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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. Hmm, so is Mikhail dead or alive, it's kind of like Heizneberg's uncertainty principle, the only way to find out is to get a Vajra and have him impale Mikhail again, if he twitches a lot, then the movie continuity must be right since obviously he would've been alive, otherwise he wouldn't be twitching.
  2. Oh man, this would posit that Delta is a continuity of the Frontier movie universe, which diverges from the Frontier series. But then if we look at the Frontier series, it appears to be more of a continuity of the DYRL universe, which could be interpreted as an offshot of the original SDFM universe. We have like basically a series of divergent continuities, like a bunch of simulations off the real and true SDFM universe. Then there is the SDFM universe which is a fiction of this universe, and what if we're just like the movie version of a series that happened elsewhere. It's like a continuity within a continuity within a continuity... Kawamori is toying with us, OMG, MIND BLOWN
  3. Yep, CHAOS is like your low cost providers, so don't get quite as a good quality in terms of personnel. I do like the concept of concert security too, if you think about Delta, that's what they are. And the Aerial Knights are rowdy music haters. In that context, things are suddenly clear. Welcome to the less glamorous side of Macross. Not quite as elite, because but still better than the NUNS red shirts.
  4. Just being a little snarky here, my theory is lady M is in fact Milia, the Ernie was probably a Zentran under her command once, and he sucked up enough that he made him a commander in a backward area thinking what harm could this possibly cause. Nothing ever happens in the Starwind cluster, glorified bodyguard... heh heh. Good question about the Battle section, I wonder if Elysion can dock with the Island class in question, or if the connection would only work with a Battle class.
  5. I'm waiting for the glasses from Roy that are just a little offbeat: The I'm in a funky mood type. #1 KumoKumo fan glasses (just cause Mikumo is so purple) Lover, not a hater frame Come to think of it, Ernie could use a pair....
  6. Well, if we're going to go with it's not real angle, then this entire line of discussion is somewhat pointless right? After all, transformable fighter is also just pure science fiction. Because in both cases, all we're doing is talking about what happened on screen.... then whether Ernie is competent or not is no longer relevant, heck, he could be this guy, and it's still believable... after all, the only thing we need is to change is the uniform, and slap some facial hair on, and stuff his antenna under the cap, and who can tell the difference. This would even fit it we start showing Haya-Haya with golden hair to go with his glowing valk.
  7. Ok, let's try this way. Watch the first 45 seconds of the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRTWVtreFy0 (wish I knew how to embed the video... ) This is Frontier, you'll note they fired as they folded out. Ok, now watch the first minute of episode 13 on Delta, Ernie folds out, enemy ships dead ahead... and... nothing happened... enemy ship passing to the port side... nothing is happening except Ernie takes five seconds to make some glorified comments. Garmia takes a second or two to say: "And so it begins... **$&*@&* --> my imitation of Kosh. Ernie then shouts, all guns, FIRE... The gun turrets swivel in place and respond. I think we wasted a good ten seconds here between fold out and when the guns swivel. So, when you say: I would say that it is a poor showing for him as a captain of a combat vessel that he didn't come out with guns ready to fire, and that it took a full ten seconds (or however many it took) before the first shot is fired. The similarity is striking, in both cases (Frontier and Delta) these guys knew they were going into a combat situation. The Quarter with Wilde was imminently prepared to go in with guns blazing. In fact, they did exactly that when the ship wasn't even completely folded out. Ernie came in apparently expecting a picnic, he shouldn't have been surprised coming out, in fact, the bridge bunny even warned him before defold. Think about it, if you're going into combat, knowing there are enemies, but may be not where they are, why would you be surprised if they are suddenly in front of you. The first thing you would do is have some orders in place that if you happen to fold out right in the middle of an enemy formation, all guns starts firing, no need for the commander to be surprised, and then take seconds to yammer orders out. In battle, being prepared to fight before it starts helpsp. And since this is capital ships we're talking about, not much chance to dodge. Folding out as he did in front of an enemy fleet, if he was prepared, he could've wreaked havoc on the smaller ships, but he did't do any such thing. He could've fired immediately on the SV, although not explicitly shown, I'm going to assume the ships had smaller guns as well, and probably destroids toting missiles that could cause damage. Hell, he had the Valks ready to deploy, look at Mac F, those Valks weren't on the deck of the quarter when they folded out, they were already in the air, readying to shot. I put aside the fact that perhaps those shots would've done nothing because of the barriers in place. We'll never know since Heinz wasn't exactly singing at that point. But really, whether he could have caused damage or not, we won't know, because ol'Ernie didn't even shot. To me, it's the lack of preparation that tells me that Ernie is not a good captain.
