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Everything posted by sh9000

  1. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    To everyone who has a Regult and has seen the Regult boxart in person. Is the Regult in the background meant to be a DYRL Regult or is it just the coloring of the art that makes it look that way?
  2. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Regults are almost here. A few packages are processing in customs.
  3. I wish I had Robert Stack's autograph but Jack Angel will do.
  4. Successfully cancelled my preorder for the VF-2SS with SAP at Amiami.
  5. So awesome. I wish I could go and see this all in person.
  6. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    That looks cool.
  7. sh9000

    Macross figures

    Maybe not GI Joe figures in the 80's but the Matchbox Robotech figures remind me of Mego's 3.75" Bo and Duke from the 80's so they were ok for their time.
  8. Nice pics. I can't wait to get my army.
  9. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice pics Saburo. Those are the wrong colored Regults.
  10. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah the Spartan and those Destroids are more 1/72 scale.
  11. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    The Conversion Kit might be a little shorter than the 1/100 models but both are still too short. I never finished building the Tomahawk but once I saw how tall it would end up I stopped.
  12. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Whoa that thread is pinned and I always miss it. Thanks for pointing out the thread. jvmacross do you have the Matchbox Power Armor to put in the group pic?
  13. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    I haven't built my 1/100 Destroids. I'm hoping the HMR Destroids are taller.
  14. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Since the first post of this thread doesn't have pics of the Destroids, Nousjadeul-Ger, and other Valkyries and Regults, maybe put those there as well.
  15. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    So these things only make 2 sizes?
  16. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah since the hatch can be opened and the cockpit is detailed I want to see if I can put a figure in the Regult AND Glaug. I just looked up that the little figure I have is from a line called Starcom.
  17. $400 is ridiculous. Even 3rd party combiner prices are ridiculous. They should be like $30 per limb member and $50 per torso leader.
  18. That's an awesome pic. I dream of a live action Macross movie that will sadly never happen.
  19. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm glad that Bandai is keeping Macross fans happy. SAL is so slow but I'm patiently waiting for mine to come in.
  20. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

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