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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. yep, you're right, I just realized how similar the two types looked, and what gave it away was the relative size difference to the other cruisers beside it.
  2. Well, I'd ordinarily say it would be Bogue and the evil twin brothers, but that's unlikely given Bogue x Herman, that seems more natural.... ha ha ha ha Oh I know, how about Hayate, Bogue, and the Garfield umineko... I admit, the interspecies part might be a little challenging, but they could just cook up Garfield into Umineko-man afterwards. Roppongi style.
  3. whatever happens, my one hope with episode 11 is that they will continue where they left off on episode 10. The aerial knights just got back their six to four advantage, they need to press in and kill Delta squad and make the Walkure DROWN IN THEIR OWN BLOOD.... (doing my best Bogue imitation there). That's what the real military does, no such thing as we killed one guy, let's call it a day. The only reasonable course otherwise is having overwhelming UN Spacy reinforcements show up.... This reminds me also, are the Aerial Knights like the only force that Windermere can muster? Because having six fighters trying to take over Al Shahal no matter how many NUNS are infected with VAR is just absolutely stupid. There better have been other battles happening on Al Shahal But judging by the title of episode 11, I have great fears that it will be a recap episode, I hope at least that it is a recap that advance the storyline.
  4. You know, for just a split second, I thought YF-23; Wow, a lot of movement on the tail plane too. It literally looks like it builds on a pivot.
  5. Just remember, the fatter the umineko, the more delicious, and Garfield there looks pretty plump... OIIIIIIIIIIIIIISHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII And if you look in that image I posted, there is already a set of dumplings in the background. Now, they aren't proper manjus, given that those are just tiny, but Garfield there can sure give you an idea of how many umineko-man he can make. But this is nice foreshadowing.
  6. Alto: "Sheryl, I have to be away for a few weeks, SMS has been requested to provide support in the XXX sector." Sheryl: "My foot is sore Alto, don't you even dare think about leaving." Alto: "But Sheryl..." Sheryl: "Listen slave, you will do what I say, galavanting off away from home doesn't count." Yeah, I doubt if Alto would make an appearance. Klan on the other hand...
  7. I still think Chuck must die next. But Herman does need to go. Possibly Cassim too.
  8. Oh man, I just saw Gundam the Origin. It's actually pretty good. Sure, they had to pay lip service and do some retconn, but damn, this is one of the first gundams without a mobile suit (or much of one) that I really enjoyed.
  9. Yeah, it's called an SV-51; if there was ever a descendant of the Flanker in Macross, it would be the SV-51 and eventually the VF-27. Oh, that's a nice poster
  10. why can't the triangle ever resolve in a threesome? You know, actually now that I think about it, personality wise Freyja and Mirage are more compatible than the other triangles we've seen. Come to think of it, may be that's what Alto was hinting at in ep 25... he didn't want to choose, he wanted them both. ha ha.
  11. As far as the Little DRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKens ( )are concerned, it would make sense that they are semi-autonomous. I guess Luca's ghost did the same thing in the final episode of Mac F. This does make me wonder why the drones are selectively launched with the Draken, and not just autonomous units by themselves. I've seen at least a couple of instances where the Drakens are used to change vectors very quickly, but seems strange that they have essentially a detachable FAST pack. But may be they are performance enhancers. Also, wasn't sure if I saw this correctly, i thought Keith ejected his micro-missile launchers during the fight with Messer. I wonder if that's a part of the Draken's FAST pack as well. I don't think they actually have anything like what the VF-31 has in terms of packs. Is the VF-27 pack a drone? I don't ever think Brera launched it that way. May be in addition to boosters, they are the control unit for the ghosts that accompanied him.
  12. Can you imagine and older and crustier version of Minmay. "Mikumo, your singing is flat, there is no tone, more throat, puts some feelings into the voice."
