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    In my haters' heads where I'm living rent-free.

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  1. Arcadia (R-cadia). R for reissue.
  2. There are 2 HMR VF-1J Max listings on Mandarake. What Bandai really needs to do is make Max and Milia VF-1J Revivals with the proper blue and white and red and white, side covers, and TV arm armor.
  3. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Agreed. This will probably come in a thicker box with new box art and the schematic sheet but it will be my first HMR Macross release that I'm passing on. Unless they're building up funds to finally release the Tomahawk and Phalanx.
  4. Same. I'm also happy with my HMR VF-0S and VF-0D.
  5. This series had a good run.
  6. Listed as opened probably because the reissues didn't come sealed but this was still in new condition.
  7. sh9000

    DX VF-27 Revival

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