  8. Ernie was unprepared for a battle he was going into. i think we can agreed on that. The problem is not just about not knowing the unknowns. If we accept that he has a good reason for not bringing the rest of the fleet, it still doesn't explain not firing the moment they came out of fold and seeing a fleet of bad guys in front of them.He knew he was going into a battle after all. As for the mandate of KAOS, that's still a mystery to me how they operate relative to NUNS, which are like a bunch of absentee landlords. May be the best way to describe KAOS is that they are extended security for a pop group, said pop group being contracted out to NUNS. From that perspective, how you likened KAOS to security guards make sense. Ernie isn't a professional soldier and so might not think like one.
  9. So, no witty comments about why the Ernie did the best he could? Ok, I can see that's the best you can come up with, so we'll call it a day. BTW, that wasn't sarcasm... just the fact masked in... good ol' fashion emoji. And demonstration of what Bert and Ernie from Sesame street might say if they were in this situation.
  10. Sure does, it says, I am competent and trustworthy.... of course I have ulterior motives, don't you? But I'm still competent. Now, If we can only find him a pair of glasses. Here is hoping that NUNS will actually intervene soon. I'd hate to have the Bert and Ernie show without Bert. NUNS is peace loving???? Huh???? So peace loving that we stockpile fold bombs and build massive fleets of Macross class ships... PEACE THROUGH SUPERIOR FIREPOWER I always say. Wait, did you just say Ernie got lucky???? One thing for sure though, Ernie should've been better prepared, he could've literally came out of fold with guns blazing, Itano circus flying, see ep 25 of Mac F; and you know the one thing that Ernie knew for sure going to Al Shahal, it was not going to be a friendly place. That he even had to give orders for the guns to fire tells you how incompetent a commander he is. You know, some default orders could be given to the guns; like I don't know... fire on the following silhouettes upon de-fold if in range. Could save you a few minutes of reaction time while you're blabbering about "Good move, Old Fart" No argument that a good defense is a strong offense... if that's the case, Ernie was woefully unprepared for his offense... do I even need to go down a list here of how unprepared he was for the offense.... I mean you already listed all the arguments, go in with planes un-launched, weapons unprepared, not knowing where the heck your enemy is, not enough planes, the list is kind of getting long. And let us say that his sole purpose was to take out the command ship (AKA largest asset), I'm sure the rest of the slave minds and the Windermere fleet is perfectly willing to let this one puny macross ship pound the command asset into pieces while chewing on popcorn. A one on one duel... while everyone else sit it out. And if you go back to episode 12, Ernie even criticized the old fart as such, all about chivalry and all that crap... yep, that worked out well. Way to read your enemy, Ernie.... GOOD JOB. Apparently, The old fart wasn't the only one who isn't good at fleet action. Ernie... where is your fleet??? Ernie: "I'm glad you asked... they are all safe at Ragna, away from the devastating influence of the VAR." Bert: "Oh, ok, but what if you don't beat the old fart? Won't those guys just succumb to the VAR in 15 minutes like the guys at Al Shahal." Ernie: "Then, we're all screwed... I'm counting on the hero factor." Bert: "Well, Ernie, thanks for clearing that up, now let's go save the galaxy." Ernie: "Sure thing, Bert." Gosh, I love armchair quarterbacking.
  11. Wow, then NUNS is obviously just nothing more than an absentee landlord. They have evidence that Windermere is using biological WMD, and they haven't even sent a full contingent of Macross class to slap down the little wannabes. Something is obviously up with this whole setup... the correct response would be to send in squadrons of Valks armed with MDE and wipe out the Windermeres. It's what I would call a proportionate response. HA HA. That is all dependent on scale; the fireball seem to have been directed upwards therefore we can call it a directed warhead, and hey, compared to an MDE that took out a planet, this is a pretty small reaction warhead. It didn't even take a big chunk out of the planet. After all, my firecracker could be your atomic bomb.
  12. Then he has to be getting some real time intel on when Ernie boy folds in; because there is no other way he is timing the jump out of Al Shahal so perfectly. But let's set aside Garmia for a second, and ask the question if he is getting fed intel, how the hell did Keith knew ahead of time to pull away from the dogfight with Hayate? Did he have his Apple Watch set up to alert him on when the bomb would go off? Cause I don't think Valan set a timer on the thing. Finally, this does make me wonder whether other Windermeres have the same ability as Garmia/Keith, because you didn't see Roid do the precog thing, nor any of the other Windermere pilots, hell, some of them got greased when the bomb went off. Anyway, all this talk about Ernie has gotten me to wondering where the heck is Bert... Because he might do a better job that Ernie. This is what we need, Angry Bert, BERT HATE... ha ha. It might be the counter to the inevitable Roid rage.