  13. Just imagine, Milia showing up to train Mirage. Milia: "So, Mirage, are we having trouble?" Mirage: "Yes, Grandma." Milia: "Well, you get in your shiny VF-31, I'll get into my old trusty VF-1, and we'll have a go, and see how you do." Mirage: "Ok, Grandma." 5 seconds later, Mirage's fighter is covered in paint. Milia:"Ok, let's do it again." Mirage: "But Grandma, I'm just not as good as you are." Milia: "What's your full name again?" Mirage: "Mirage Fallyna Jenius." Milia: "Ok, Mirage Fallyna Jenius, we'll keep trying this until you an land a hit on me, come on, I'm 70 plus years old, and I'm flying this old old VF-1, and I'm not letting you just give up." 5 hours later, and a few hundred additional encounters later. Makina: "Lady M, please, Mira Mira can't fly this plane any more, you've covered it in so much paint that it can't even get enough thrust to get off the the ground, the wings are literally blobs of paint right now." Milia: "that's ok, let's borrow that one." Points to Hayate's plane. Mirage: "No, please grandma, I just can't take it any more." Milia: "What's your name again?" Mirage starts to speak, but Milia cuts her off: "That's right, it's Mirage Fallyna Jenius. Like it or not, that's your given name, no changing it, that's not acceptable, we'll keep going until you land a hit on my old outdated plane. Just be happy your grandpa Max isn't here. You are NOT EVER ALLOWED TO GIVE UP." This is the same Milia that tossed her first borne at Misa after all, so I think this characterization would be just perfect.
  14. I'm sorry, I can't help it. OIIIIISHI (and I don't mean the fish)
  15. Her and Max both, but honestly, if you think about it, it even makes sense that she would send Messer out knowing his condition... Johnson: "Lady M, are you sure, you want to assign Messer to Delta platoon? He'll be in high stress situation, and he is a known carrier of VAR." M: "Of course I am, Mirage is in serious need of training, she has the basics of piloting down, but none of the instincts, Messer is ideal for training people." Johnson: "How do we teach her instinct?' M: "Simple, just tell Messer to be his cold hearted self, beat her up continuously on training mission, and keep criticizing her at every point." Johnson: "but what if she doesn't improve, this isn't exactly the normal way, we might even break her." M: "Ernie, you're a Zentradi, right? That method is the normal way for Zentradi, and we had it much tougher, we just got thrown out battle, and if we got killed, well, back then, the battle field is the only training ground we had. And a little constructive criticism better not break her, she has my genes, I damn well didn't break the first time Max shot me down, and he was using live ammo. With Messer, all she'll get is harsh language and a bunch of paint pellets." M: "As for Messer, just keep an eye on him, and send me the data on his condition as needed. We can always pull him if we have to, I can send one of my other son in laws out there to replace him.... hmmm, where is that Gamlin."
  16. Hasn't it been speculated that lady M might actually be Milia???? ha ha, that would be hilarious. Why not, she's a fighter ace, a mayor, and now a mysterious corporate head. Granny is coming over to whip Mirage in shape. Kids... this is how you fly a Valk, and then she proceeds to take a Valk and fly circles around Delta platoon. As for Kaname piloting, I just don't buy it, no, she is effective as Walkure leader. no need for her to be piloting. That's why you have granny M.
  17. Where are my umineko manjus... or umineko-man? Garfield (that's what I like to call that fat umineko) probably is plump enough for at least two umineko-man
  18. I wonder how the little Drakkens are being controlled. The little Drakken took a hit specifically meant for Keith, it didn't just wander into the path of those energy beams. So, this makes me wonder if Keith was somehow controlling it and his own plane at the same time. I suppose it is possible that the little Drakkens has some form of AI, but their performance seem to be nothing like that of a Ghost. May be they have a set of rudimentary instructions that are given by the pilots which tend translate to a set of specific programs. But that doesn't make sense either, there would be a specific mode where it would be ordered to sacrifice itself to protect the mother ship, those would be very difficult instructions to carry out, since one never knows if the situation would warrant such a sacrifice, and it could not be easily programmed into the drone. Could their be some type of BDI interface there where the signal is then sent out to the drone?
  19. Cause it was convenient. But the animation sequence this week was pretty good, especially for the dogfight portion, it was very nicely illustrated, and far more detailed than before.
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