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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. Oh no, now the evil and terrifying plans of NUNS has been revealed, the whole point of the reaction weapons wasn't to kill the Windermeres, it was to mutate Garfield into a ginormous sea monster, and after he finally kills the Windermeres and their wind up toy, NUNS are going to cook Garfield up into thousands of umineko-mans. It's quite a clever plan once you get over the horrific nature of it. NUNS are real bastards... wow, I can't believe what I just wrote, there are going to be some really unhappy NUNS, hopefully I didn't offend any NUNS here.
  2. Still can't find a raw, the episode sounds interesting, can't wait to see it.
  3. Nice, the best of all Zentran worlds, Just need some missile pods overhead, and it would be awesome.
  4. This reminds me, when are we going to get some nice Zentradi action with the Regult/Quad hybrids? Some of those look very entertaining.
  5. Not to mention the NUNS red shirts who get to enjoy a short stress free life when using the VF-17I in combat. And the quality of life is everything.
  6. Imagine the logistical nightmares involved in supporting all these different types. Frontier squadrons goes to Al Shahal, and within two months, they've run out of spare parts and has to be shipped in from the Frontier fleet. No wonder everyone keep using the VF-17I, the manufacturer of said VF-17 would be very happy. It's as if somehow Lockheed Martin got a stranglehold on the US government, forcing it to buy only F-35s for decades to come no matter how crappy the plane is... oh wait.
  7. Whitewash this all you want, but we're cooking Mercats, whether its a single Mercat or ten thousand, the Elysion is spewing hot white death at the Mercats. Hmm, so, in this case, I guess we'll just have plain ol' char-broiled Mercats, or may be steamed Mercats instead of Umineko-man. I wonder if they are quite as OIIIIIIIIIIIIISHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII as Umineko-mans.
  8. Yeah, scare them by boiling the little suckers alive with their engines.... HOT ENOUGH FOR YOU?????
  9. Reading your comment, I just suddenly had a Peter Griffin moment... You can imagine the entire family sitting around Miranda in silence, and finally Mylene just can't help it any more, and she asks: "Onee-chan, are you sure Mirage is yours?" As far as the Al Shahal fleet is concerned, I guess there are two options... the Messer options, kill all of them, or the Walkure option, un-Var them. One would hope that the Al Shahal fleet makes an appearance here. If not, there better be a damn good explanation down the line on where the Al Shahal fleet went.
  10. Somehow a sing off between a kid and 5 adults(?) seem a bit odd. I just have a picture of Chris Pratt in GoG saying: "dance off"
  11. Complete transformation into umineko-man in thirty seconds guaranteed, three different colors; Including Garfield color, OIIIIIIIIIIIISHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII green tea color, and the generic yellow grunt color. Additional colors coming representing the non-aces of Macross Delta if they were umineko-man, blue and red.... cause you know, they're blue and red. $500 each. (best of all, completely edible, so you can feel free to buy another set for your collection later.
  12. true, but none of the main Macross ships, and those were fill in spots. I want one where the war ships are the primary topic of discussion
  13. I wish they would have a master file on the warships of Macross universe. I mean we have enough master files for fighters, even obscure ones like VF-4; surely we can come up with something. The major types so far: - Original Macross class: Combination carrier/gunship, not a true battle ship in my opinion. - Battle class: Heavy carrier/gunship combo, again not a true battle ship, but certainly capable of fulfilling that role due to its huge size - Macross Quarter: The closest analogy I can come up with is a heavy destroyer type ship, capable of going toe to toe with heavy warships, and carries some amount of fighters. - Macross Elyison: Battleship analogue, with carrier type. The major difference is that the first two types were not supposed to go into battle directly and were supposed to rely on other ships and carrier air wings, where as the latter two types seem to be more designed for close quarter combat with fighters acting as support. Would love to see more stuff on the ships.
  14. it depends on the yield of the micro missiles, they might be better used against ships like Guantanamo and Southamptons that we seen getting blown up on a regular basis.
  15. No, a umineko can't pilot a Valk, but a umineko-man can pilot a Valk...
  16. I really hope none of the knights switch, would be nicer if they died instead. The fight between them so far is meaningless, and given how much difficulty the Al Shahal fleet had with the Aerial knights in the first episode, I honestly don't see why they had to launch a whole fleet all at once
  17. Only 8 B inhabitants in the whole cluster? No wonder it's a backwater. Earth today has like 6 B; now, I can understand the reasoning since the exploration fleets likely only found primitives, so their populations might not have been that great. But 8B just isn't that much even if most of the earth population was decimated in the original series. Plus, I am assuming that the 8B are mostly native species. So far we have four planets inhabited that has been visited, watching the map, there were at least 12 planets inhabited, so population on each planet must be quite small. I am wondering who really set off the remation eater... (anybody remember that original poor translation of Grace in Frontier?) Because it seems like everyone on both sides genuinely believe the other side set it off. Something is kind of funny here.
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