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Everything posted by sh9000

  1. First trailer to be released with Star Wars TFA. http://comicbook.com/2015/11/11/first-x-men-apocalypse-trailer-to-be-released-with-star-wars-the/
  2. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    I would buy a VF-9 and a VA-3.
  3. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Awesome. Definitely getting it. My Valkyries have no problems.
  4. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Pretty much everything beatsing mentioned. My VF-1J Max still holds poses pretty well but my Armored VF-1J's joints are tighter and I like the additional metal parts.
  5. I took the shortcut. Haven't transformed the VF-1D yet.
  6. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    This is one reason I'm loving the Hi-Metal R line. I'm going to have some cool displays of hero and enemy mecha that can't be done in 1/60 scale.
  7. Thanks! Yep it looks awesome.
  8. sh9000

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    So awesome. There must be a super poseable pilot inside too.
  9. Very nice.
  10. Impressive. What if Bandai releases a 1/1800 TV SDF-1 after this? I'll definitely buy it.
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