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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. Ha ha, I misread for a sec, I thought it said Friends choose the F-35.
  2. I am actually interested in this movie, all things considered it can't possibly be worse than the other three pieces of crap that Marvel put out this year. BW: The best thing about that movie was ScarJo suing the Mouse. SC&LTR: Awfulfina... need I say more, not even having Tony could save that movie. E: WTF was that even? Wish Thanos snapped them away and Banner didn't know enough to snap them back.
  3. At 24, I was doing an internship in a place I always thought was a part of the country I never wanted to visit. Spent a year there, and changed my perspective, now I think I wouldn't mind one bit living in a place like Austin. But it was eye opening to see how wrong one's preconceived notion about a place can be. But I remember borrowing a large electronic projector from work over a weekend, and rewatching all of Macross II again from a rental at the blockbuster down the road. That was fun.
  4. Probably just as well… if it’s anything like the last movie. Remember though, cause it’s a Jenkins movie, it must have an empowering theme like the Eternals.
  5. It's somehow fitting that Captain Kirk is riding into space with that particular rocket. One wondering what kind of rocket Captain Picard would use.... may be one with a British accent?
  6. it was very entertaining as a finale. I like how they keep slapping Stark down. The Stark is Kenny meme is definitely getting traction, although they didn't kill him this episode. what happened.... too busy to animate a Tony Splat scene?
  7. The one thing I like about the designs in the reimagined Yamato is the consistency in those designs. The Gamilas ships have not changed much between the two series, and looks to be consistent moving ahead, sure there is variation in command ships , but those are one offs and not mass production designs. I hope that they keep the Earth designs relatively fixed. Stick with the Battleship and Andromeda designs, they are proven and they work. even without the temporal fault, Earth should still be able to build Andromeda class. It just takes longer.
  8. So, I have a stupid question here, what the heck happened to the Gamilas class Andromeda carriers, were they some kind of loaners or something. So sad to see poor Berger with a triple deck that only has mocked up beam cannons that was obviously bolted on at the last minute to help Bandai sell model kits. As for the Bolar... underwhelming so far. It's like the first time the Comet Empire appeared in season 1 when Domel just ran over them like some crack whore on the street with his fancy new SUV. And Google Translation rocks: Yuki, would you like me to urinate on you... they may as well have gone for that. If you can't do quality, just don't do it.
  9. One of the few movies that might be interesting coming out of the DCAU as of late. I am wondering if they make it a two parter. Injustice had a pretty good backstory. And I like a-hole Superman.
  10. Geez, are they that out of ideas at Disney or that desperate for cash. They are going to 4 of these a year.
  11. He-man rocked…. We need more Dolph… heheh…. So, Picard is going back in time to make sure everything is woke, and people know how horrible and unjust they are? Haha…. At least that’s a fantasy that’s aligned with Woke Picard.
  12. I agree. I think I realize the problem here. The What if here is based entirely on the narrower scope of the MCU. For all the development that Disney put in place, it doesn’t come anywhere close to equating to the decades of comic history when What If came out first in the comics, and the series is also quite narrow in scope relatively speaking. No FF, no x-men, very limited Spider-Man (seriously, what can you do with Vulture or Mysterio outside of movie setting, no Electro, Green goblin, Gwen Stacy, Doc Ock, etc) heck, most of the MCU is based on a single overriding theme of cameos and massive crossovers.
  13. You are far kinder than I am on this movie. All I can say is one word: Awfulfina. Marvel needs to get rid of these useless characters. The movie had some good points, but they needed to not have Awfulfina, I really don’t dig the connections to the US, as she is obviously a shitty attempt to form some kind of connection to second or third generation Chinese kids who are basically clueless about China.
  14. As the Critical Drinker would say, there were definitely a few moments where the Craig Bond seem to have stepped out of his lane, thank God we have a strong cast of female characters to keep him in check.
  15. Just can’t get excited about this movie, no matter how many excellent HK actors and actresses they put in there. Mainly because they put Awkwafina in this movie, or as I’d like to call her Awfulfina or Awkwardfina, take your pick, having her in there just drags the movie down, not if they have Jet Li, Jackie Chan, and Donnie Yuen would they be able to balance out her awfulness. 🤮
  16. But they can use JLo, I think she is in the Eternals or something, right? Still Marvel.
  17. When the facehuggers come for you, you will wish you had one of those bad boys to keep them at bay.
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