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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. I love this new video, catapulting Quidditch troopers. They should really rename this movie to: Rise of Skywalker: the final insult.... until we need to milk the fans again at this point, I hope the end of the movie involves time travel, sending Rey back in time to Tatooine to become Shmi Skywalker... because why not.
  2. Oh man, the way those Quidditch troopers gets launched looks painful. Hey there must be a ton of crew on those star destroyers, you think we can open a few Panda Express on those things? Even stormtroopers... excuse me, Sith troopers, have to eat.
  3. It might have been unflattering, but it literally fits considering the duckbill nose on that plane, but aesthetics I find is a matter of personal preference, Su-34 was the most flattering version of the Flanker line in my opinion.
  4. Well, I can’t remember where the name Panda Express came from, but it sure was funny. But the entire role was extraneous, they could have not had her and TLJ would have been almost as bad.
  5. Hehe, it just shows how that character is hated up to a level of Jar Jar and Ewoks. She was a redundancy in TLJ and added no real value other than to keep Finn company, and the whole Finn side mission was just dumb. this reminds me, who is the other girl next to her on the cover? Is she like a newbie put in place to balance out the human male to female ratio? They should have put in Phasma instead if that was the case.
  6. Life is full of little bonuses. Somewhere in Marin county, George is smiling. It’s just so wrong that the original has an Ewok in the cover, the new series has Rose, and somehow they didn’t put Jar jar on the cover for the prequel.
  7. Forgot Badger... because those are pretty cool... what do they do? They badger you to death like an annoying spouse.
  8. Are you serious? Felon? Who the hell came up with that. Of all the F names that could have been used, Felon? That is literally criminal.
  9. I wonder if that's because most Star Wars fans have become so jaded following the original trilogy that they all realize how Spaceballs was a much more entertaining replacement for the franchise than the spawn of Lucas post the original trilogy. Because let's face it, we got much more mileage out of Moranis and Pullman than we ever did with Christensen, Portman, McGregor, or Ridley. Spaceballs is a classic that only gets better with age... the SW follow ons, not so much, and it gets a little worse with every rewatching.
  10. Have to use the horses correctly, in a Calvary charge... across a star destroyer... in space. You know, the main problem is that with all these pretend plot twist, my brain just hurts. I am just waiting for the Kylo REN reacts video now.... at least we will get some entertainment out of this.
  11. Admittedly the first one with Jessica Alba wasn't all bad. Well, mainly, Alba wasn't all bad, the rest were meh....
  12. The funny thing is that given what's happened, Marvel is now going to start figuring out how to push Spiderman to the sidelines, they'll evolve it during the films, but in a way that still contribute to the MCU. And it makes Fantastic Four harder. Can you imagine the next big Spiderman success? Then Sony asks for more money again? Alternatively, Marvel buys out Sony Entertainment to get the rights back and bring all of Marvel home, and then sell Sony Entertainment again.
  13. Wait until thought control is possible; "You must think Russian..." "no,no no, you must think French..." "wait, wait, or is it, you must think in English..." "Dammit, don't forget, you have to think in Hindu too..." "Or if the aircraft happened to be build in China, or Japan, then Chinese and Japanese."
  14. Seriously, this reads like an ad written by Dassault.
  15. ha ha, I read that IGN review, you'd think they were expecting rainbow crapping unicorns. Or may be a broke-back Rambo. I wonder what they'll say about Dark Fate.
  16. inching ever closer to the circus.
  17. That article was the ultimate, what could've been. I think the USAF should define a set of requirements and stick with it. It is all about planning for the future, not the last war. In the last decade, it's been all about COIN, so you get these cute propeller driven things that can lug bombs, and now all of a sudden, it's all about peer threats from China and Russia. The USAF should just remember it's in the air dominance business, I think part of it should be at some point, CAS should be turned over to the army and the marines. Because I damn well guarantee that the army would love to get their own little air force with A-10s and AC-130s in addition to attack helicopters. That way, they aren't subjected to the whims of the USAF when it comes to ground support.
  18. That would be so sweet if they could revive the F-23 in that format. May be they can get the USAF to buy a few hundred after the fact.
  19. It is going to be a Desler focused story? New Voyages was that, but wonder what this will be like.
  20. 2205 eh? Hopefully it’s better than 2202. They need to have a decent story here and not focus on new models for Bandai to pump out. Give me standard dreadnoughts and Andromeda class ships. That’s enough. Don’t need 50 new classes of ships.
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