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Everything posted by sh9000

  1. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    So instead of going through customs and getting sent to the next city, 1 of my HMR Regults was accidentally sent to the other side of the country. 11 days later and it's back in my state. What a trip.
  2. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    I would definitely buy a HMR VF-1A TV Max.
  3. I don't think the X-Men's black armor are their only costumes. I think all of them will have costumes reminiscent of comic book style costumes. Quicksilver looks like he has a lightning bolt on the front of his costume and Mystique's is white like her old school comic book costume.
  4. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice pics. That VF-1A TV Max is cool. Yeah the HMR is the best out of the 3.
  5. That's awesome.
  6. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    I doubt that this line is not doing well.
  7. Bring on the Reactive Armor next year and the Spring sale on it afterwards.
  8. http://www.hlj.com/product/TKT83165/Sci http://www.hlj.com/product/TKT83172/Sci Not bad.
  9. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Maybe the DYRL Regults, if they get released, will be Tamashii webshop exclusives as well.
  10. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    I'd buy both of those.
  11. MAMEs were cool. I used to love playing arcade games on my computer back in the day.
  12. There is still hope for Marvel TV to be included in the Marvel Studios films. I'd be down for the Netflix characters but would be ok without Agents of SHIELD. http://comicbook.com/2016/03/08/there-is-still-hope-for-marvel-tv-to-be-included-in-the-marvel-s/
  13. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    7 of my Regults have safely arrived so far. Still waiting for the 3 from Amiami which has been the slowest to arrive. Also getting 1 more from CDJapan.
  14. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Perhaps after the Glaug, Monster, Destroids, and some more enemy mecha, people who skipped the VF-1 will buy some.
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