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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. That would have been ep 17 with the Makina fan service. Unless we are thinking of the Jenius butt shot (but tastefully clothes)
  2. Wow, after browsing through this, all I can say is I wish I understood Japanese so I could read the master files instead of looking at the pretty pictures. Wonder how much a VF-27 (a real one) would cost in dollars today, double of the F-22?
  3. All about the precedent; you got too used to the original and Mac F
  4. Poor Hayden gets maligned because he was cast in a role that was badly written. I think his other movie (Jumper) wasn't all that bad... right? The gravy train is gonna keep on rolling as long as Iger is in charge. Jungle speeders, swamp speeders, undersea speeders, new droids... just name it... name it, and it'll be yours
  5. That's right, the proper song of the wind is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bigswc0BMvk Not the stuff ketchup boy is singing... if if you play it in stacatto, doesn't sound anything like it.
  6. Having finally viewed this episode with subs, I gave it a MEGA THUMBS UP... you know why? Cause Heinz sang something other than his usual Jingle F***** Bells... Don't know why I didn't catch it before. I was so shocked that I almost fell out of my chair. THUMBS WAYYYYYY UP. You go, Heinz, get some range. As for the rest of the show... meh. Hope Mikumo gets a new song... may be their version of Lion???? Then have each of the Walkure do a solo... speaking of which, I haven't heard Reina and Makina do solo version of Giraffe Blues or even Ikenai Borderline... I demand to hear the solo versions, that should kill at least another two episodes.
  7. Kylo Ren doesn't care.... he thinks that's why there should've been four MANPADS per AT-AT. One for each gun... you know. Amen, when Bob Iger needs more revenue for his empire, he'll squeeze out a few more movies, that spawn another few toys, a couple of rides, and more merchandising. I mean that's the beauty of the anthology film... we can get a Chewbacca before he met Han film, a couple of one off clones wars movie (bring back Hayden and Ewan), we can get an anthology film Mace, quick, someone get Sam Jackson before he gets any older, and and don't forget Yoda, he's a CGI muppet, we can get him for free. Just throw in a few Dooku underlings, and viola... another Anthology film. And of course, Lucas will complain about how Disney is ruining his vision, well, that's his fault for making the crappy prequels and then selling out, cause obviously, he had to cash in.
  8. except with just F-22; it would be even more boring, nothing but BVR engagements. Well, here is hoping for more useful battroid action, not, let me take two seconds to transform when I don't need to do it, to strike a cool pose, and giving the enemy time to shoot the gun out of my hand. I know Frontier was pandering, but I liked it. Even all the extra fan service was helpful. I think in Delta, you could've taken out the triangle, and focused on Mikumo, and it would've been a great show. This could've been fantastic if the show was truly song focused, and the Valks play a background role, and even in combat. But the mix... arrrgh... let's be everything to everyone and please NO ONE.
  9. "Yeah, that took out that AT-AT with that surface to air missile... too bad they didn't have any of those on Hoth, might have made a difference there." Kylo Ren
  10. From the spoilers, it could easily be a 24/25ish episode show. Because let's face it, they are setting up the backstories now. The next two episodes, throw in some mecha action or some such thing. Then one episode to set up the finale, then either one or two episodes about fighting at or near Windermere.... the end. Waiting to see this episode for more on story development.
  11. Kyle Ren watching the trailer: https://www.google.com/amp/io9.gizmodo.com/kylo-ren-loses-it-while-watching-the-rogue-one-trailer-1785233570/amp Oh yeah baby, that's what power is all about, spheres and angles, and... Windows Hilarious
  12. saw this interesting nugget: http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/12/politics/f-22-raptor-grounded-honey-bee-swarm/index.html Hilarious, F-22 becomes a beehive.
  13. True enough, but transmission in Frontier was very mundane, through birth, blood transfusions, etc, the bacteria did not fold by themselves. Berger managed to take fold bacteria into a whole other level. This also makes me wonder why more people aren't dying now, because what makes the bacteria favor the gut instead of the brain?
