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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. I think there is a good point to be made that Netflix and Amazon Prime are both useful choices for reaching an international audience (from Japan POV). Call me old fashioned, but I agree with myk that I'd rather own the books, movies, etc, because content deals change, so one minute, Netflix has your favorite show available, and the next minute, it doesn't because their deal expired. To me, there will always be a place for physical media, but it would be only logical for the anime industry to consider the changing model of distribution. There is a broad appeal for shows like Yamato and Macross, but they really ought to keep up with the distribution model, and attract a younger generation. I think it would be perfect for them to just remake the original SDF:M, it's certainly a story worth retelling. They can intermix it with new stuff, to keep older fans interested, and possibly add in new materials as well along the way. The one thing that stuck out to me was the fact that Yamato 2202 premiere was attended by a bunch of 40 somethings (if I read the blog right), they ought to focus on the next generation. If they can do it with Star Wars, there isn't any reason they can't do it with Yamato or Macross.
  2. Just you tubed the fight. I liked it, it was a nice closure. Although Maul has been a bit over the hill for a while now. Finally, they put an end to him.
  3. This is creative Hollywood at its best. Copies from comics and reboots. We just remember to do another Fantastic Four reboot in a few years.
  4. Just a little off topic, but honest trailers seem to be on a two week Disney Princess run, this week, it's Belle. (not a real princess in the movie per se) Frigging Hilarious.
  5. you mean onto the wing tips? Probably. I also remember the naval aviator I was chatting with telling me that with this kind of a load, they aren't going to stay in the air for very long if they take off from a carrier. It would be pretty much, take off, get up to altitude, get gas, then mission. I think back then, they were putting these on -18C and -18Ds, so the super hornets might be able to carry the same load, and actually do missions after getting off the deck. By the late 90s, the Soviet threat was pretty much gone, and with it, the need for Tomcats to intercept Backfires coming in to blow up the carriers, but just in case, they showcased the Hornet as being able to take the place of the F-14s. But then, this is a good argument for the F-35 right? See, F-35 needs a missile truck, here comes the Superhornets. Glorified missile trucks.
  6. The Harrier with Brimestone pictures reminds me of the following pictures. I was at Moffett back in 1999 when they had an air show there, and got to talk to a couple of F-18 pilots, and asked them about the ability of the F-18s to take 10 AMRRAMs, the guy laughed and told me that if they did that, the existing inventory of AMRAAMs would probably fit less than a squadron of Hornets.
  7. The honest trailer was better than the real movie, I like the idea of Disney Princess Avengers.... ha ha, it'll catch all the right demographics.
  8. If only DC had the balls to do this with Batman. or they will probably put Lobo here
  9. There is a price to pay for sophistication.
  10. I see some designer at Boeing/MCD is a Macross fan. Although, the idea of having an F-15 missile truck for the under armed F-35 sounds very appealing. By my count, there were 16 AMRAAMs on that one F-15, an F-35 couldn't even get off the ground with that kind of payload. I don't even think it has enough hard point to carry those numbers. They would just need to increase the range of the AMRAAM. The nice thing about Russian fighters, is that they don't give a damn about stealth. So their airplanes always tend to look prettier than the boxes that we end up getting with the F-22 and F-23.
  11. Very nice, although one thing that's always bothered me about the Andromeda class is how relatively underarmed they are. Aside from the 4xmain batteries, and the twin wave motion cannon, they don't appeared to be armed with anti-air weapons, nor are they obviously fitted with missile tubes. I guess we'll see when the ships actually go in action, but part of me wonder if these aren't supposed to be parts of a task force with support ships hanging around.
  12. They just need to be very careful that the wave motion guns are not in turn made out to be the flavor of the week. One week, it's a rare and deadly weapon, the next, everyone and their third cousin have them. There is a reason for having rare capabilities. That said, the Gatlantis battleship is impressive even if it is very strange, it was as if the little pods were doing all the firing, and not the ship itself. Another thing, the firing angle seem screwy, it's dead on to the Gamilas ships, yet, the firing pattern seem to indicate the ship was firing from above.
  13. Interesting, I remember the original carrier in the Yamato 2 series was a rear deck carrier with the front half being a battle ship. Kind of like the Ise and Hyuga in WWII. This one is just the Russian Kiev class with a wave motion gun. The image is very nice though. That video rocked. So, the Gatlantis battle ship is considered the new heavy weight ship. It seems like the Gamilas has lost a step without Domel, was Kodai trying to fill his shoes? Cause he wasn't doing a great job, no 7th armored brigade back him up. But he did kill a few, now imagine if it was actually Berger in charge of a fleet. Other wise it was a nice set piece battle, and the Domelus class are being wasted carrying basically a big shield, seems like their only purpose is to die.
