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Posts posted by sh9000

  1. There's got to be a way to take off the nose cone =/

    Maybe one of the modelers will know the best way to attack this?

    A lot of parts are connected with pins but I'm definitely not going to try to remove them on such a small figure.

    All of you guys who have a 1/60 Regult model kit are lucky. That's one thing I skipped when it was available a long time ago. Too bad no company will make a 1/60 Regult toy.

  2. Sweet picture, sh9000! Something I've wondered, is the 1J GBP's headsculpt a new one? Compared to the Hikaru 1J I thought it was a new sculpt, but next to your Max 1J they seem identical. Perhaps the grey googles are making me think it's a new sculpt.

    Thanks. It's the same headsculpt.

  3. I tried swapping Battroid parts but sadly the armor won't work on my VF-1J Max. Oh well. Still loving this line and the armor clicking together like Yamato's is so cool.


  4. Happy surprise, apparently I had 3000 CDJapan points lying around so I just scored this much cheaper than expected. Yippee... and to bed I go.

    That's awesome.

  5. Woo hoo got my 2 Armored VF-1J's today. I'm going to try swapping Battroid parts and try to put all of the armor on my VF-1J Max.


  6. Has anyone here seen "The Rogue Cut" of this film? Once you get past the second act, it becomes a very different movie...

    - After Wolverine takes the mobsters' car, the girl he was sleeping with tries to tag along, but he tells her to split.

    - As Kitty is losing a lot of blood due to being accidentally cut by Wolverine, Professor X, Magneto and Iceman head to the former X-Mansion to spring Rogue. Iceman is incinerated by the Sentinels during their escape. Professor X shakes a Sentinel off the X-Jet, but its severed hand clutches to the aircraft and acts as a homing beacon for other Sentinels to find the X-Men's hideout.

    - Rogue absorbs Kitty's powers and takes over in keeping Wolverine in the past.

    - Mystique does not fly directly to Washington, D.C.; instead, she goes back to the school and makes out with Beast before sneaking in the basement and destroying Cerebro. They still figure that she's headed for D.C., anyway.

    - A new mid-credits scene shows Bolivar Trask imprisoned in Magneto's former cell.

    Overall, the Rogue Cut doesn't do much to improve the already excellent storyline; it's just there to shoehorn in Rogue's scenes.

    I've watched and love both versions of the movie.

  7. 6800 yen + tax = 7344 yen. More expensive than I expected but it is also quite big.



    Cool but it looks a little short.

  8. If Bandai's Hi-Metal Regults are truely 1/100 scale, then I'm keeping my Toynami Regults since they'll scale better with the Hi-Metal VF-1's.

    But I'll still buy at least one Hi-Metal Regult. If the Hi-Metal R line is going to go anywhere, it's going to need all the help that it can get.


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