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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. duh, have you ever heard of sleeping beauty.....
  2. Lady M is probably Milia secretly taking on a new persona to boss around Max. All the rest of it is a big smokescreen to make people think she is someone else. 🤣
  3. The only Megaroad-1 story that makes sense now is if they set it up as the future antagonist. All along you thought you were fighting for the good guys, when... surprise, you have been fighting for the bad guy. Delta really does screw up everything doesn't it? This whole crazy Lady M thing came from there. In the vain effort to capitalize on nostalgia, the franchise is going to self destruct.
  4. Just shut up and by the new blue VFs, otherwise, your collection will never be complete. And if you don't buy the red Valks, think how lonely the blue valks will be, or their offspring Purple Valks. 🤣
  5. Ok, I was kind of joking about the garage full of red and blue Valks, but not really that much with why Max got the YF-29. Cause let's face it, if you had a prototype uber fighter, who would you want flying it or testing it? Answer: the best pilots you can find, and my guess is Max still fits that bill, and Milia is probably not too far behind. Age not withstanding, Unlike the Gundamverse, top notch experimental mecha is not accidentally handed over and then kept by snot nosed punks who has not one bit of military experience. As for Delta, they should be thankful that Max blew them away in a YF-29, because at least that's an excuse they can use, he was flying the better plane, a gen 6 vs a gen 5. what would be far more humiliating is if Max decided to come out in a VF-1 and wiped the mat with them, which would you rather go with? Grandpa beat me in a superior machine, or grandpa spanked with me in a fighter that hasn't seen active service in 40 years. That's an equivalent of having an F-4 shooting down a squad of F-35. If anything, the writers did Delta a favor having Max beat them up in YF-29. Think how much complaints people would have if he was in a VF-4 or a VF-1. Let's face it, Max was the bright spot in the movie. If he overshadowed the rest of the plot and characters by being there, that's literally just telling people how badly the movie sucked.
  6. I want the VF-35 next, the Felonski equivalent. Cause Max and Milia definitely need those. If you don't have a blue and red variant of every VF, you are doing something wrong. Somewhere in the Macross universe, there is a very large building which matching red and blue painted Valk of every type ever, just so that we can have matching Max/Milia pairs. It's almost as ubiquitous as Jolly Rogers for VF-1. I always found it hilarious that NATO decided to give a ridiculous code name like Felon to the SU-57. Flanker, Fullback, those were decent names, Firkin, hey, I can even get behind that. Felon. Why don't they just call it F***face.
  7. In terms of how Max got his YF-29... the answer is simple, cause he is Max. Now there is a question probably somewhere about how did Milia get her YF-29... wanna know the answer? Cause duh... Max has one, so of course she gets one. How else is Bandai going to hawk a Red YF-29. Heh, most likely to split up 50 years running. I am curious to see what the performance of the VF-25 and VF-31 is compared to each other, and how those rank against the VF-27 and VF-31. Honestly, it feels like Kawamori decided to be like Sukhoi and go with a bunch of Flanker derivatives, starting with the YF-24.
  8. Oh, my other post got nuked... 🤕 Anyway, going back to the one question that I had, what is considered Macross F canon these days, the movie or the series? Cause the short made it look like the movie is canon, which kinda sucks. Max is what makes the Delta movie in my opinion, otherwise, it's reminiscent of the series. Mediocre. The schooling makes me wonder if Kawamori had an advanced screening of Top Gun: Maverick. The difference is in the planes as well, why the hell does Kawamori insist on adding more and more crap to the VF-31, or for that matter, any of the Valks. I mean at this point, those things might as well be flying bricks. It's like loading up a McLaren with extra spoilers, eyelashes for headlights, extra bling everywhere, roof racks. You may as well have called the thing Nu Gundam at this point. At least the Durandal had the courtesy of still looking like an airplane, and not a damned flying brick.
