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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. The floor number is unknowable since it would imply that there is a known budget. So, we may see the same scissor ten times if that's what it takes to get through an episode with limited budget. The one saving grace of this episode is that the 171 shot down two SV-262s. I guess when the story is good, no one complains about reusing animation, when the story stinks; everything gets picked on.
  2. I can't argue with you there, you're right, Mac II sadly is better than this, although my personal opinion is that I still like the songs on Delta better. Ikenai borderline and "Our battle field" and even Axia are not bad songs. The mech action is just so meh.....
  3. Speaking of packs, why are the 171s going barebones? You'd think that they'd have at least some type of packs on.
  4. Seriously???? What were they thinking, they could've just done an OVA like Gundam Unicorn, put six or seven hour long episodes. I thought Zero suffered, but compared to this, Zero was downright awesome.
  5. I do feel this series is seriously under budgeted, and they expect to use the name to carry it, what with the repeated reuse of animation, poor story, you couldn't help but feel that either SK took a big powder on this one, or the A team was too busy doing another show, and someone less capable was put in place for this series. Sorry, preaching to the choir, I know, I guess that's just a measure of me being a more die hard fan and feeling let down. Although I might still buy at least the generic SV-262 if I can ever get it available.
  6. I hope I'm wrong too, but I'm really concerned with what went through the gate that I'll be right. There is no way for there to be a complete stand up fight, because it would be totally jumping whatever shark is left to jump in this series. Oh yeah, thanks for the reminder. You're right, there were some type of machine gun coming out of the arms; You really don't see any hint of it in any of the line art. I had thought it was logical that those shots came from the chin mount, but you're clearly correct on this. I do hate it when they put armaments on that doesn't show up on stats. The most annoying went all the way back to the original macross where the VF-1 had lasers coming from the nose of the aircraft, clearly never used before, but there it was in the Max+Milia episode. Totally screwy.
  7. When you say forearm mounted cannon, I assume you're talking about the triple missile launcher? I would've guessed that the gun shots came from the chin mount beneath the primary cockpit. I figured there are three weapons on the Konig right? the four main cannons, the two arms with triple shot missiles, and then the chin mounted self defense guns. The animation did look funny since the shots seem to originate from the arm.
  8. It would make sense though, the mega corporations would be the ones having all the resources to go into space, as well as do these prohibitively expensive colonies. One does wonder about the power dynamics of the government as it relates to these corporations. I would assume it would be in NUNS best interest to have no monopolies, may be like the era of the late 70s, early 80s, where there were at least six different aerospace companies trying to get contracts for US government dollars. Consolidation ended up making things far less efficient. Epsilon for example seem to be a little too powerful in this universe, after all, the closest equivalent I could think of is McDonald Douglas selling F-15s to the US, and at the same time selling F-18s to the Soviet Union, that seems to be what they are doing, and they seem to be getting away with it.
  9. It would be interesting to see what the economics of the Macross Universe is like. You have several mega corps involved in armaments and ships, would be curious to see who does all of the consumer goods, and how much influence they have. If it is anything like us, those consumer corporation should be much more profitable and powerful to boot. Although the companies in the Macross universe appear to take on the characteristics of dai-kiretsus... a big set of conglomerates that does everything from starships to diapers.
  10. Until that works. At this point, it feels like they just need to do something that has lots of fighting.... Valks going kaboom. But would be better if they trickle it in instead of all at once.
  11. Nice pictures of the fat Quarter and Harlock's long lost brother. The one advantage is that the Windermere ships seem to have better defined surface features, you can tell where the guns are, with the Galaxy ships, it isn't nearly as easy, you'd almost have to assume they are retractable or something. Too bad, would love to see those ships in actual action, but alas, this is not Yamato 2199. Thanks for reminding me of Anaheim Electronics, talk about a bunch of war profiteers... hey guys, want this Gundam, how about a Sazabi here??? oh, try this Gundam with Fins instead of funnels. Crazy. One nice thing they confirmed though on the spec sheet, no internal fold drive. So the Drakens must be either using boosters or have something dropping them off somehow.
  12. General Galaxy eh? Wow, I wonder if they get sanctioned by NUNS for supplying arms to the wrong side. Would be like Lockheed Martin selling F-35 to Iran.
  13. Naw, they just have to kill a few people (AK, Chuck, a couple of Walkure, may be Arad) and slap in another couple episodes of origin stories. Then all will be well.
  14. War? What war? I thought this show was about moppy origins Roid I get; what I don't get is why Keith was ok with this. By the way, I just whacked your dad... ummmm... ho hum, don't hurt Heinz... WTF? Mikumo got her Sheryl moment, doesn't matter what I am (Sheryl: "doesn't matter if I die"); I'm a singer, and I'm gonna sing (Sheryl: pretty much the same) As for the pacing on MacF episodes 18 to 22; I though even those had impact; After all, Mikhail kicked the bucket during that span; and that had a good deal of impact. Almost like a mini-me version of Max dying.
  15. May be they could do a special production run of the F-23 and call it for the special forces portion of the USAF
  16. Somehow the F-35C not having an internal gun just seem so wrong. It's predecessors all had internal guns; The F-35A has an internal gun right? The only hope is that they replace the gun with actual lasers. Pew, pew, die, die.
  17. Ep13? That sounds about right, Messer's death was essentially the high watermark for this series, 12 and 13 were passable as the prelude and the action sequence, although not as well as ep 13 on Frontier. I hope they find a way to redeem this, they need to make a new series just to rectify the mistakes here. May be SK is having his Lucas moment, although I can't tell who the Jar Jar is in this series... Bogue? So, the next logical step is sell the rights to Disney, or the equivalent there of in Japan, Sunrise? They'll do an equivalent of TFA and make us forget about Delta.
  18. That is so true, I wonder what is going on with this show, it is like they focus away from selling the kits and the toys and is more song focused, like they are trying to market Walkure the singing group. But the storyline is just so all over the place. Is SK trying mushrooms again?
  19. Well... may be Hayden should get another chance as Darth... ha ha. Someone has got to replace James Earl Jones, the guy is in his mid eighties.
  20. Ha, it feels like someone looked at the development and unit cost of the F-22 and F-35 and extrapolated. Wonder when that manual came out
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