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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. not yet, seem like those guys are still working on it. Although the raws have been around for a while now.
  2. 80 J, according to what I heard on the drone digest podcast. The EU came up with a pretty interesting overriding rule which drone has to be registered. If the drone can impart a maximum of 80 J or more on a human body, it must be registered. I have to say, this is a pretty novel way to think about things. Rather than registering based on size or mass. Drone have to be registered based on the amount of damage that it can do going at its maximum velocity. I am curious how they come up with the definition and conditions for velocity, but I like the scheme.
  3. no way, now Infinity War is just perfect to transit out the old, Goodbye RDJ, Goodbye CE, Goodbye MR, Goodbye CH... and bring in the new blood, find some new guys to be X-men, and oh, we can keep RR. Cheap guys hopefully. Transferrance will just happen.
  4. Looks like there are two Rodans from the trailer. And the king still seems to have no arms... sad.... As for Godzilla, shouldn't he be collapsing into a heap from his own weight? The fatty.
  5. Remember, building the future is all about tearing down the past. What was acceptable yesterday is abhorrent today. It's the case today, and will be the case in the future. Consider the movie Dr. No, there was a scene where James tells his helper (a black guy) to go fetch his shoes. Today, the screen writer would be fired for even thinking such a thing. But back in the old days, it was considered acceptable. People and the times change. Now, thanks to social media and the internet, everyone is an a-hole to someone. Too bad the public as a whole has taken on the persona of the thinnest skinned jerk that happens to be online and that's what sells. That said, Gunn did some outstanding work with GoG, it'll be interesting to see if he can be "rehabilitated" in the eyes of Hollywood. Hopefully, Disney will do something and promote some new talent to take over GoG. Well, they only have one more GtG movie to go.
  6. You mean like a bunch of monkeys? If so, I'd agree. But the problem is that with the internet, it is literally so powerful that taking it away from people will enable all sorts of negatives. Only if the Winter Solider doesn't get to keep his arm, I wonder if Rocket can get Cap's shield. But I do hope that GoG is a stand alone without extras or anything like that. While I think the Thor/GoG part of IW was hilarious, Marvel shouldn't go to that well too often. Team ups should be selective and meaningful, not every Captain America need to pull in all the cast of the Avengers.
  7. So, in that last shot, was the various airplanes flying in formation with Godzilla? Not that Godzilla could fly or anything, but if Godzilla was a Macross, and those planes are flying around. You know what I mean. Were they like on the same side going into a fight with the real King, Gidorah... and hence the images of those planes getting trashed by the King...
  8. Hopefully it'll be an empowering movie just like WW. Don't ask me who it should be empowering, if I had to guess, I would say fish. But only to the extent that they should strive to be tastier on the dinner plates.
  9. Only if they bring back Sarah Michelle and then brutally kill her off mid season in a non-resurrectable way to help permanently establish the main character
  10. I like the idea of Taika taking over GoG3. He did a fantastic job with the last Thor movie. A little new blood would be refreshing. Too bad about Gunn, he did make a pretty good pair of movies, after all, GoG was never really as popular in Marvel comics as the other brand names like X-men or Spiderman. His movies were certainly better than the Iron Mans and the first two Thor movies.
  11. Why would they want to when they can basically spam warships. I think I can demoralize an enemy enough by just suddenly showing up with bucket loads of warships. Just have the right copy machine and its easy. Although they haven't said as much, those guys probably 3D printed all of the DNs
  12. I would guess the destruction of Saturn doesn't mean much to the solar system. I mean, literally the mass of Saturn didn't disappear, it's still there, just scattered. However, the addition of Gatlantis to the system could be a big problem, because it's like literally adding another Neptune size planet, it'll screw some things up for sure. But since this is Yamato, we'll just handwave this stuff away. Although it'll be really cool if they didn't.
  13. True, but the original didn't make the WMG such a big deal. It's 2199 that made WMG such a big deal. The injunction by Starsha, the endless complaining about Kodai on whether it's ok to use the WMG, I mean it was literally the first half. Then, practical reality threw out the rationale for not using the WMG. I personally think Weapons of Mass Gratification (WMG) should be used as often as possible. But oh well. I am more interested in the first two episodes, seem to be lot of Desslar developments there. Will see if the sub makes this any more interesting
  14. Hmmm, the raw is out, and I have to say, Syndrom was right: "When everyone's super, no one will be." Remember when the WMG was a big deal? Remember when a ship was sunk, it was a big deal? (Ok, I don't remember that either with all the fodder we've seen), but the cookie cutters really went to overdrive in ep 17 and 18. Sigh... I'm just hoping the subs will make this more interesting.
  15. Ok, that looked like Firefox repainted from the front. Do you have to think Russian to fly it? Their power point looked entertaining, although I like the idea that they built this thing with FAST packs in mind. Still waiting for overwing mounted FAST packs, guys. That's the only thing about the power point which might get me excited.
  16. They can't afford to cheap out. ScarJo is expensive, think she raked in $20M for age of Ultron, probably just as much for the Infinity Wars, and more. They might be able to get cheaper enemies, fill in with Renner, and such, still not cheap, but not nearly as expensive. Jackson might be a no show because he is just too expensive even for a cameo.
  17. Then we can get Hawkeye again... alrrrrrrrrrrrrrrright. Just what the world needs, more Hawkeye.
  18. What? you guys don't like Luke drinking purple titty milk? How xenophobic.... Yeah, I do have to agree though, outside of Reylo fighting the guards, the movie pretty much sucked. Still glad Disney made a bunch of money though, because it's not like you can get it back. Imagine if movies were based on payment for satisfaction, Hollywood would've died long ago... or came out with some really good stuff.
  19. can the MV-22 fit into a C-5? I assume there is probably an amphibious assault ship or a base somewhere in Europe with Osprey in place. By the way, you guys did just have the 100 anniversary of the RAF, congratulations. I was over on your side of the pond as well this week, in France actually, and I commented to one of my British colleagues about whether they should've considered borrowing some Junkers, Heinkels, Stukas and Messerschmitts flying alongside the Spitfires to commemorate the finest hours of the RAF. May be have a mock dogfighter over Buckingham palace.
  20. Up to ep 13, Delta was quite watchable even tho there was still not enough mech action. Although if you've liked Frontier, Delta is a bit of a let down. Would suggest that you watch the first half unaided or with only moderate consumption. Then before starting episode 14, it would be a nice time to have a break anyhow, get into the good stuff, start with some nice wines, then go for the hard liquors. get a few bottles, so it'll last through the remaining 5 hours or so. Try a mixture of tequila, whiskey, vodka, old Bailey, etc. Have a drink every time there is a scissor on the show (you'll know what I'm talking about after the first few episode) or if the combat action is indistinct because of the explosions followed by the points of purple and green lights representing the fighters. Definitely have a drink whenever the full Zentradi who is reminiscent of Picolo from DBZis on screen. Then at the end of Delta, you would have had a fine experience, and you'll remember fondly Macross Delta.
  21. This looks fun... nothing is impossible, and nothing is what I do everyday
  22. No I'm not, I am thinking that Sideshow Bob need to reduce costs, and he is already paying RDJ, CE, CH, and MR too much, actually he should toss in SJ in there too along with SJ so that the costs keep going down. Then, the only guy who costs so much would be BC and CP. The rest can be new up and comers who the House of the Mouse can pay much smaller wages.
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