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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. Oh no, please Jack, kill the Russkies, kill Taylor, heck, kill potato face and Freddy, but don't kill Charles. Charles is not a bad guy.... he is just misunderstood. You guys (meaning Bauer and Charles) can be such good friends if it wasn't for the circumstances. But it is ok to torture him a little.
  2. "Nothing... Nothing" Oops... should've taken the chance with Cole. The second round was just for good measure I guess.
  3. ah 24... How I missed Chuck. I always knew he was misunderstood. And what the hell is wrong with Jack... why can't he just let peace happen. Damn evil torturing warmongering SOB. Wish he would just let peace happen and they can cancel his show... oh wait, they're already canceling his show... nyah nyah nyah nyah
  4. Poor Jack... well, now we see what happened after the end of season 1. Or the equivalent there of. Jack's grief process is pretty fast. Five minutes... heh heh But at last, Jack is finally going rogue this season. It'll be Chuck vs Jack at some point. I feel so sorry for potato face, she got put in a position that is just a no win under any circumstances.
  5. Oh My God, they killed Freckles. Knew that one was coming.... I liked her character too.... Now Jack will go ballistic. But they will do Jack vs the Arch Republican for the end... this ought to be great.
  6. I know, I expected him to show up this week, but he isn't going to be here until next week. No one is off limits eh? I feel things might not go well for Freckles. Especially since they're going to have her go touchy feely with Bauer next week. May be Tony will show up at the end, and put a bullet in her.
  7. Helping the show go out on a high note. I think it's been said that season 5 was possibly the best season of 24 because of him. I like the idea. I do wish Tony would make a final come back. For tonight's episode, the special forces team was just terrible, I mean, one guy actually got taken alive. They're seriously slipping. White House intrigue was not that entertaining tonight. But the oft repeat pattern of bad guys in the govt is repeating, I'm looking for Starbuck to be working for evil industrialist Adama sometime before the end of the day.
  8. This seems a lot like season 1 here.... Let's see: Agent cover my ass turned to Agent with Dignity = Mason Freddie Prinz = Tony Starbuck = Nina Freckles = Dare I say it... Terri Bauer (except with a gun and knows how to use it) Jack = Jack Hmmm, if 24 goes to season 9, Freckles is gonna be KIA at the end of this season... possibly sooner.
  9. Hmmm, yep, CTU attacked... Check Next week: Jack takes on suicide mission: check Hello Jack, did we forget about our promise to Freckles... Speaking of whom, are we getting Freckles back? She's the most interesting character of all. EMP device eh? Well, it just goes to show you that in 24verse, all terrorists are frigging idiots. Hello, EMP device, go hit Wall Street during a trading day, would do far more damage than some piece of crap dirty bomb in Manhattan that probably don't even do much.
  10. Ok, Starbuck needs to die. CTU is coming under attack.... what a way to bring Freckles back into the game. I'd hate to think that she's just sitting around waiting in an apartment for Bauer. Agent Cover My Ass suddenly became Agent I Found A Pair... anyone want to bet he changes back to Cover My Ass before the season ends or he dies?
  11. Uh oh, now Freckles has gone from falling off the road to becoming totally useless. "Help me" "Save me" I see Freckles is becoming the 24 version of Ranka... gaaaahhhh... If that's the case, it would've been better if she went out guns blazing. Bauer is also losing it.. after the nice: "son, put that away or you're gonna get hurt" he gets tasered, come on, that's pathetic. On the plus side, the Starbuck storyline might be coming to an end, Thank God, that couldn't happen fast enough.
  12. You know, I wouldn't mind if Starbuck died somehow.... Dana whatshername bring shame to the name Starbuck As for Freckles, I stand by my earlier statement, she completely fell off the road. How many times did she stab #2? I don't even think the resurrection ship can help him. But that aside, Freckles may be on the way to redeeming herself. I can see agent cover my ass trying to put a leash on her, and she going rogue with potato face helping. And poor Jack is about to get what he is been delivering....
  13. Too bad there isn't any real hope of opening up the F-22 line again. Given that plane at least isn't having these developmental teething problems. One could hope though. I figure another 187 (what a weird #) F-22 would be nice.
  14. I couldn't care less if Starbuck dies right now. The subplots are kind of boring, why are we still even looking at President Taylor? It's like just filler space... and the Iranian president's bro has disappeared. So far, this season has been quite tame in terms of # of deaths. I did like the really dark turn that Freckles is taking. I am not sure how much this battered agent thing will go though. I thought Jack as a German was hilarious, although his change in accent was just a bit too abrupt at the end. I'd say there is even odds that Freckles gets a silent clock before day's end.
  15. Whoa, freckles didn't just fall off the wagon, she kinda fell completely off the road the wagon was on.... kinda like Jack in ep 1, season 2... I like it.
  16. Hmmm, Agent Walker is back tomorrow night. And she looks like she fell off some wagon or other. But can't believe Jack is ready to call it quits. Oh well, just one more day.
  17. Isn't that kind of like saying the F-16 is good enough, so why bother with an F-15? I am not arguing that the F-35 isn't possibly a good air superiority platform, but that just wasn't the design for the aircraft. It's stated role is a multi-role fighter with more of an emphasis on ground attack where as the F-22 is designed as an air superiority fighter. Well, it doesn't matter now, the decision is made, the F-22 is dead unless the Japanese manage to save it somehow.
  18. Did someone really make that comment on the F-35? Heh, the question would be, how would the F-35 achieve air superiority, with guns that carry 180 rounds, or do they just plan to ram the enemy? What an idiotic statement. I think the F-35 cost parameters are grossly optimistic, it'll almost certainly be a cost overrun issue. More F-22 just makes sense. Hell, if they can make the argument on the F-35 with external stores, I can't see why they couldn't do the same with the F-22, add on a bunch of detachable hardpoints so they can load up the F-22 with SBDs. The problem with the politicians is that they are just looking to fight today's war, and not thinking about the war tomorrow. As opposed to their favorite argument, which is fighting yesterday's war.
  19. May be I'm a little late and someone else has already commented, this thing looks a bit like the F-16XL, and more realistically, this thing looks like its way overloaded with munitions. A single engine plane carrying that many LGB and I think they are AAMs just seem... slow.
  20. How sad, why does no one vote for Ishtar? Isn't she entertaining?
  21. And the only real question is will the A350 fly before it or not. This 787 deal is turning out to be an even bigger disaster for Boeing than the A380. Apparently, Boeing learned absolutely nothing from the A380 debacle.
  22. Interesting: Red Flag exercise: -15 vs Flanker and Rafale http://www.flightglobal.com/articles/2008/...rty-tricks.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRIr2ak2IM0 There is a second part on the video too.
  23. Battle Galaxy is not evil... it's just misunderstood. You would be too if you carried a bunch of V-9s and a big Macross cannon
  24. Very nice picture of Galaxy. Yeah, the deck is ugly, but so what. Galaxy is just neat, I wonder if it was fully automated though.
  25. Even thought people call it Lucifer, I think it's still better named if it was Barney..... striking terror into the hearts of adults for the last two decades... (or however long it's actually been out)
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