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Everything posted by kalvasflam

  1. That thing looked like a cross between the X-32 and whatever the hell that thing in the movie Stealth was. Although, i suppose the side view is more forgiving. White Emperor huh? They couldn't think of any better name at all? That's just stupid. They could've just called it the Big Ugly Fat F*** China Style.
  2. More money for the Rock.
  3. what the heck... are those Standards mounted on that F-18?
  4. Have to say, not sure who is scarier, Sister Sage or Butcher. One is a super genius, and the other is super committed. Poor Homelander, what will he do.
  5. My bad... this was done probably about a decade ago from what I can tell. But I thought May'n's version was just better. Just like her version of Ikenai borderline was better.... but that's just me.
  6. Question: I've seen May'n do a version of Only My Railgun, was this ever released as a single? She did a much better job at it than Fripside IMO.
  7. I don't like Keanu as a Jedi... while I might agree that he isn't the best at evil. my preference is still Sith.... and then Trinity... err... CAM character sees him, and they immediately realize that something is screwy.
  8. So, I would totally watch this if there is a trailer reveal of the Sith as Darth. Mr. Anderson. Then we go through an exposition and find out that indeed, this is the Matrix. Would think that Keanu Reeves would make an excellent Sith lord.
  9. On the other hand, if Disney made a series about how HK-47 creatively killed Jedi, I'd pay to watch that film. Everyone from snot nosed younglings and ever so wise jedi masters. cause, let's face it, it usually is more entertaining to have space wizards.
  10. At least it's diverse, you have a variety of different types of force users, wookies, sullust (?), Twileks, near human, human, more human... uh yeah.
  11. Very nice, where was this? Langley? FF tailsign would indicate that, but suspect FF tailsign fly all over the place. Interesting, the canopy is transparent, the last time I saw -22 was in Honolulu, it had a gold cockpit.
  12. Of course, it is less likely that Disney would actually find a way to buy Macross, but you never know, desperate execs do crazy things. But, little boys and girls, wouldn't you like to go on VF-19 the ride in Disney World. Think about what the business they could build, Disney branded VFs coming out like the old Yamatos or Chogokin, then have them mass produced in some sweat shop in SE Asia, Macross PS and Xbox games, wouldn't you like to be in the MMO of Macross online. How much would you pay for all of that.... if suddenly, you could actually get this stuff at your local Target instead of something seriously marked up in some obscured local Japantown shop or shipped through Amazon.jp. As for Disney develop original IP, yeah, I'm sure they could, but look at the crap they came out with over the last couple of years, do they actually think that would sell?
  13. yep, that's how it starts, some small streaming rights, but before you know it, little old Mickey will have his paw mitts all over Misa and Sheryl. After all, how much is HG worth? Probably pocket lint as far as Disney is concerned, and Disney needs content. If they thought they could get away with it, they'd buy Sunrise too.
  14. Dear Lil Bob, please do not F*** up Macross. Most definitely do not do a live action version with US rewrites. Hollywood has screwed up enough original material.
  15. I just want the real king back.... King Ghidorah that is.
  16. If we can build a sufficiently large bazooka for Kong, outfit him with a helmet, that'll be kind of cool
  17. So, wait, the main enemy can't possibly be the red ape. Seems like something Godzilla would just stomp over.
  18. movie should mimic real life. Moana 2, Maui turns heel. Goes and causes tidal waves cause his family has been disrespected by.... someone. 😄
  19. Given that Maui is a demigod, and a board member, he doesn't need to go through a Royal Rumble to get ahead of the son of an American fat ass. (included reference to real life as well as make believe, and yes, Dusty was a bit on the heavy side, and please a few new moves that isn't the same variation of the Stunner... insane elbow for example)
  20. Tom Cruise sequels has typically tended to be successful, although in reality, he has had only one franchise, and his other effort hasn't been. But you have my point, he shouldn't do it. Ford has been very unsuccessful with his Jones sequels, and he has had two of those that were just horrid. The hand of the mouse reaches far.
  21. Tom should actually take a hint here, put Top Gun on hiatus for another 20 years, and then come back, sure, he'll be 80, but this way he won't screw up the legacy that he has built up with some of his more iconic movies. What's next, "A Few Good Men, part 2" but no Demi, no Nick, no Kifer... This time, Caffey is actually sitting on the bench.
  22. Agree that ep 5 and 6 was better, somehow Filoni pulled his head out of his ass after episode 3, which was a total stinker. I am hoping Thrawn makes it back, there is a good part of me that hopes that this part of the universe wipes away the Disney trilogy. In fact, the only thing good about the Disney era of Star Wars was Rogue One. Stormtrooper with a fake face was creepy somehow, please show some of Thrawn's genius, hoping for something of a redemption here for SW under Disney.
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