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Everything posted by n3ptune

  1. I think that it is just an artistic variation on the fast Packs. Also, the purple blur, is THAT the macross in "ship" mode or whatever? That's the first thing I thought it was - a blurred/stylistic Macross.
  2. Okay, who has the rights to distribute DYRL and flashback 2012 in the US? I would love for AnimEigo to make a complimentary DVD to their macross series with a nice, remastered, and wonderfully subtitled version of DYRL and 2012 on one disc. I would buy it. Who else would buy it? So the question: Why can't this happen? (PS: If I'm an idiot, and such a thing exists, please direct me ASAP!)
  3. The same way your car controls valve timing, detonation, braking, and acceleration with only two pedals. it's automated!
  4. Good news for those who care - I had ordered a boost gauge for my car. Turns out, it was not shipped as promised and is a month late: well, it goes out now on overnite shipment, and they gave me half of my money back. The result: I ordered the animeigo set from dvdsoon.com for 100 bucks! Lucky break, huh? Now I can sell my robotech DVDs to my friend and I only lose 10 bucks, but come out on top .
  5. I already have a copy of DYRL, no worries there. I also would not pirate a company's efforts to finally give fans what they ask for. I am just trying to justify spending 180 bucks on DVDs. If I do buy the boxset I will of course sell my RT collection. I'm only 18, but heck its only one paycheck....right guys? I mean, it's only money! My parents definately wouldn't understand my need for 180 dollars in 80s cartoons, but then again, I move out in less than two months. I could always wait until then. Oh well, I'll try and continue to justify the purchase in my head. The real question is: what's better? car parts or anime!
  6. I have the robotech:Macross Saga on DVD, but I really want to see the original, subtitled Macross uncut. I can't spend $180 on an Animeigo boxset! Does this mean I'll never see Macross the way it was meant to be seen? ~Hopeless fan
  7. I have recently bought/watched the remastered robotech Macross saga DVDs. I have also recently watched DYRL and Macross Plus and am ready to enter the world of macross. I want good, original macross subs, but I cannot afford them. I want to know about the differences between SDF Macross and Robotech:Macross Saga. For instance, the original content in the Robotech episode "Robotech masters" intrigues me.Are there japanese transcripts I can read? Also, a specific question: If Khyron wasn't getting "protoculture" to repower his battleship, what was it?
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