with something twisted like that. Just when you thought the Oedipal complex couldn't be worse, Disney takes it one step further. Good job, mouse.
  6. You can imagine if this was South Park, that Mickey Mouse is now bad mouthing Black Widow in front of the troops and sending out his goons to make an example out of her.
  7. Boohooo. A fight between overpaid actress and a greedy corporation. Can’t say I care about either… hope they both lose.
  8. And despite it not being a good movie, ScarJo is suing Disney. Yayyy, now we have some real fireworks. And by the way, ScarJo, Romanov is staying dead, no matter how many other universes there are, she has died in every alternate reality possible. B
  9. Hahahaha. I just saw this thread, and the so called trailer. They should just make a show called Star Trek: crap, or Star Trek: we have no clue what we are doing. At least it would be honest. paramount + indeed, they should call it Paramount - for all the money they are dumping.
  10. The problem is that this is a joke of an origin story. GI Joe and Cobra shouldn’t even be in here. They screwed the original interpretation. I am fine with Snake talking, hopefully he isn’t jabbering away all the time.
  11. So... Sukhoi is a Russian company, right? Checkmate is a Russian aircraft... this unveiling is in Russia... So, why the heck is all of the market material in English. I mean is one of the target customer the USAF?
  12. Cause Elaine is still just Elaine, no matter how you dress her up, change her role, you still expect Jerry, Kramer, and George around the corner. Or Newman. Lipsticks and pigs.
  13. They really are milking this connected universe, with the end of credit scene. The good The bad The ugly this story line felt a lot like they were trying to do a female version of Winter soldier, and it just falls flat. They could have done a much better job with Widow’s back story, basically potential wasted. Like Solo stand alone in the anthology series.
  14. It feels like a middling Marvel movie, but given what’s going on with Loki, Widow, Stark, Vision, they aren’t truly dead… just will get to a point when RDJ, ScarJo, and Bettany needs a new gig.
  15. What if might be interesting… but she hulk? Hawkeye? Not that interesting… you may as well do adventures of Wong. hey, I have one for you… how about Thanos. You can do pre avengers, lots of options there, or post snap. cause villains, good ones are what makes Marvel.
  16. This sounds suspiciously like the people at Disney studios have somehow failed to come up with credible new story lines that doesn't dip into the well, or is somehow offensive, and then Disney said, screw it, let's outsource. Next thing you know, you'll be trolling through the fan fiction boards for ideas.
  17. surprised they didn't just get permission from John de Lancie to digitize his younger version and have him do the voice acting.
  18. Loki is a great show precisely because the main character is so flawed, he is pretty much us. And we root for him to win in a way, just like we'd root for a Batman to win in a DC universe full of overpower suits, we have a plain man of will, yep, totally broken but relatable. I'm really curious where the next episode takes us. Like I said, this is nothing like the first two entries. I couldn't care if Wandavision and Bucky and Sam come back for a season 2. But I would want Loki.
  19. Is it possible that Scar Jo can milk a BW2 out of this if successful? Cause, why not. I mean I'm sure Disney is up for it.
  20. would it be possible to have no humans? cause they SUCK.
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