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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. Ok, just a random thought to move away from the good v evil debate here. Would it be too much to hope for a follow on of Frontier? Or heck, revisit 7.
  2. Oh man, I see the Boeing hand could be problematic, Shanahan, the former Boeing exec, I wonder if he has divest all of his interests in the company. Don't get me wrong, I think having a 4th gen missile truck loaded for bear is an excellent thing. It could replace some of the existing F-15C, and possibly fill in the gaps for the F-22s in some ways. I just hope they don't mire this in some dirty politics. I hope they end up with a fleet of a few hundred. I do have to say, all the talk about command and control platforms when they talk about the F-35s does leave me to wonder where the shooters are going to come from in the future.
  3. But from what I remember, the F-15X is not ever happening, didn't the USAF already reject this concept?
  4. No, it is in the episodic format. It was just mind bogglingly disjointed in a lot of ways, I'm going to reserve final judgement until the subs come out, but it felt pretty horrible in terms of the actions. We'll just have to see.
  5. Be warned, below is a long rant, if you love Yamato 2202, don't click it, it's better for everyone involved that way.
  6. You know, if the perp had any brains, he would have gone to ground, and no one will ever hear from him again. Hopefully he'll be stupid and post this crap on social media, and then the law throws the book at him. I think he should get jail time, the amount of time should be equal to the manhours that are wasted by all the travelers at Gatwick, may be divided by ten (just so we can show that the law can be lenient). Speaking of anti drone drones... what they need is this Aeroguard. The funniest thing though are some of the experts they got on the news media, one of them actually said that having a surface to air missile to shot down a drone was a bad idea. (geez, do you actually even have to say that? thanks Captain Obvious) But realistically, this is one hell of a way to screw up things, imagine a more nefarious organization doing something of this kind, except with dozens of drones around the country all at once. No casualties, but still makes a horrible point of inconveniencing people and showing them how helpless they are. I suppose you could call this civil disobedience or non-violent protest. Updated: https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/22/uk/gatwick-airport-drone-arrests-gbr-intl/index.html If they got the right people, I hope they throw the book at them. In fact, several books.
  7. Well, if only Neeson was in the Marvelverse, this would be like a reunion. Actually, it would be a reunion if Neeson turned into Ruffalo or Hiddelston or Hopkins
  8. But here is my question... CAN IT FLY? Somehow I think we need a Kevin Bacon emoji here.
  9. If they bring back the Tomcats, they need to have Phoenix missiles, I'm sorry, I felt really robbed with the original Top Gun because all they used were sidewinders. I don't even think they shot a Sparrow.
  10. The scale is not too outrageous, you can actually scale out both the King and Big G very well since there is a visible Osprey V-22 right in between them. The wingspan is well known on that aircraft, and you can scale up both of these guys. The sizes seem to mesh very well proportionally with the Japanese series of movies. Which is pretty good. Godzilla is shorter, but more buff as opposed to the King, who seem to be larger, but more flimsy. You can kind of also infer Godzilla's size from movie one because he passed right under a Nimitz class carrier. Kong will have one big advantage over Godzilla in any fight, he is likely to be much more agile, and I wouldn't put it past him to go and poke G in the eye a la the Three Stooges. Kong's biggest defense is if Godzilla can't connect with his atomic breath. And big G's arms are also quite tiny compared to Kong's meaty paws. Oh, and did I forget to mention the lack of opposable thumbs.
  11. I don't know, I remember larvae Mothra having a decent range weapon with her silk, entangling both the King and Godzilla in various movies. Sticky but effective. Imagine being squirted with all that white stuff, and you didn't know what it was, wouldn't you be the least bit perturbed. And if I recall, in the 2000s, Mothra had the ability to project some kind of energy beam from her antenna. Mothra is more a distance kind of monster, all the physical stuff, so dull... so dull. Mothra is much more refined than that.
  12. wow, that looks weird, this doesn't quite look like the traditional Mothra. At least not the fuzzy version that we're used to, but may be they are just going for a new look. The old version had big blue eyes, and tiny little legs. This thing has legs that are way out of proportion, and eyes ain't blue. May be its a re-imagining. oh, hey, I just realized, they threw Zhang Ziyi in this movie too, quite a long way from CTHD and RH II. Of course, we have to get someone from China in there to draw in the Chinese crowd. Otherwise, Legendary wouldn't be doing its job. But she is nowhere near as popular as Fan Bing Bing these days.
  13. Mothra was always the most out there of the bunch, with the idea of the fairies dancing and chanting Mothra. Most of the other monsters were easy to understand, either big animals, evil space cyborgs or some other such thing. I wonder if they'll take to the guardian of the earth routine with Mothra, that's how a lot of this was done in Japan.
  14. Actually, it would be interesting if they do a bit of a cliffhanger... may be have the real King win at the end of this movie. Then, Godzilla goes into training mode a la Balboa in the next movie with King Kong. Then come back in a fourth movie and have a rematch with the King. I know that won't happen, but I hope they don't kill of the King like what they did to the MUTOs in the first movie. Also curious to see what they'll do with Mothra and Rodan. The latter never got that much exposure after the first movie, always a sideshow. The former had its own movies, but is still just second fiddle to Godzilla and even the King.
  15. heh, if the trailers are any hints, it actually looks pretty good. But Bumblebee still looks too much like Bayverse Bee. I hope they don't just kill off the Decepticons. I like the idea of having some named guys Blitzwing around.
  16. Yeah, the language is designed to make you feel like a schmuck if you're a human. It's like the character in question is a crazed environmentalist who would prefer to slag half the human population to "heal the planet." I think the right word is fanatic, one of those enlightened folks who think it's their place to tell others what's best for them. The funny thing is that this language is contrasted directly with Serizawa's comments about being Godzilla's pets. I saw it as another one of Hollywood's "messages," to be simply ignored by the guys who came up with it, because they are too busy snorting cocaine and objectifying women while in their private jets flying to Tahiti. Anyway, enough of the psycho babble... let them fight.
  17. So, I had it right, put the Macross in place of Godzilla, and Valks in place of F-35s, and we have DYRL. And of course, the real "King" is Golg Boddole Zer. I really like the line about people being Godzilla's pets.
  18. The trailer was very nice in that it showed not too much in terms of anything that could be considered real spoilers. I think one thing Disney might want to consider is basically doing no more trailers after this first one. Unlike the other movies, this Avenger is in the very unique position of not having to build up anticipation. This little bit is enough, after all, everyone knows that Tony gets out of that capsule, and Renner coming back is not a surprise, only the circumstances would be interesting. They need to really build this up by doing nothing and get the fan base really whipped up that way and see if they can pass up the $2.5B mark.
  19. My personal opinion is that they are better off waiting another five years for the next Macross series. and doing it correctly. More Frontier, less Delta.
  20. So, I saw that poster, higher, further, faster. And I couldn't help but think of a similar poster I saw at a trade show when I was sitting across from this other booth, it said, deeper, faster, and clearer.. my colleagues and I made fun of those lines for hours, substituting clearer for a bunch of other words. That's what that poster above reminds me of.
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