  9. Rogue One was actually pretty good from my POV. TFA was in general ok, and I would say Rogue One was basically the highwater mark for the Disney stewardship of the cinematic star wars universe. It all went down hill from there. Solo wasn't that awful, but then they brought on TLJ and whatever that last movie was. Sure it was a quantum improvement from TLJ, but as hard as it was going from 0 to 1; they are still a long way from 100... or even a 50. And TLJ was more like a -30.
  10. You know, I can imagine the pitch meeting where the Paramount exec went to Stewart: Faceless exec: So, Sir Stewart, that's the general outline of the new show with you front and center, and we are proposing a generous $400K per episode. What do you say? Stewart: Let me translate this for you, you guys are looking around at the TV landscape, Netflix is way ahead of the pack, Amazon Prime is offering tons of goodies beyond TV, Apple has pockets deeper than God, Disney is ringfencing their content, HBO is coming out with edgier and grittier, and at best, you bozos have some old shows that are on TV that you're going to flip onto streaming, and you really need an anchor that make you stand apart from whatever Fox or NBC is offering, a big name for your new streaming service, does that sound about right to you? Faceless exec: Well, we actually think... Stewart: shut up, here is my deal, take it or leave it, I get creative input, if the writers do anything I don't like, I get veto power, I set the direction of the show, and I do whatever the f*** I like, got it? Oh, and I have a list of people I want on the show. Frakes, he can cameo, so can Spiner, and Sirtis... ah, I know I also want Jeri Ryan as a regular, she's still pretty hot, and is a good draw for nerds with fantasies. And I want it in the contract to have at least four seasons. Faceless exce talk it over with his colleagues for a minute: Alright Sir. Stewart, we agree to your terms. You have creative control, you have the crew you want, and $400K an episode... Stewart laughs: who do you think I am? Orlando Bloom? $750K or I walk. Faceless exec: but... but... Mr. Stewart, we don't have that kind of budget. Stewart: sell your first born, loan your family out as sweat shop labor In Shenzhen, does it look like I give a sh**? Do you want the deal or not. Faceless exec: ok... you win. The Faceless exec leaves, thankful for the deal that'll launch the new streaming service. Meanwhile, Stewart cackles gleefully: at last, I will have the Star Trek I want. The Star Trek the world deserves.
  11. No cameos…. No attempt to bring in young Boba… no Ashoka, no Rex, no clone force 99, and no baby Mando, those are the things that will ensure this series does well. Ewan can make sure he continues to earn if he plays his cards right.
  12. Well, with inflation these days, everybody needs more cash. Even Q. I mean Stewart probably signed away his appearance so that there can be future Picard shows with his likeness. This way, he can keep the gravy train rolling whilst he is still in this world. Ol’ Pat likes his lifestyle, and that kind of lifestyle must be maintained with cash flow. 🤣
  13. stop knocking the Borg Queen, they could afford the effects, they were too busy spending that money on Annie Wersching, she hasn't had a decent role since 24; getting her into the Borg queen custom is the last chance to revive her career... 😅
  14. And in non Ukraine related aviation news: https://www.military.com/daily-news/2022/03/03/navy-recovers-sunken-f-35-jet-crashed-off-deck-of-carrier-south-china-sea.html/amp well, that was fast, must have been some interesting stuff aboard to get the plane recovered that fast from the S C Sea. Wonder how close the PLAN got to it. And also if there were any extracurricular activities as well.
  15. Weren’t they trying to squeeze six movies out of this series? JK needs to be paid some more… so, they are probably saving Tina for ep 4,5,6, unless the actress honked off the wrong producer.
  16. How about Star Trek 4; Multi-versal cross over, that seems to be all the rage these days. We can have ST:P Picard meet Shatner Kirk meet Pines Kirk; it would be frigging epic. Oh, and throw in Q, cause you can never get enough Q.
