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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. The bad guys are still idiots. But it's less obvious this round than the last. But that's not exactly raising the bar that high. And by the way, hero, if you wanted to stop the map, just lightsaber it like the Sith wannabe, heck, she wouldn't even have been disarmed doing that. Or do a little force push to shove the ball into the ocean, you know, anyone of half a dozen things. But whatever.
  2. See, you have the right idea, when it is obvious to even the blind that the Franchise you spent billions buying is going down the tubes, the only thing left to do is toss more money at the problem. Desperate times... If it doesn't work, then well, Sideshow Bob wouldn't have lost anything by trying. What are they going to do, fire him? That would be like firing the Disney Jesus. Besides, Leia needs some updates anyway, I'm thinking a gender fluid character here. Han can be a crook with a moral compass, such as when he shoots Greedo, he actually breaks down and sobs, cause how would Greedo's mom feel? C3PO and R2 could constantly lecture all the characters about what is acceptable in polite society, and really, moisture farms, what will that do to the environment on Tatooine. (yep, definitely needs an environmental message here... and the Empire could be busy ruining the galaxy with their wanton harvesting of whatever is the oil equivalent in that galaxy long ago and far away) Luke can... well, actually Luke can stay like he is before, just import his cynical personality from The Last Jedi Luke. Heck, you could make Palpatine into an evil CEO of a galactic corporation that came to be the power behind the government. (gotta get the anti-capitalist bit in here) And TA DA, modern Star Wars.
  3. May be it's time to reboot all of Star Wars again. literally, start with a new Episode IV again, all new actors and actresses, except James Earl Jones of course. But with a modern touch.
  4. The 3rd episode just jumped the shark for me. Ashoka deflecting fighter blaster bolts is just utterly contrived and asinine. You know, there is this whole area on this ugly looking ship they can shoot at, and they just all happen to focus on the one area where Ashoka happened to be standing, and oh, by the way, get close enough for her to light saber one of those ships. Are they trying to outdo the Rey slicing off Kylo's tie fighter bit, which was equally pointless. I think Dave should've stuck with animation, it was better that way. Just like Disney to do live action and ruin the good stuff. Speaking of which, when are they going to do live action of Toy Story, there is the whole Pixar lineup that they could pillage. Can't wait for live action Bug's Life or Finding Nemo, those ought to be really good.
  5. nice.. I just listened to it, pretty good, remember watching May'n and Walkure do Bokura no Senjo, and Junna and May'n doing Diamond Crevasse. At least no Walkure singing my personal favorite: Iteza Gogo Kuji Don't be late
  6. Really? May'n and Megumi did Ikenai borderline? Wow, never new that... yeah, I agree. Frontier signers were just much better whenever you compare them, and May'n seem to be getting better with age.
  7. ikenai borderline could possibly stay on the playlist, right? it wasn't that bad.
  8. I am kinda curious about the strike thing. I mean the actor's guild I understand. But would a production stop for a writer's guild strike? Presumably the writing (meaning the script an variants thereof) for the movie is already done and ready, right?
  9. only if they made F-19 for real...
  10. Please no Gundamnization of Macross... ace pilots, yes, one off custom mechs, no (color variations excepted) Somehow, I'd like to have a grittier version of the pilot... another Dyson or Guld, may be. Definitely not another Immelman. I suppose we could always have Max again, but he'd be pushing 80 at that point.
  11. Thank God it doesn't have the same silhouette as the F-35 or the F-22. Now one has to hope it isn't just a one engine bird.
  12. $5 show? boy the crappy matinees around here are $12. I think I'll save my money, I saw Indy 4, and it was just disappointing to see a 60+ Ford in action, I don't want to see a 70+ Ford trying to eek out one last paycheck. I prefer to remember my heroes as they were. Like Indy in Last Crusade, McClain in Die Hard 2 or may be even 3, Arnold in T2.... none of the later stuff in the 00s and 10s where they were clearly out to milk the franchise for whatever it was worth. Call me old fashioned, but I liked the action heroes from the last millennium, they seem to have more drive even if they'd all be throwbacks and booed out of the mainstream for their attitude today.
  13. It's kind of odd, most of the singles movie in the current DCU wasn't that bad. WW84 aside. It's only when they try to add in the extras into the movie that things start to go weird. Well, whatever. Keaton batman wasn't bad, they should've had an opportunity to pull in the Balebat as well. Either way, it's what the Drinker said, they've milked the Superhero franchises to death at this point. If they try to squeeze out more milk with the tits of Marvel and DC, they might start getting blood. It was a great run while they had it. Put the stuff on the shelf, give it twenty to thirty years, and then reboot.
  14. uh... still a few more dollars to be rung out of the franchise? You know, I want the real king back... King Gidorah that is.
  15. gawd, if Beverly Crusher wasn't so ancient and let's face it, used, she might be waifu material. Well, at least Picard is going to be too busy with Laris As for why Jack ended up where he did at the end of the show... see above, let's just call him Colonel Jack.