  14. If Berger truly believed this stuff about weaponization of song, he could've just found a way to marry a Sharon Apple AI with Ghosts on a permanent basis. Then flood the airwaves with song while fighting... One thing that I thought was a little disturbing about Berger's fold microbe folding into people's gut theory... sounds like miracle space germs that enables a certain connection between people. Sound familiar???? Looking at you... midichlorain. a magical organism that connects us all. Just waiting for beam saber wielding Valks now.... please let it not happen.
  15. It's the same reason Grace needed glasses... so that they could seem intellectual, or more to the point, it's a fashion statement. Grace with her cyborg body needed glasses like she needed another appendage. For Roid, his glassware collection probably puts Imelda's shoe collection to shame, I think that shoe collection is still sitting somewhere in Hawaii. May be he is just very fashionable. Heck, Max still wore glasses in Mac 7; and I'm pretty sure it wasn't for seeing at a distance
  16. You know, all of these are reasons why there is a possibility of Cassim living. Because he is just waving so many death flags that he might be confuse the grim reaper into thinking the flag belong to one of the twins or something
  17. That's a true statement if I've ever heard one. I fully anticipate Bogue to see the error of his ways and become a Walkure fan boy, although I do expect at least one of the AK to bite the dust, either Herman or Cassim. I do expect the evil twin brothers to live.
  18. would be even funnier if it turned out Berger was Basara in disguise, he sings, and then lectures Mirage on not knowing about the family history...
  19. Heh, this episode was not bad at all. It advances the story along certainly. We are given to think that Delta is giving us a peek at the story behind this whole situation. Interesting theory these guys have, but I wonder how much evidence they really have on this. And one has to wonder how is it that Berger has all this information, and why he is sharing it with everyone. It's not obvious that Roid came to this information on his own. Android Mikumo, I like that idea.. it's like they put in Sharon Apple style AI in a biological body... who happens to like streaking. The best part had to be Reina's comments inserted throughout the story, as she calls Berger a stalker, creepy, etc.... she should've just kept on going with the one word comments, succinct and to the point. No wonder Bogue is in awe of her. Again, the Delta team seem to be acting on emotions, specifically they kicked out Berger who might be a potential source of information to them. I wonder what the doctor was trying to say about the king... heh heh, he probably said it to the wrong person, wouldn't surprise me if Keith was involved with Roid in offing the old man. I'm not sure if the evil corporation thing applies to Berger, he might be just like Burk in Aliens, someone who does the dirty work and can be disavowed... wonder if "lady M" is a part of Epsilon corp. But when you add it all up, the problem is still the same. Windermere needs to be fold bombed to eliminate the threat to NUNS. Sure, Var will still exist, but may be it can be contained. Although I have to say I still like Sheryl best if all of these singers are just weapons as Berger claimed.
  20. Ok, who is Critical Path? that name sounds familiar but don't recall it from any of the series, one of the games?
  21. Does Epsilon Corporation make the Deneb class that was a part of the Galaxy fleet? It is kind of weird that Epsilon corporation appears to be operating both at Windermere and possibly with NUNS?
  22. So, seriously, this is like the nostalgia episode, it made me serious want to go and watch the other series again, but Delta, not quite as much. Here is to hoping for something from next week's episode.
  23. Remember, Mikumo can sing where and when she damn well pleases... what... is Bogue really going to shot her? Let's face it, he is the only one who consistently makes the "effort." The rest of the AKs are too stupid for the most part. For all of his "so called" efforts, Bogue is nothing really more than a fanboy, all these chances he has had to eliminate the Walkure, he has blown them all... every single one. He may have the right idea in his brain, but his other organ is overriding his brain. For example, the completely inappropriate changing from fighter to battroid mode in this episode right as he blows away Reina's shield, just keep firing with everything and he could've turned Reina into a kawaii little hamburger, but instead, he transforms and makes a show of aiming his big fat gun, just long enough for Hayate to blow it out of his hands. The truth of the matter is, while Bogue on the surface is pretending to be strategically forward thinking and making a big show that he is an AK, he is in fact nothing but a fanboy, and subconsciously, Walkure owns Bogue. They are playing the poor sap like a puppet. Just wait until he starts offing members of the AK.
  24. just wondering, outside of DRYL, has any regular human ever been macronized?
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