  17. Yeah, Disney needs to partner with…. Or he’ll, just plain buy EA. Then they have access to all of the BioWare content. did you see the new Old Republic trailer? I’d watch a series following along Darth Malgus no question. As long as they don’t have him see the light side or turn him into some whiner whose introspection made him see why his life was lived in the wrong way.
  18. I disagree. Reacher was pretty good. It was a 60% to 70% faithful adaption to the original book, But I wonder if it's too late for Amazon to get its money back for this show, but this doesn't seem like a great idea if one has to judge anything by the trailer. $1/4B for the rights, almost another $0.5B for the season, no wonder they had to raise the prices for Prime. Trust Bezos to screw up something else... wasn't it bad enough baldy is screwing up the race into space with the phallic rocket and his super ego? And removing a bridge in the Netherlands so his yacht can get to the open ocean. Why is he trying to screw up LOTR too. He is going to displace Zuck at this rate as one of the most hate person on Earth.
  19. Why not, it's his other iconic role... and he needs a fall back to pay the bills given how ST:P is received.
  20. The real sad part is, even with the ending at Mando season 2, Boba could have been a kick ass show. It could have weaved back into the rest of the SW world seamlessly. Heck, you could've even had an encounter between Boba and Luke one day and make that pay off. But instead... I can't wait until Kenobi meets Boba on Tatooine. 🤮
  21. The loading up on stereotypes comment isn't about Fennec being the lead character... its about the rest of the stuff I shoved in on what shouldn't be in a Fennec led show. Sorry, should've spelled that out more clearly. Especially the part of preferring profession as a lawyer or a doctor. As for diversity, I'm all for it... bring on multiple strong female characters, and while you're at it, do one on Finn, whose job is straight up screaming "Reyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" every 30 seconds, or Rose... whose trait is... uhhhh... being strong and willful. Obviously, the point here is that what they needed to do with Boba or any other series was actually have an interesting story, not the garbage that came out of it. But hey, at least he shot Bib Fortuna, that was an upside. Oh wait, that wasn't even in this show... ha ha. BTW, shoving Mando into the middle of the Boba series was definitely not a reaction to the audience feedback, I figured they had this stuff written and all shot long before the first episode was ever released, my guess is that the whole thing was pulled in because they were either universe building or they decided that the Boba story was so damned boring that they have to bring in the cameo cannon to keep up interest. Literally, how the heck did anyone take one of the more interesting Star Wars character, and just mess him up so badly.
  22. Haha, the drinker pretty much hit this right on the head. I do think it would have benefitted Disney to do a Fennec series instead, as long as they keep her character the same and we don’t find out that she is also a single mother with several adapted kids (non human of course… cause… diversity) one of whom aspires to follow in her footsteps but she’d prefer college and a profession as a lawyer or a doctor instead. Haha, talking about loading up a show with stereotypes. certainly, a Fennec show would parallel an Ashoka show with a strong female lead. (Another box for Disney to check in the age of virtue signaling)
  23. Let me ape the reaction from last week’s ep a bit…. CAD-FREAKIN'-BANE! OMG I am fanboying so hard I am going to cream myself…. Ok, nobody actually said that last week. To the nugget this week, where the titular badass show up at the last minute to have an epic fight cause He was too cool to fight with the rest of the posse… just to be beaten down by an old dude way past his prime. And what the hell was is with the piggy guards, why even have that scene considering nobody gave a crap about those two…. Does anyone even care that they are pancake? This ep was like some junior script writers somehow got the keys to the Ferrari and one of the most bad ass names in the Star Wars galaxy and turned it into an episode of Sponge Bob. Literally, WTF…. Well, the good thing I guess is that we will never see another season of Boba now that he is safely tucked away and fading into senility on Tatooine. At least there is something positive that came out of this series. well, I am so happy that we got to see the kinder, gentler Boba, don’t know how SW was ever possible without that version of the most infamous bounty Hunter in the galaxy.
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