  13. Is the Var outbreak all over the galaxy? I can't remember if it was contained to the cluster. If it is all over the galaxy, then NUNS reaction given what they've discovered is remarkably bland, the appropriate reaction might be fold bombing Windermeres, because hey, it's a frigging biological WMD. If I had to guess at the Windermereans at this point, they are being taken advantage of, the primary collaborator on the Windermere side is likely Roid. So, basically, we have a Frontier redux where the Windermere military is being played for suckers, with Roid egging them along for whatever reason... given his rather unhealthy interest in the Walkure, I'd say he might be a secret Mikumo groupie. Speaking of Mikumo and the often reused Bogue shots (they'll reuse until they run out of background), I would venture to say that Bogue is also secretly a Mikumo groupie, but his desire to kill the Walkure is probably based on his history, didn't they say his siblings were all girls, he probably got dressed up and beat up on as a kid by his sisters, who may have also dyed his hair into the unnatural color that it is. So he is transferring his anger at his siblings onto the Walkure, but it is also likely that he is a secret Mikumo groupie just like Roid, note how he is terrified of Mikumo's image during episode 8 while simultaneously lashing out. (who knew pretend psycho-analyzing Bogue would be so much fun) Garmia does precog on the bomb, you can see his crusty old rune light up right before he orders maximum shields to the bottom, same thing when he feels Ernie coming in episode 12. You could fault Ernie for is him not bringing the rest of the fleet. If he didn't know the Windermere were precogs, then his move made good sense, hit them first before they attack. Take the initiative. That said, Ernie is horribly late in doing this since he has had the whole series up till now to attack, and he just sat around. It might be that KAOS mandate is limited, and they have to get authorization from the local government, but if Ernie started off as being the commanding officer of the KAOS and the NUNS forces in the cluster, then he needs to be fired. My guess though is that he is only a local commander, and defaulted upwards after all the other planets got conquered, and he was the senior man in charge. Either way, it seems that this is a potential weakness in the command structure of NUNS.
  14. One thing for sure about good ol' Johnson, he really didn't think through his options when he launched his attack on Al Shahal; The choice he had was simple really... Stay in place at Ragna, or go to Al Shahal. It would've been logical in either case to have taken the whole fleet. Attacking Al Shahal was a logical move, since their intel suggested Windermere was not ready to attack again immediately. That's a mistake I can understand. That he didn't seem to know about this mild psychic connection can also be explained I guess. Staying at Ragna would've been a decent move also, because the enemy had to come to them at some point, if they were confident in the Walkure counteracting Ketchup boy, then it would've been an even fight. The only thing I can fault Ernie for really is splitting his forces, not a good move. The one thing we don't know is how far along Var has spread in the galaxy, was it limited to the cluster, or was it all over the place? Keeping in mind that it took a combo of Windermere apples and water from the ruins. It wasn't obvious that the ruins after all over the galaxy. If it truly spread that far, then Windermere is a big threat, if Var was limited to the cluster, then NUNS could've just contained the problem.
  15. I meant in this series... honestly though that's the super robot aspect of this series that I don't much like. The VF-17s contributed in Frontier, here, not so much, the only purpose they have is to be shot down, which begs the question, why would NUNS even need them other than as an employment program and a method of population control.
  16. Actually, you could see the fold effect on all of the Drakens when Heinz starts singing. Honestly, I still don't get what a fold wave system on a Valk is supposed to do. I just want to chalk it up to magic skill booster right now, because that's how it affects Hayate, but not Mirage or Chuck.
  17. This does remind me, when can we get some love for the VF-17I? That plane is being picked on by literally everyone... Draken shoots it down, Siggies shoots it down, and in the latest episode It's like the VF-17I is just built to be picked on. I mean talk about unfair, at this point in Frontier, the VF-17I finally got some love, who can forget the flying fist of Machida, or the reaction missile toting VF-17s that destroyed Vajra capital ships. Yet in Delta, it doesn't matter if you're an ace or a squadron commander, as long as you're in a VF-17I, you're destined to be shot down mercilessly by everyone. Need some action scene filler with dead Valks: hey, let's use the VF-17I; need some random nobody blown away: look, VF-17I, it's got to be the biggest Valk joke in the series at this point, need generic launch sequence with Valks being shot down: You guessed it, VF-17I. Bandai should have a DX of a VF-17 that literally fall to pieces to simulate it being shot down over and over again.
  18. Ah yes, redeeming features and progressive portrayal of women... - Silvie sleeping with her boss. - Silvie with her other pilot boyfriend - Silvie with the reporter - Thank god she didn't get her claws into Feff.... basically, if you look at it, she got portrayed as a slu* who knowingly jumped from A to B to C in the course of what... five to six epsiodes? But let's talk about her abilities in combat... let's see the typical crying about how things are hopeless, final battle. I'm sorry, I've seen progressive, and if this portrayal of the lead female character is considered progressive, I hate to see what regressive means. As you can see, not a big fan of Mac II, although in fairness their Valks looked pretty interesting.
  19. To clarify, I meant real Macross... I just don't consider II to be real.
  20. In&Out? Just get someone to Google Express the damned things... HYAKU, HYAKU, I don't want to wait, starve a little... just get the sub done.
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