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About mech9T8

  • Birthday 03/03/1975

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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. Nice! I had a hard time deciding between gigapower and fantoys. I ended up going with gigapower but only have snarl right now.
  2. Just picked up a MIB Yamato 1/48 VF-1J Super Max for a pretty good price. Prob bec it’s all about DX now. I always liked the look of this one. Will go well with my other Yamato 1/48’s.
  3. If that includes shipping, duty, taxes, etc. that is an amazing price. Congrats!
  4. Yes I bought from the local dude…lol. $540 CAD all in. Picking it up on Sunday.
  5. I got a full refund from Nin Nin and they didn’t seem to put up a big fight about it. Will be buying one locally at a lower price.
  6. If I get my money back I’ll prob buy from the guy on Kijiji.
  7. Good to hear you got a refund! I submitted a ticket as well. Hopefully this ends well.
  8. That sux! I’m not close to the 6 month mark from when I placed my order but I think it’s ridiculous that it’s been 2 weeks of “preparation in progress” with no updates. A voucher is not acceptable. Should be a full refund.
  9. Still no movement on my order either. Was really hoping it would ship this week.
  10. I checked my order status from Nin Nin and it says preparation in progress. At least it’s moving forward.
  11. I have to wait another week for Nin Nin to ship?! Lol.
  12. I ordered from Nin Nin. Didn’t hear anything yet.
  13. I ordered from Nin Nin. Didn’t hear anything yet.
  14. Good news! Did you get armour only or the set?
  15. Anyone get notification from Nin Nin Game? I was a little late to the game and preordered in July. Hopefully it will ship soon. All the pics are getting me excited!
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