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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. Call me old-fashioned, but I demand to see the spinning move. That's a really feel like wonder woman without it. It was definitely cheesy, but that was the 70s for you.
  2. It would be a travesty to have F-14s being shot down. Those birds can't help who owns them No, it should be NK. Fat Kimmy and his super stealth fighters... ok, supplied by Iran. Ice: "Mav, I got no lock" Mav: "Don't worry, I got him, Ice, just break right on a count of three." Yeah, I know, that didn't make any sense
  3. No, it cannot possibly be Chinese aircraft, because Hollywood needs the Chinese audience, do you want the movie to get banned in China? No, the better bad guy would be either some unnamed middle east regime backed by the Russians (but we have to be sensitive nowadays), or more likely the North Koreans (nobody likes fatty kimmy, and there is no cultural sensitivities around NKs). So, I'm looking forward to the North Koreans with their homebrew Sukhois.
  4. Poor Iceman, if he had only achieved the same degree of box office success as Maverick, it would be a whole different ball game right now. I am sure they can show a screen shot of the F-14 in a museum somewhere, and then there will be a dialogue between Ice and Mav about how "I'm getting too old for this crap." That'll be fan service for old folks I suppose.
  5. Ha ha, that's just so retro, it's the new millenia, I guess Capt Kirk is just getting with the times.
  6. "Why, Wonder Woman, I had no idea you were so into bondage... I submit." So says Capt. Kirk
  7. this is probably their take on Parker losing his Tony made suit, and then going with a home made one, with a hoody and all. may be a nice homage.
  8. I thought that was screwy. Eel. It was slippery in ep 1 for sure.
  9. sorry, no sub, no watch first one, who is Capt. yamanami?
  10. Yep, the Thor movies could use a little more excitement. Loki is the best thing about those movies, and poor Natalie Portman looks like she is about to have another "Anakin, you're breaking my heart" moment. I was surprised to find that internationally, the second Thor movie help it to outpace the first two Irons Mans.
  11. I would be curious to see how they write Carrie Fisher out of the movie, and whether or not Luke bites the dust. After all , for the torch to be passed, the predecessor has to go away somehow.
  12. I would love to see the F-23 make a come back. It would get another aerospace company to do air frames. I don't think NGC is currently putting together any airframes, are they? unfortunately, at this point, the F-23 would be like a new development.
  13. It's actually Multirole Oordiance Delivery platform (and in very small print, two at a time if you don't want to compromise Stealth). But then there was another interesting tidbit today on flight global: https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/air-combat-commander-hints-at-rapid-acquisition-for-435696/ This could be a way to think about the return of F-22. Or it'll be another major disaster for USAF acquisition.
  14. dumb question, does the brits even have a real aerospace company any more that does everything end to end? oh wait, the article said study... well, at least Japan has real production capabilities thanks to Mitsubishi
  15. is that Batman building up the Javelin in that one trailer? I do indeed like Bruce's answer to Flash's question... "What's your super power again?" Very funny. It was also interesting that they actually managed to make Cyborg look like a silver iron man in just one scene. So, this is going to end in some kind of really massive battle right? Cause one of the quick snips were the Amazons getting into it with Darkseid's forces. Somehow, I feel like this is getting rushed. And as interesting as Batffleck is, I think Balebat would have been better.
  16. The tooling and the procedures are one thing, but it'll be very difficult to restart the process, the people have all been shifted away over the last ten years. (read very expensive - Thanks Bob Gates) So as much as I would like to see it happen, it is highly doubtful. I wonder what happened to the days when the USAF said that they could commit to just 729 F-15s over the life time of the program and ended up with I think 800+ units, not including the 200+ F-15Es. I wonder if the F-35 will ever get into the thousand plus as originally projected.
  17. The entire idea of keeping the F-22 for US use only was stupid, as was the decision to give a sole source for the JSF. One of the things that I've heard was that the Boeing aircraft was actually similar in terms of performance, but one of the selling points against Boeing was the fact that it's plane looked like a pregnant version of the A-7. The F-22 technology would have been developed elsewhere eventually, sharing that technology would've actually enabled Lockheed to sell the plane out to countries like Japan and Israel. It would have forced the US aerospace companies to be more innovative, fortunately, innovation hasn't died, it just shifted over to the commercial space. I wonder if there would be any chance to reverse the industry consolidation that happened in the 90s, although that is highly doubtful. Boeing has done a piss poor job on the defense side, not really any new products on the defense side, everything "new" had been some form of upgrades from acquisitions (F-15, F-18, AH-64), and changes from civilian models (P-8, KC-46), and did I mention, no more C-17s (now people have to count on Lockheed for military airlift, at least they won't close down the C-130 line).
  18. I'm going to do a minor rant here, saw the following article in Flight global, the planners at the USAF must have completely lost their minds. Letting F-16s take place of F-15s is just pure stupidity. https://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/usaf-calls-plans-to-retire-f-15s-pre-decisional-435480/ It's really odd how the USAF is managing to put all of its air assets into just the F-35 basket. If someone took a look at the litany of military aircraft lines shut down since the 90s; it is no wonder America's manufacturing capacity is going to heck. Let's see: - No more A-10 (Company bought) - No more F-14 (Company bought) - No more B-2 (Company have not built new aircraft for years) - No more B-1 (Company bought) - No more F-117 (Company focused on F-35) - No more F-22 (Company focused on F-35) - Nearly end of the line F-18 - Nearly end of the line F-15 - Nearly end of the line F-16 It's kind of crazy. But hey, don't worry, we have a magical cure all bullet called the F-35. end of rant.
  19. I realize, but what I meant was just a straight up remake.
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