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Everything posted by lt.actionjackson

  1. It's only a matter of time before the cross over comic movie in my opinion. We've already seen them use multiple baddies to try to "improve" a movie franchise, so someone is working on it. I know that there was a Batman vs. Superman idea that was floating around for awhile.
  2. Woah....eyes burning more....Obi Wan leaves Anakin there!!! Wassup wit dat??? He refuses to help him up??? Must see finished film....
  3. Wow Bsu! The book has already been leaked? Eyes burning....must forget before premiere....2 months.....just 2 months....
  4. Only if Joel Schumacher is directing Spidey 4. *ducks incoming fire from A1*
  5. Is that why I keep finding my valk in my wife's nightstand?
  6. That thing is awesome. I wonder if he's tried to sell it to a naval museum or even to a naval base. That thing is just begging for some valks to be put down on the flight deck.
  7. Well, that's the best reason to be a sicko perv I've heard in awhile. Enjoy the teens man because once they're over everyone just thinks you're some kind of old sicko perv. Then they want you to go to therapy....or jail
  8. That looks more like something from McFarlane's monster line than a Kenner toy.
  9. He'd better watch out or kensei or godzilla might try to buy him
  10. Woah dude, you were the one bringing up "happy tunnels"??? Aren't you like 14? I guess a sick mind is a terrible thing to waste.
  11. I agree. The jedi of this period in the Republic have become too comfortable; I'm pretty sure Yoda says something to that affect during EpII.
  12. Of course it would, but only if it was 1/1 scale.
  13. This will probably be written off as soon as Vader awakens in the suit. Palps: Arise Lord Vader... Vader: (poo pahh) Who??? Palps: You, you pile of bolts@ Vader: Oh, okay....
  14. My wife really enjoyed X2 so I briefed her on X3 some time ago and told her about Dark Phoenix. She scrunched up her face and said "She can eat stars?!?!" Lately I've been wondering how they plan to pull this off in the movie without only catering to fan boys. I'm sure the joe shmo target demographic will get off the train once she starts consuming star systems.
  15. I'm pretty sure Obi is just doing the "certain point of view" angle. He never did own a droid, except maybe R4. Luke asked him if they were his and Ben just says"I don't remember ever owning a droid."
  16. I'm pretty sure that Darth Tyranus is Count Dooku's Sith name.
  17. Unrealisitc, or greedy? I'm voting for greedy. And maybe even vengeance against their former director for jumping ship and going to the Superman project. Isn't Superman slated to open in the summer of 2006?
  18. I agree that Cyclops has to have a large role in the movie. How do you do the Dark Phoenix Saga without Cyclops? Cyclops is a big part of Jean's life. Are they going to rewrite history and make this another Wolverine centered movie? If they can't get Mardsen when they need him because of his commitment to the Superman project, just push the project off for another summer.
  19. To me the roll call change up has more to do with the setup leading to Anakin/Vader. It could be argued that each 2nd to Sidious/Palps had elements of Vader in them.
  20. Well, I agree the writing hasn't been oscar winning. I'm still mystified that good actors still couldn't deliver a competent performance though (Neeson, Jackson, McGregor). I have to wonder how much of that is a fault in the director's chair. However, when I originally saw Ep1, I realized that Lloyd had atttended the Mark Hamill school of acting.
  21. Wasn't the kid from the 6th sense up for that part too? At least that kid can act. He does creepy pretty well too. Instead of creepy, we get saddled with GLs poor decision making. Oh well, hopefully he'll make it up to us in two months.
  22. Well, it could be argued that the real bad guy Palps/Sidious has been the only bad guy present since episode 1. And I do agree that the flow of the prequals has been less than pleasant. I think Jake Lloyd's involvement could have been cut to half an hour in episode 1 and we could have just jumped to Christensen and further along in Anakin's story. Instead, we're saddled with a loooong pod race and clunky lines. This would have left episode 2 to tell some stories from the clone wars instead of getting the animated series. Then Ep3 could have been what we have now.
  23. I know it's a story, it's never been about science in the star wars universe. It's just a little crack in my suspension of disbelief. Yeah, we could probably clone a human if we really tried, but we're not as advanced as the Kiminoans!
  24. Huh? They can clone an entire army, thousands of soldiers, and travel across the galaxy at faster than light speed, and certain members of the galaxy can channel the mysterious force. Now one would suspect they could clone a limb or two.
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