  16. caught a little bit of this. Boy, is Patrick Stewart egotistical... everything has to revolve around Picard. Even JLP's dead body is a weapon, surprised they didn't extract something from Picard's balls in the process, and don't even get me started on how much contortion and twist of logic you have to have to get to this fleet wide assimilation BS using Picard's DNA. Why Picard's DNA, considering how many humans the borgs have assimilated, why not just some random schmuck who had been previously assimilated, surely the collective can find one human within their big borg ship to scrap off the DNA in his lobes? What is the time frame that passed between the start of this magical operation by the changelings to now? They sure worked fast pushing all of Picard's DNA to every ship in the fleet... I think one of the problem with STP is the fact that they try to use a season arc for story line instead of a bunch of one offs. They try to build it up to the next big thing, and inevitably all of it falls flat. And someone really needs to finally put the Borg out of the Star Trek misery, they've gone back to that well so often, it's amazing that there is still a well left.
  17. Yep, watched it over the weekend. It was one entertaining movie. The plot was a bit asinine if you stop to think about it for a minute, but hey, fun is fun. Movies are meant to be an escape from reality, not moral lesson.
  18. You gotta give the man props, still make some entertaining movies, and jumping out of a chopper at his age... well, I doubt many in Hollywood does that.
  19. Just wait until NGAD is tested and ready to fly, and then all of a sudden, the world hugs it out, the defense budget is slashed again, and the US ends up with 59 of those planes... After all, a lot can change in a few years. Nobody in 1988 could've foreseen the Last Supper coming or the Soviet Union falling after just a few years later.
  20. Ok, let's back up a second, P-8 is equipped with Harpoons, last time I checked, that's an offensive weapon system. And yep, the whole idea is that the 747 would make a good bomb truck on approach, because why do you need stealth when you can just paint a United coloring scheme or a Lufthansa one on top of it. Put some tick figures in the window, and doctor the electronic signature, who would know the difference. But in reality, that is not really needed, because if you have 1000 mile range on the ALCM (and I think there was at least a couple of variants that had even longer range), you'd just stand off and lob missiles from far away. Interceptors just aren't going to be flying out that far. I would say use the B-52s, except the problem there is that, those are even older air frames. Besides, if you're not down with the 747, we can always use the 777 or the 787. I heard the 787 is supposed to be very eco friendly with its lower fuel burn, but the 777 does have the advantage of larger cargo capacity. And more of them are in service as airlines. I know it's very cynical, but the people who gets to argue about this sort of stuff are usually the ones who won the war in the first place. The B-1R concept sounded a little bit out there, I remember that it involved adding AESA radars and AMRAAMs, and my first thought was... what???? B-1B to be fair is already a bomb truck, I wonder what more it would take to make it able to carry more weapons. I wouldn't be surprised if its bomb bays can already carry most of the munitions in inventory.
  21. It's also a bit redundant at this point, think about when and why stealth was conceived. In this day and age, you are better off with just a bomb truck, like what they were doing with the Rapid Dragon, except, even that concept is a waste of time, just get a dozen 747, convert them with rotary bay and strap some missiles on them. The concept was around in the early 80s, and it's perfectly viable, and you can go one better by automating the cockpit so that its a UCAV missile truck. Just stealth up the missiles a bit, and make sure it has an extended range. Even the original ALCM had 1000 miles plus range. Penetrating air defenses sounds good until you realize that stealth isn't quite as good any more against more modern air defenses, and as pointed out, with hypersonic missiles, you hardly need that penetration any more unless you have to have a man in the loop making last minute targeting decisions.
  22. If the writers actually had any guts, they'd have promoted Delta by having Max killed. Then having the cast, presumably Mirage, do something audacious and overcome whatever it is that killed Max. Although, given that they all suck as pilots, probably with a successful assassination attempt in the way to go, or may be he gets killed a la Fokker, but protecting Mirage or some such thing. Give it emotional impact. But, let's face it, if they had the balls to whack Max, Delta wouldn't have been so bad in the first place. The only thing that would horrify fans more is if Epsilon managed to kill Megaroad-1 and presumably the original triangle. May be an on screen death... or some such thing, but the story writers would have been too afraid of the backlash from such an act.
  23. One way to think about this movie is how desperate the producers were with trying to make Delta happen, you can practically hear them say: "tasukete, Max taicho" to be fair to Delta squad, it wasn't a four on one fight. Chuck was bushwhacked while he was gawking, Mirage gave up the moment she figured out she couldn't keep up with the boys. (and just sat there waiting to be shot) As for Bogue... well, Bogue is Bogue, you can slap the title Crimson Knight onto him, and he is still Bogue. As for Hayate... what can you say, he is a not as talented Camille in need of a slap down.
  24. So Sideshow Bob is getting a chance to undo some of his past mistakes? Cause KK was all Iger. So, Andor is done, cool, will binge it over the weekend.
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