  14. I saw that ship, and my first reaction is, someone took inspiration from the Kiev class.
  15. You know, I think it is the long nose. The VF-31's isn't that long, but I blame all of it on the Russians and those Flankers. Ever since those planes came along, everyone of the hero designs by Kawamori seem to sport those particular nose, it was as if everyone of those, the -19, -21, -22, -24, on down the line all had the flanker nose. It even made it onto the VF-171 It's like every one of those fighters had the same nose, and then slapped slight variations of the bodies on, forward swept wing, check, delta wing, check, standard swing wing, check. That's one reason I think the SV-262 was a fresher design... sure, it ripped off the Swedes, but at least it was "original"
  16. Dear old fart... I don't mind if they actually finish off Delta. In fact, it you ask me, the reboot of the new series could start with Hayate waking up from his nightmare which encompassed episode 14 to 26; and they can continue from there. Personally, I'm not that fond of the VF-31, it basically looked like they just recycled everything from VF-25; in fact, it would not be far off to say that after VF-25 and VF-27. there was really no new variations of fighters, just the same old stuff that looked like either the VF-25 or VF-27 got drunk one night, and had relations with multiple other mechs and managed to sire a bunch of ugly stepchild that got tossed in front of everyone and named the next new thing. Personally, even though the SV-262 wasn't exactly new, it was a breath of somewhat fresh air given the basic design was marginally different from the VFs in the older series.
  17. A frizbee disc with a secret wave motion cannon....
  18. Because the EDF has learned the importance of sponsorship. You haven't seen the ones with the Golden Arches, the Apple logo, or the smiling face of the Colonel yet.... Colonel Sanders that is. That many Andromeda class means at least one or two can be redshirted. Woohoo. Those Andros with headgear looks like someone stuck a wobbly helmet on the ship. I wonder if they'll have balance problem when they are under gravity.
  19. Although this does mean that those expensive Hollywood actors would become far less important, want Iron Man 15? Just get RDJ to sign off on his likeness and throw a few million at him, then the Empire of the Mouse can use his likeness forever, same with Chris Evans, Civil War 4, anyone? Not being too serious here, because it would essentially mean that all movies can become animated features, and all we need is some voice actors... but hey, thanks to the magic of Pixar, we're already headed in that direction. Thank you, Steve Jobs.
  20. I will be in the very small minority here, but I hope Andromeda goes down like a bitch. I never liked that particular ship in the original series, always thought it was overrated, the so called hero ship that wasn't. I remember the english translation in Star Blazers about how important the Andromeda was, like having five of then can help defeat Gatlantis or some crap like that. Looking at how easily it went down, my guess is that was just a way for Hajikata to increase the defense budget. I liked it when that ship finally bit the dust by crashing into Gatlantis and not even scratching its shield.
  21. I don't know, I find this kind of hard to believe. Because what is the time lag between Rogue one and ANH? Vader got right on it and chased down Leia right? Unless Leia decided to go on a pleasure cruise for a few weeks, and completely forgot about "hope." But it seemed logical that she didn't go to Yavin immediately, and went right to Tatooine to get Kenobi. It's not easy to tell the time difference in ANH itself, but you have to figure those turbo lasers that were shooting at the fighters weren't newly installed, and those Tie fighters on the station didn't just get there. Unless they retconned those away, the Death star has a bunch of other weapons and capabilities on it. And in terms of him delivering the Death Star to the Palpatine undamaged, if the rebels decided to fire on the Death star, how is Tarkin ignoring the rebel fleet going to help avoid damage to the shiny new ball? No, I think the real explanation is that Tarkin is just lazy bum, he didn't seem that smart to think so far in advance. He could've blown up the planet and killed the rebels, but he just chose to not do it. Awfully lazy of him if you ask me.
  22. This was pretty good, I liked it better than tFA. The ending was just right, all of the main characters died making it a good transition to Ep IV. One thing that did make me wonder though, what is Tarkin thinking? Hey guys, let's blow up Scarif, and ignore the Rebel fleet, Vader will do them in. Talk about a poor work ethic. You have this ultimate weapon, and you don't even bother to kill the rebels that are right there in front of you? That should've instantly led to a Vader scene in episode IV where he is choking Tarkin and saying: "Moff Tarkin, I find your lack of work ethic... disturbing, you are here by demoted... to janitor."
  23. Agree, it doesn't have the right beat. When you hear "Let it go" the gut reaction is you want to hear it again immediately. This one, not quite as much, this is like the Rapunzel song, whatever that was. Not as good as "Let it go" This from the adult perspective, we'll see what my 7 yr old say when she sees it this weekend.
  24. In comparison, 7 was much higher quality in terms of story telling, sure, parts of it dragged, but somehow I found watching Delta to be just so tedious. I'm not much of a Mac2 fan, but honestly, I'd rate Mac 2 above Delta in terms of storyline. It was compact, it didn't drag, and although it was just a rehash of the original (more or less), it's compactness made it more tolerable. That said if Kawamori really wants to focus on fighters and aerial combat, my idea for Jenius Air would probably line up well with that concept, imagine Jenius vs Jenius (i.e. their twins going at it against each other). They can always have music in the background, ranging from Minmay, to Sharon Apple, to Mylene... Here is to hoping the next Macross series is better designed and thought out.
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